The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman

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The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments - C. Shealy Norman

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       Clears Heat and cools the Blood: use in all febrile conditions where there is a very high fever, thirst, and a scarlet tongue. Also in hemorrhage when Heat enters the Blood level.

       Nourishes the yin and generates fluids: treats low-grade, long-term fever with dry mouth, constipation, and night sweats.

       Cools Heart Fire blazing: mouth and tongue ulcers, irritability, insomnia.


       Contraindicated in cases of Spleen Deficiency with Dampness—Sheng di Huang is too moistening. Also contraindicated in the presence of Phlegm.



      Da Huang comes into the category of Descending Downward: it facilitates the expulsion of stools in cases of constipation. This downward action clears Heat.

      HOW TO USE

       Da Huang (rhubarb) is a purgative. It has a strong downward action and clears Heat by acting as a powerful laxative. It treats Damp Heat jaundice, dysentery, and cystitis in the same way. It is good for Stagnant Blood complaints such as endometriosis, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), and appendicitis.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Cold

      CHANNELS Heart, Large Intestine, Liver, Stomach


       Drains Heat and purges accumulations: use for Full Heat conditions where there is fever, thirst, constipation, abdominal pain, a full pulse, and yellow fur on the patient’s tongue.

       Drains Damp Heat via the stools.

       Clears Full Heat from the Blood: use for “reckless” bright red Blood that is flowing strongly, e.g. bleeding hemorrhoids (piles), nosebleeds.


       Contraindicated in the first stage of infectious diseases. Also contraindicated for Qi or Blood Deficiency—it doesn’t tonify weakness but may be added to a tonifying prescription to clear heat. Contraindicated for Cold—it is a Cold herb. Extreme caution should be exercised during pregnancy, during menstruation, and postpartum (after birth); it has a strong downward action.



      This herb treats patterns of Blood Deficiency, and in TCM the two organs most affected by this disorder are the Heart and Liver, which direct and store the Blood, respectively.

      HOW TO USE

       Shu di Huang is a very important herb—it is both a Blood and a yin tonic. Blood Deficient symptoms include a pale complexion, dizziness, palpitations, and insomnia; also menstrual problems such as irregular bleeding, uterine bleeding, and amenorrhea (no menstruation). Kidney Yin Deficient patterns include night sweats, heat in the bones, nocturnal emissions (wet dreams), diabetes, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Jing Deficiency includes such Kidney symptoms as low back pain, weakness of the knees and legs, lightheadedness, deafness, and also premature graying of the hair.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Heart, Kidney, Liver


       Tonifies the Blood: Blood Deficient symptoms are similar to those of anemia.

       Nourishes the yin: use for treating Kidney Yin Deficient patterns.


       Use with caution in cases of Spleen and Stomach Deficiency, or Stagnant Qi or Phlegm. As with may tonifying herbs, it nourishes the moist substances in the body, so overuse can lead to bloating and loose stools: It must be carefully combined.



      Wu Wei Zi stabilizes and binds. It is a Sour and Astringent herb, and helps to keep leaking fluids and other substances within the body.

      HOW TO USE

       Wu Wei Zi is used for chronic coughs, wheezing, and asthma, especially with mucus, although it can also be used for dry coughs, as it nourishes the yin fluid. At the other end of the body, it is used for leaking of sperm, and urinary frequency or incontinence, vaginal discharges, especially watery and white (Cold), and daybreak diarrhea due to Spleen and Kidney Deficiency. It is indicated for excessive day or night sweating, with thirst and dry throat, but in common with other herbs in this category, it is not for sweat caused by outside infections. It also treats diabetes, the “wasting-thirsting” syndrome. Furthermore, it “holds the Heart yin in place,” treating symptoms such as palpitations, irritability, dream-disturbed sleep, insomnia, forgetfulness, and fear of ghosts and of going outside. Basically, it helps keep a person feeling sane and calm.

      PROPERTIES Sour, Warm

      CHANNELS Heart, Kidney, Lung


       Absorbs the leakage of Lung Qi and stops attacks of coughing.

       Firms the Kidneys, binds up Jing-essence and stops bouts of diarrhea.

       Absorbs sweating and generates fluids.

       Quietens the Spirit and calms the Heart.


       Contraindicated for external conditions, and the early stages of coughs and rashes—it will keep the “exterior pathogenic factor” inside.


       Huang Qin SKULLCAP ROOT

      This herb is one that clears Heat: this includes febrile conditions and any illnesses with Heat signs. It is one of the “Three Yellows,” which are often used together for severe infections.

      HOW TO USE

       Huang Qin mainly clears Heat in the chest and abdominal areas, so it is used for virulent diseases with high fever, irritability, thirst, cough, and expectoration (coughing up) of thick, yellow sputum. It can also be used topically on a dressing to clear red, hot swellings. It is used for dysentery and smelly diarrhea; also for febrile diseases which have a Damp element—symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness on the chest, and thirst with no desire to drink. It may be used for Damp Heat jaundice. It is one of the main herbs used in pregnancy to prevent miscarriage, and if toasted can stop Hot Bleeding from the nose, uterus, chest area, or in stools.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Cold

      CHANNELS Heart, Lung, Gall Bladder, Large Intestine


       Clears Heat, particularly in the Upper Burner (the upper third of the body, chest area).

       Clears Damp Heat: especially in the Stomach or Intestines. It is also used for Damp Heat in the Lower Burner, with symptoms such as cystitis.

       Clears Heat and calms the fetus.



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