Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper

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Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963 - Walter  Hooper

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and Owen10 accordingly owes me 2/6, and secondly the Masque.

,11 a death & resurrection rite with a most powerful effect. It is full of niceties: the three feminine endings that give the droning effect after ‘What does he say?’ on p. 5.–the ‘small change’ in your paraphrase of Aeschylus—the rhyme scheme on p. 7–the use of the ‘Voices’. But I think you were wrong to use lines (tho’ good) from Masefield12 where you might have made as good of your own.

      I’m not liking the new year much so far, but wish you very well in it. With many thanks.


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 7th January 1950.

      Dear Professor Starr,

      We both thank you for your kind card, and wish you every happiness in 1950.

      Yours sincerely,

      Magdalen College,

      Oxford 9/1/50

      My dear Sarah

      Yes, I did indeed get the mats and was only waiting to be sure of the right address before acknowledging them. They were so like lino-cuts that if I weren’t such an unhandy and messy person I wd. have been tempted to ink them and try making a few prints. Thanks very much indeed.

      I’m glad you like the Ballet lessons. I’m just back from a week end at Malvern and found an awful pile of letters awaiting me—so I am scribbling in haste. But I must tell you what I saw in a field—one young pig cross the field with a great big bundle of hay in its mouth and deliberately lay it down at the feet of an old pig. I could hardly believe my eyes. I’m sorry to say the old pig didn’t take the slightest notice. Perhaps it couldn’t believe its eyes either. Love to yourself and all,

      Your affectionate


      C. S. Lewis




      Dear Miss Bodle,

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis


      Magdalen College



      Dear Sister Penelope

      The name of the graduate looks like KNIONAN, but this can hardly be right! It is embarrassing that as my own hand gets worse I also get worse at reading everyone else’s.

      I don’t quite know about those American veterans. Nearly all the books we shd. want to send are published in U.S.A. and there is a bad book famine in England.

      Term begins on Sat. and there is a cruel mail today, so I am suffering incessant temptation to uncharitable thoughts at present: one of those black moods in which nearly all one’s friends seem to be selfish or even false. And how terrible that there shd. be even a kind of pleasure in thinking evil. A ‘mixed pleasure’ as Plato wd. say, like scratching?

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis


      Britain had been so weakened by the effects of the Second World War (1939-1945) that, despite American assistance, rationing was still in effect when Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952. Clothes rationing ended in 1949, but food continued to be rationed until 1954. For this reason many of Lewis’s friends in the United States, such as Edward A. Allen, were still sending him food parcels.


      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 24th January 1950.

      My dear Mr. Allen,

      I hope your mother keeps well, and you also. Thanks to the photos you sent me.

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