Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber. Josephine Cox

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Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber - Josephine  Cox

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reckon you’ve got years o’ fun for your money.’

      He kissed Kathy goodnight. ‘Yer did us proud, lass,’ he told her with a grin. ‘I ain’t never seen a woman drink a pint afore, apart from that bearded woman at the circus … knocked it back in seconds, so she did, and asked for more!’

      He walked away, leaving Kathy and Tom laughing. ‘He’s a one-off,’ Tom remarked. ‘The finest friend a man could ever have.’

      Kathy agreed. ‘No wonder everybody loves him,’ she said. ‘I don’t know what I would have done without him.’

      At the front door, she asked if he would like to come in for a while. ‘Best not,’ he answered softly, ‘not tonight.’ The truth was, he needed to put a distance between them. He needed time to think through what had happened today. ‘It was very special having you along. Are you glad you came?’

      Kathy’s heart was racing. Standing here, so close to him, with the evening drawing in and the house behind them in shadow, it was too nerve-racking. ‘Yes, I am … very glad.’ She wanted to sound confident and strong, but her voice emerged as small and feeble.

      Suddenly he took hold of her. ‘You’re lovely.’ His dark eyes enveloped her. ‘You’re so … different … from anyone I’ve ever met.’ He thought of her running out after that taxi; then in the chip shop, talking to him like she’d known him for ever. And today, drinking a man’s pint. She was so alive! Ready to take on the world.

      She gave a shy, nervous laugh. ‘I’m just a bit crazy, that’s all. You’d do well to steer clear of me.’

      He didn’t answer. Instead, for the longest moment of her life, he gazed down on her. Looking up at him, she felt herself losing control. When, with great tenderness, he now tilted her face to his, touching his lips to hers, she never wanted it to end. The sensation of his warm lips against hers raced through her senses, and turned her heart upside down.

      The kiss was fleeting. For a while longer, he held her close, his arms enfolding her, his face gentle against the softness of her skin. Then, holding her at arm’s length, he looked down on her, the softest of smiles twinkling in those dark eyes. She was so sure he was about to say something intense that when he let her go with the words, ‘I’d best be off. Goodnight, Kathy,’ she was stunned.

      She watched him stride down the path. At the gate she wondered if he might turn, but he didn’t. Instead he went away at a quickening pace, like a man driven by demons.

      ‘Goodnight,’ she murmured. A moment later, disillusioned by his sudden action, she went into the house and got herself ready for bed, where she lay, thinking of him, wondering what it was that made him so afraid to love.

       Chapter 8

      IRENE PACED THE floor, a cigarette in one hand and a port and lemon in the other. ‘Where the devil is she?’ Pausing, she took a puff of her cigarette and squashed it into the ashtray. She finished off her drink, replacing the glass on the table beside the smart black telephone, before grabbing the receiver. For the umpteenth time she asked for Samantha’s number.

      Yet again, there was no answer. She slammed the receiver down and began pacing again. ‘Wretched girl! Why is she never here when I need her?’

      The sudden, invasive sound of the doorbell startled her. Rushing to the window, she peered out to see her daughter Samantha at the door, impatiently ringing the bell. Now, seeing her mother, she threw out her arms in frustration. ‘Let me in, for Chrissake!’

      As soon as Irene opened the door, she fled past her into the living room. Irene followed. ‘Wherever have you been? These past few days I’ve tried time and again to contact you, but you’re never home!’ Irene was not best pleased. She was used to people being at her beck and call.

      ‘I took a few days off. Is that so terrible?’ Looking slightly dishevelled and seeming somehow disturbed, Samantha rounded on her. ‘Anyway, I’ve told you before, I won’t come running every time you call. Just because you had a new telephone installed for me doesn’t mean you’ve a right to call me every hour of the day or night! Why don’t you leave me alone?’ she asked.

      ‘Leave you alone? Just look at the state of you!’ Taking a minute to observe her, Irene noted the untidy hair and the rumpled clothes. ‘What’s the matter with you?’ She was visibly shocked. It wasn’t often her daughter spoke to her in that way. A closer look showed how her daughter’s face was unusually flushed, and there was something unnerving about her that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. ‘Where’ve you been?’ she persisted.

      Samantha seemed not to have heard. Instead she ranted on. ‘All the time … calling me up! Expecting me to run round here like a dog for a treat.’ Swinging round, she glared at her mother with a look of hatred. ‘I’ve told you before, Mother. I have got a life of my own, you know!’

      Walking towards her, Irene grabbed her by the shoulders. ‘Don’t you speak to me like that … after all I’ve done for you.’ Summoning all her formidable authority, she gave Samantha a vicious shake. ‘What have you been doing? Why couldn’t I get hold of you?’

      Suddenly, Samantha was crying. ‘It’s all your fault. You got me used to having expensive things, and then, whenever you feel like it, you cut me off. Oh, it’s all right when you want me round … leaning on me, making demands … do this, Samantha … do that! And if I don’t dance to your tune, I’m cast aside like some kind of rubbish.’ The tears flowed and the rage subsided. In its place came the pitiful obedience that Irene had come to expect.

      ‘I’ve been good to you, Samantha. I gave you a house, and jewellery worth a small fortune … which you couldn’t wait to sell, damn you! I’ve warned you time and again about being so extravagant, but you take no notice. If you’re not going off to these wild parties, you’re entertaining undesirables at home. You spend money like it falls out of the sky, and I’m left to pick up the pieces.’

      Lowering her voice, she warned, ‘I can’t go on rescuing you. I haven’t got endless funds. Richard isn’t a stupid man. I have to be careful.’

      ‘Don’t give me that, Mother. You can twist him round your little finger. Besides, it won’t be long now before you get the lot!’

      Choosing to ignore this remark, Irene told her in a quiet, authoritative voice, ‘I’ll ask you once more.’ Looking her daughter in the eye, she demanded to know, ‘Where have you been?

      ‘I’ve been away.’ Thrusting her mother off, Samantha strode across the room, where she leaned on the fireplace, staring defiantly. ‘Why? Am I not allowed to go away like normal people?’ It was at times like these that the nastiness of the mother was evident in the daughter. ‘Am I supposed to ask you for permission, or what?’

      Lighting another cigarette, Irene gave her a cool, patient look. ‘You still haven’t answered me.’

      ‘That’s because it’s none of your damned business!’ Looking uncomfortable, Samantha took a moment to gaze absent-mindedly out the window. When she next spoke, it was not to answer her mother’s question directly, but to put a question of her own. ‘You know I got a job as receptionist, in that new hotel on the outskirts of town?’

      ‘A job of which I never approved. I’ve told you before, there’s no need for you to work if you don’t want to. You know I’ll always look after you. I’ve said so often enough. But I can’t have you wasting money, left right and centre.’

      Taking a long drag of her cigarette, she blew out the smoke in long, swirling tails that settled between them like a veiled curtain. ‘So, what have you been up to?’

      ‘What the hell d’you mean?’

      ‘Don’t play the innocent with me. Come on, out with it. You always come running

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