Plus One is a Lucky Number. Teresa Morgan F.

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Plus One is a Lucky Number - Teresa Morgan F.

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didn’t look at him, staring out the balcony window. Any anger he had been feeling vanished with the devastation he’d seen in her face. Adam sat beside her.

      “That’s not all of it, is it?” He rested his hand on her shoulder and resisted pulling her into him, fighting the desire to inhale the scent of soap lingering on her. “Simon is the real reason you didn’t want to come to this wedding?”

      “How’d you know –?” She instantly turned to meet his eye. “Oh, let me guess, Cassie and her big mouth?”

      Adam watched her closely. He squeezed her shoulder. Something was eating away at her. He had a knack of knowing when someone wasn’t telling him everything – usually applied to sales negotiations. He was also good at keeping his own secrets. But he needed some answers for this weekend to be effective. And he certainly didn’t like seeing her this anxious. They’d come a long way today, and he’d only just started seeing her relax.

      “Sophie, for this to work, I need to know what’s going on. I can’t play along if I don’t know everything.”

      Sophie nodded. “I wanted to tell you. I needed to find the right moment. It felt so …” Sophie sighed, met his gaze and then stared at her hands in her lap.

      He waited patiently.

      “Simon’s the best man,” she said.


      “And the reason I didn’t want to come here on my own.”

       Chapter Four

      “Sophie, are you ready?”

      “Just finishing my make-up!” Sophie called from the bathroom.

      Adam looked at his watch. They had five minutes yet, but what was it that took a woman so long? He smiled to himself, rubbing his brow. She might be a plain Jane in the office, but it didn’t mean that she’d make less of an effort to look nice. Let her take her time. She wouldn’t be the first woman to keep him waiting … and unlikely to be the last.

      She’s probably anxious too. He could feel his own nerves with the idea of going downstairs and performing. Especially now the stakes were bigger for him, up against an ex-boyfriend.

      “Okay, I’m ready,” Sophie said, emerging from the bathroom, clipping her small, glittery handbag closed and putting it over her shoulder.

      Adam cleared his throat and smiled, staring at her transformation. Wow. She wore more make-up than she’d been wearing today, or down the pub when he’d first seen her. She was definitely dressed for a night out, not to blend in with her engineering colleagues. If her appearance this morning was a surprisingly pleasant change, tonight she was devastatingly sexy, intending to create a stir - a midnight-blue, strapless dress clinging to her figure perfectly, cut above the knee, heels and jewellery. She looked like a woman he’d love to have on his arm.

      “How do I look?” she asked, smoothing her dress.

      Did James – and the rest of the design team for that matter – even realise they had a beautiful woman in their department? Why would she hide herself in the background?

      And she really did have great legs.

      You made James another promise, remember. Stop thinking about her.

      But was her effort for him, or Simon? And why did that thought grate upon him?

      Sophie shook her head. “Oh sorry, what a typical thing to ask. You don't have to answer it.”

      Realising he’d taken too long to respond, he said, “I was going to say you look good.” Which was an understatement, stunning was more like it, but Adam decided it was best to keep his thoughts to himself. He needed to play this cool where Sophie was concerned.

      Sophie let out a laugh. Something, or someone, had really hit her confidence, and he wanted to know why.

      “So, how do I look?” Adam asked, straightening his tie and adjusting his black jacket.

      “You know damn well how good you look.”

      He gave a sly smile and they walked out of their hotel room.


      As the lift door opened they could see across the atrium and into the bar. A small crowd waited for them. Sophie took a deep calming breath, trying to not let her nerves get the better of her. She glanced at Adam. He appeared relaxed. She should do the same. She had a very handsome, competent man holding her hand – literally. She’d be fine. Relax.

      “Sophie!” Cassie shouted across the bar, waving at them.

      “Here goes nothing,” Adam whispered in her ear, wrapping his arm around Sophie’s waist, pulling her closer to him. To everyone watching it probably looked like an affectionate whisper, a kiss. She slid her arm around him. She realised she had a tight grip on his jacket, and loosened it.

       No need to show everyone the whites of your knuckles.

      “Hi, everyone, this is Adam.” Sophie made her introductions, noticing Adam still kept his arm around her, keeping her close. She really liked it – so reassuring. “Adam, this is Cassie, who you’ve already met. She’s Natalie’s cousin and a friend of mine.”

      “Hello, handsome. You’re sure you haven’t got a brother?” Cassie winked at Adam, grinning at him. He laughed, shaking his head. “I’ve known Sophie for years.” She mischievously pinched Sophie. “Any secrets you want to know, I’m the person to tell you.”

      Adam looked at Cassie with intrigue. “Secrets… okay.”

      Sophie scowled at her.

      “Only kidding!” Cassie held her hands up and backed off, winking again at Adam.

      “This is Natalie, the bride.” Natalie gave a little wave. “Gareth, the groom.” Gareth shook Adam’s hand firmly. “And…” Sophie hesitated, “this is Simon, the best man.”

      He hadn’t changed, not really. Still the broad shoulders, muscles defined by his hard work as a builder. He owned a construction company now. When she’d met him, he’d always been sporty, so his physique had been impressive. He hadn’t lost it. Dark, short hair and mischievous eyes; distinctive looks that got him a long way, especially with the girls. She could see why she’d fallen for him – yet now he didn’t seem so attractive. Now she knew what he was capable of.

      “Hi.” Simon shook Adam’s hand, too. Sophie noticed Simon made little eye contact with Adam, watching her instead. She couldn’t look him in the eye, instead ignored him, talked with the other guests. This was harder than she thought. She’d managed to avoid him for so long, but it still wasn’t any easier. Thank God she had Adam standing beside her. Her pillar of strength, her superhero – minus the tights.

      “We’re waiting on the mums and then we’ll leave you boys in peace.” Cassie joyfully slapped Simon on the back.

      “Good,” Simon responded, as two older couples approached the crowd.

      “Those are the bride and groom’s parents,” Sophie whispered in Adam’s ear, now clutching his hand. It felt strange, but he'd squeeze it occasionally, like a silent message, telling her everything was working. She was grateful for it. She still wasn’t happy about this lie and was still wondering whether they would pull it off, but she had to stop worrying. Why wouldn't her family and friends believe it?

      They were accepting it. So start believing, too.

      The parents joined the group, Cassie making the introductions and Adam shook hands with each of them, giving his friendly smile.

      As Adam talked, Sophie watched the group fall for his charm. Every now

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