Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper

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Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963 - Walter  Hooper

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rescue the Angels from the feminine & sentimental associations that have grown round them. See the learned note from the (non existent) Natvilcius in Cap I of Perelandra.37

      Yrs. sincerely

      C. S. Lewis


      Magdalen College

      Oxford 20/2/50

      Dear Daphne

      Yours sincerely

      Jack L.


      Magdalen College

      Oxford 21/2/50

      Dear Green


      C. S. Lewis


      Ever since June 1947 when Warnie, suffering from acute alcoholic poisoning, was hospitalized in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, County Louth (see CL II, p. 787), his binges had become more frequent. When the brothers were younger Warnie was gregarious and Jack something of a recluse. As time went on Jack’s fame as a Christian apologist drove him to mingle with all kinds of people; Warnie, on the other hand, withdrew more and more into the company of books and a few friends. Alcohol gave him back, temporarily, the old gregariousness that was draining away. He was a binge-drinker, and if Jack could get him into either the Acland Nursing Home, Banbury Road, or Restholme, a private nursing home at 230 Woodstock Road run by Dorothy Watson, the bout was fairly short-lived. If, however, he slipped past his brother and reached Ireland, he usually ended up in the hospital at Drogheda, and he might be away for as long as six months. Despite Warnie’s efforts to overcome the problem, Jack was not successful in persuading him to join Alcoholics Anonymous. As time went on Warnie’s binges were of longer duration, and Jack was left to cope as best he could.

      Magdalen College

      Oxford 29/2/50

      My dear June

      Yours (in haste)



      Magdalen College,



      But surely, on this principle, the evidence for an adapter in Professor Wilson’s own Notes is even stronger? Without turning a page we find:—

      (1) On page 102.—‘Not free from “cuts”, is in the simple end-stopped verse which we associate with the youthful Shakespeare.’

      (2) ibid.–‘This section is in quite another style.’

      (3) ibid.–‘Strong medial pauses and—strange combinations!’ (The exclamation so obviously added for the metre, makes this example especially flagrant.)

      (4) ibid.–‘In one of which we find a fossil line.’

      (5) ibid.–‘Silence of Silvia, while events so vital’

      (6) ibid.–‘Is virtually his own composition.’

      (7) ibid.–‘The entry of the Duke and Thurio.’

      (8) ibid.–‘May have been taken from a later portion.’

      (9) ibid.–‘It may have been located in Verona.’ ‘We cannot tell. One of the minor problems.’

      (10) ibid.–Page 103. ‘Clearly corrupt. Daniel proposed “discandied.”‘

      (11) ibid.–‘The repetition in 1. 59.’

      (12) ibid.–‘Through careless copying of the adapter.’

      (13) ibid.–‘To mend the metre of these lines. The sense needs mending also.’ ‘73. short line.’ (Note here the omission of the article before short,

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