The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman

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The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments - C. Shealy Norman

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any illnesses with Heat signs. It is one of the “Three Yellows,” which are often used together for severe infections.

      HOW TO USE

       Huang Bai is particularly good for Damp Heat symptoms in the bottom third of the body, such as yellow, smelly vaginal discharge, foul-smelling diarrhea, or dysentery. It is also used for red, swollen, and painful legs, and Damp Heat jaundice. It can be used for menopausal symptoms of hot sweats, or for afternoon fevers at the end of a long illness or when withdrawing from illicit drugs. It is good for leg ulcers which require antibiotics. It is a weaker (and cheaper) version of Huang Lian in its antimicrobial effects.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Warm

      CHANNELS Lung, Spleen, Stomach


       Drains Damp Heat, particularly in the Lower Burner: use Huang Bai for Damp Heat leukorrhea (vaginal discharge).

       Detoxifies Fire Poison, i.e. toxic sores with pus in them.


       Contraindicated in cases of Spleen Deficiency, with or without diarrhea (Spleen Deficiency must be diagnosed by a qualified TCM practitioner).



      This herb is one that transforms Phlegm, which in TCM is the accumulation of thick fluid mainly in the respiratory and digestive tracts, but which may occur in the muscles and other body tissues.

      HOW TO USE

       Ban Xia is one of the main herbs for drying Damp, and is used for abdominal and epigastric (upper abdominal) bloating and nausea, or for a stifling feeling in the chest due to Phlegm Damp—it is often used with Chen Pi. It can be added to prescriptions to avoid nausea from other herbs. It reduces any lumps or obstructions caused by Phlegm in the body.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Warm

      CHANNELS Lung, Spleen, Stomach


       Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, and helps rebellious qi to descend; it is one of the main herbs for coughs with sputum. It helps the Spleen to dry out and so produce less mucus.

       Harmonizes the Stomach and stops vomiting: it takes qi down so helps Phlegm Dampness in the Stomach that rebels upward and causes vomiting.

       Dissipates nodules and reduces lumps: use for nodules caused by Phlegm lingering, such as goiter or lumps in the breast.


       Contraindicated in bleeding, coughs due to Yin Deficiency (dry coughs) or depleted fluids—it is very drying. Use with caution. In very large amounts, it is somewhat toxic (causing nausea), but can be cured by ginger.



      This herb relieves coughing and wheezing. Like other cough remedies, it treats the manifestation (presenting symptoms) of the problem, and therefore needs to be combined with other herbs that treat the root cause.

      HOW TO USE

       Like Xing Ren, Jie Geng can be used for a wide variety of coughs, especially for coughs caused by external pathogens, either Wind Cold or Wind Heat. It is useful for loss of voice, especially when this is caused by external Heat drying up the fluids in the throat. However, when combined carefully, it can be used for loss of voice due to Phlegm Heat or Yin Deficiency. It is often put into other prescriptions to direct herbs to the chest and head areas.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Acrid, Neutral

      CHANNELS Lung


       Circulates the Lung Qi, expels Phlegm and stops coughing: Jie Geng can be used to treat a wide variety of coughs, depending on the other herbs with which it is combined.

       Benefits the throat and opens the voice: used in many cases of sore throat and loss of voice, especially those caused by external Heat.

       Makes herbs go to the upper body.

       Promotes the discharge of pus: use for expelling pus associated with Lung abscess or throat abscess.


       Contraindicated in coughing blood (Hemoptysis), as it makes things go up and would make the condition worse.



      Yuan Zhi nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit, or Shen, which is said to reside in the Heart. When the Shen is calm, personality is at its most potent.

      HOW TO USE

       Yuan Zhi is used for insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, and forgetfulness. However, it differs from Suan Zao Ren in that it is most effective in cases when the patient thinks too much (excessive brooding), or for restlessness and disorientation. “Phlegm misting the Heart” implies quite serious psychological or psychiatric disturbances, when the Spirit is not clear and the patient loses touch with reality. It is also used for seizures and epilepsy. It is useful for coughs with copious sputum, especially when difficult to expectorate, and is applied topically for abscesses, sores, and swollen and painful breasts.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Acrid, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Heart, Lung, Kidney


       Calms the Spirit and quietens the Heart: use for pent-up emotions.

       Expels Phlegm and clears the orifices: when “mucus envelops the orifices of the Heart,” with consequent emotional problems.

       Helps expel Phlegm from the Lungs.

       Reduces abscesses and dissipates swellings: use in powdered form, applied topically or mixed into a glass of wine.


       Contraindicated during pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with Blood or Yin Deficiency.



      This herb treats patterns of Blood Deficiency, and in TCM the two organs most affected by this disorder are the Heart and Liver, which direct and store the Blood, respectively.

      HOW TO USE

       He Shou Wu is very commonly used, as it both tonifies and preserves the Kidney Jing-essence without being cloying. It is particularly used for premature graying or when the hair falls out (the name means “black hair”), as well as for dizziness, blurred vision, spots in front of the eyes, and a weak lower back and knees. It stops premature ejaculation, leaking of sperm, and vaginal discharge. Used raw, it is good for goiter and neck lumps—and as it moistens, is useful for constipation. It treats chronic malaria and prevents hardening of the arteries.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Sweet, Astringent, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Liver,

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