Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber. Josephine Cox

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Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber - Josephine  Cox

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the young man in question walked by with the area manager, the two of them deep in conversation. Tall and lanky, he towered above his superior. ‘He’ll be kept busy today, so he will,’ Rosie imparted. ‘That area manager is a right one. He wants everything just right, and woe betide anyone who steps out of line.’

      Kathy observed the two men: the site manager, tall and lanky, with slightly stooped shoulders, and his superior, a short, stocky man with piercing eyes. ‘He looks like a nasty piece of work,’ Kathy whispered. ‘I wouldn’t want to get in his bad books.’

      Now, as they went out the door, the site manager turned to smile at Kathy, his small eyes crinkling until they almost disappeared into his head. As the cool September wind blew in through the open doorway, his flyaway, fair hair stood up on end, making him look as though he’d had a fright of sorts.

      ‘Sure, he looks like one o’ the little people.’ Rosie stifled the giggles until he’d gone out the door. ‘Ah, now, how could you be making love to a man that looks like that?’ She fell about at the thought of it. ‘Sure, you’d never be able to concentrate your mind.’

      As always, Rosie’s warped sense of humour had Kathy in stitches. ‘Rosie, you’re a wicked woman!’ Kathy chided, but when Rosie started she laughed until the tears ran down her face.

      For the next two hours, they were kept busy. Being Saturday lunchtime, the holiday-makers were returning their keys and settling up before making their way back home.

      The first to arrive was Ray Clitheroe, a haggard, worn-out fellow in his late forties. ‘Another holiday over,’ he groaned, ‘it’s back to work on Monday …!’ After paying his dues, the big, homely man leaned towards Kathy. ‘Thank God, that’s what I say!’

      ‘What? You mean you haven’t enjoyed staying with us?’ This was Kathy’s first encounter with him. ‘If you need to make a complaint I can pass it on.’

      Rosie’s interruption was timely. ‘Hello there, Ray,’ she said with her best smile. ‘Glad to be off again, are ye? Sure, it surprises me you keep coming, when you always seem glad to get away. Anybody would think we didn’t look after ye, so they would.’

      He gave a surprisingly shy grin. ‘Now stop the teasing,’ he told her sternly. ‘You know very well I can only stand so much of it.’

      Kathy thought it a peculiar conversation, until she heard someone outside yelling at the top of her voice, ‘For Gawd’s sake, Ray, get a move on. The kids are beginning to get restless.’ That was his wife, a plump and shrew-like woman.

      ‘See you next year,’ he cried, rushing out through the door to six clambering children, and a torrent of abuse from his wife, who propelled him towards where the children were climbing and fighting and causing mayhem. ‘Sort ’em out!’ Having pushed him forward, she then retired to a safe distance and lit up her fag.

      ‘Ah, will ye look at the poor divil?’ Rosie sighed. ‘It’s no wonder he’s glad to get back to work.’

      ‘I bet he was good-looking when he was younger.’ Kathy had observed the strong physique and those bright blue eyes that in their time must have been able to charm a woman.

      ‘I dare say he was,’ Rosie agreed. ‘His wife must have been good-looking, too, before she went to seed.’ Kathy looked again at the woman, with her lank brown hair and double chin, and she could see how, even now, after having had six children, there was something about her that might be described as pretty. ‘I think you’re right,’ she said thoughtfully.

      ‘Oh, I am!’ Right or wrong, Rosie always defended the female of the species. ‘And don’t forget, it were him who got her with children one after the other. So don’t you go wasting too much sympathy there.’

      The next person to return her keys was a woman of about thirty, a tarty peroxide blonde, her face thick with make-up. ‘Sure, ye could scrape it off with a knife,’ Rosie remarked as the woman went out the door. Luckily the woman didn’t hear, for if she had there would have been a stand-up scrap, as was her hot-tempered nature.

      There followed a trail of caravanners, families and single folks, and couples on a dirty weekend, all leaving a small tip for the counter clerks and all vowing to come back next year.

      ‘See them two?’ Rosie gestured to a couple snogging in the doorway. ‘They’re both married to somebody else … having a naughty weekend away, so they are.’

      Kathy was intrigued. ‘How do you know that?’ It seemed unlikely they would tell anyone.

      ‘Sure, they’ve been here before, when I used to clean out the caravans and chalets …’ She preened herself. ‘That was before I got promoted to receptionist. Mind you, I had to do a bit of creeping, but I don’t mind that. You get out what you put in … if you know what I mean.’ The look she gave spelt it out.

      Blushing deep crimson, Kathy had to smile. ‘I can’t think what you mean,’ she remarked, feigning innocence.

      ‘Well, anyway … I were telling youse. I went off same as usual with my mop and bucket and all my cleaning paraphernalia. I usually started at number two and worked my way through to number eighteen, but on this particular day, number two had asked if I could leave it till later, on account of they wanted a lie-in. So, I started the other way round, and when I went merrily into number eighteen, thinking they’d already left for the day, I don’t mind telling you, I got the shock o’ my life, so I did!’

      ‘Why?’ Kathy was all ears. She had come to love hearing Rosie’s accounts of the things that went on in the caravan park. ‘What happened?’

      Rosie lowered her voice. ‘I usually start in the bedroom and work my way out. So, as cool as ye please, I opened the door with my key and went in. I’d already heard all the grunting and groaning and never thought for a minute it were them … I imagined it were dogs fighting outside. Well, like I say, I opened the door, and they were that busy they never even heard me. Bold as brass, the two of them: him with his bare arse jiggling about in the air, and her spreadeagled on the bed underneath him. It’s enough to give a body the heart attack, so it is.’

      By now, Kathy couldn’t tear herself away. ‘Whatever did you do?’

      ‘At first I didn’t move … my eyes were glued on his arse … up and down, it went … up and down, like one of them horses on a merry-go-round. Then, just as I stepped backwards, the floor creaked and he swung round.’ She laughed out loud. ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Sure, you’ve never seen a sight like it in all your life!’

      Kathy had conjured up the most vivid of images in her mind. ‘Then what?’

      ‘Well, he looked shocked and so did she, then he laughed and said, “Bloody hell, woman! For a minute I thought it were the wife!” He then pointed to the woman who was wriggling to get out from under. “Worse still, it could have been her husband, and you wouldn’t want to mess with him, I can tell you.”’

      ‘And did you leave then?’ Kathy’s face was hot with embarrassment. She hoped she would never be put in such a predicament.

      ‘Well, I was about to … I mean, I apologised and grovelled and said I didn’t realise, and he told me not to worry, but could I please go away and give them time to finish what they’d started.’

      Kathy’s eyes grew big with amazement. ‘You’re having me on!’

      ‘I’m not! I swear to God Almighty, that’s what he said. Well, I had to run outta there, because I could feel the laughter bubbling up inside me. Once outside, I laughed all the way to the stockroom. And do ye know how long it took them to surface?’

      ‘I daren’t guess.’

      ‘Two hours!’ She chuckled at the memory. ‘They came into the storeroom and gave me a quid to keep my mouth shut. “Don’t let on to a soul what I told you,” the man said, and I never have … until now.’

      After the last

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