Plus One is a Lucky Number. Teresa Morgan F.

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Plus One is a Lucky Number - Teresa Morgan F.

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took Adam’s wrist and glanced at his watch. “Do you want to be introduced?”

      “Can it wait?” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tightly towards him.

      “Yeah, it can wait.” Relaxing into one another felt natural, but was it alcohol fuelled? Whatever, it did feel rather wonderful, like she had her safety net back. Sophie waved back at Cassie. “I'm tired, too.”

      “Then let’s go to bed.” Sophie looked at him. He subtly chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

      They headed towards a pair of lifts and Adam pressed the call button, keeping Sophie close to him. She rested into him, tiredness creeping into her bones, wanting to drop the pretence in front of her friends and family. To her relief, the lift door opened and they stepped in.

      Adam pressed their floor button, and turned to face Sophie. If she could feel it, he could too - all eyes were on them. The lift doors started closing and he slowly leaned towards her, his eyes meeting hers. He moved towards her gradually, glancing to her lips, his slightly parted.

      Sophie’s heart raced. Watching his blue eyes, then his lips. He’s going to kiss me, really kiss me. We haven’t discussed this! The lift doors closed. Adam pulled away with a wink. Sophie breathed out.

      But the lift didn’t move. The doors pinged and started to open. Adam, startled, instantly planted his lips on Sophie’s, pulling her into an embrace, one hand stroking her cheek. Sophie hesitantly ran her fingers through his hair, kissing him back, softening into his hold.

      “Oh, sorry!” a man said. A middle-aged couple stood there awkwardly as the doors fully opened. “We’ll wait for the other lift.”

      Sophie pulled out of the kiss, her cheeks red hot. Then, she spied Simon with two women, one clinging to each arm, walking towards them.

      “All right, Adam. Sophie!” Simon called out, kissing one of the women, groping at the other. Both women giggled, their hands were all over him. Sophie scowled at the sordid sight.

      As Adam reached for the lift button, Sophie instinctively reacted. She grabbed hold of his collar with both hands and kissed him passionately, more lustfully than the kiss they'd just shared. Her breathing was heavy as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body hard against his, combing her fingers through his hair.

      Adam reciprocated, pulling her closer to him. He let out a pleasing groan, urging Sophie to continue. Still embracing each other, lips locked together, tongues caressing, Sophie heard the lift doors close. As soon as she felt the weightless moment of the lift rising, Sophie let go of him, standing back. She straightened her dress and chewed her finger, shuffling from foot to foot.

      Sophie hesitantly met Adam’s eye. He chuckled, shaking his head.

      “The damn lift door wasn’t supposed to open. They’d be none the wiser! I was going to –”

      “I know.” She nervously smiled, concerned her blush showed. Or was the lift hot?

      What a kiss. The kiss had been strong. It hadn’t felt very pretend, on her part or his.

      “And, that then, was for Simon,” she said, biting her lip. “Oh, God, that couple – what must they think? I don’t usually, you know … what an exhibitionist!” She hadn’t kissed like that in a very long time. Heat swelled inside her body, her insides on fire. This evening she’d been dreaming about kissing him again, but nothing so bold.

      “I realised.”

      Sophie was thankful when the lift door opened at their floor. Much, much cooler in the corridor.

      “You weren’t bad,” Sophie said, unable to stop herself teasing, as they walked out and headed towards their room. The only way to break the awkwardness the kiss had caused was to joke about it.

      “What do you mean, not bad?” Adam sounded outraged.

      Sophie giggled in response upon seeing his serious expression.

      “So, someone's been on the tequila.” Adam grinned back.

      “Oh my God!” Sophie covered mouth, astonished he'd tasted the tequila. “Cassie insisted. I did one shot.” Adam looked at in disbelief. “Okay, maybe two. Well, you taste of cigars.” She pouted, digging him in the ribs.

       Was she flirting? Damn, Cassie and her bloody Tequilas.

      “I had one with Gareth as we walked back to the hotel.” He loosened his tie as they strolled along the corridor.

      “Why’d you both leave early, then?”

      “Simon tried to set Gareth up with a woman.”

      Sophie clicked her tongue. “Downstairs - those two women?”

      “Yeah. They’re the reason we left.”

      Sophie rolled her eyes. “I am not surprised. He will never change.”

      “Don't tell Natalie. I made a promise to Gareth.”

      “I won’t.”

      “I mean it. Apparently, you women talk. He doesn't want Natalie killing the best man before the wedding.” Sophie giggled at Adam's worried tone.

      They arrived at their door. Adam already had the key card out and let them in. He quickly turned away, walking towards the wardrobe, taking off his jacket. Was he trying to hide his arousal? She’d noticed it, felt it as she’d kissed him. The thought sent delight to her bones. She was thankful, as a woman, she could hide that kind of excitement – but her body pulsed sexual desire.

      “I,” she hesitated, “I didn’t realise I’d have an effect on you.” She turned her back on him and winced. Crikey, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it.

      “Bloody hell, a kiss like that, the Pope would get turned on!”

      “Sorry.” She glanced at him and he gave a sly smile.

      “Hey, don’t apologise - I enjoyed it.”

      Heat flew to her cheeks again as she blushed. She threw her handbag on the bed and busied herself, slipping off her own jacket and removing her shoes.

      Could she keep this up for the whole weekend? She was afraid to admit she was enjoying it, too. It had only been one day. She looked at the bed. They had a night to try yet.

      Tonight was a little alcohol induced. Adam had probably had a couple of beers. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine, and a tequila or two. Sod Cassie! Enough to allow her to relax, lose some of those inhibitions, give her courage. So she’d reacted upon seeing Simon. Over-reacted more like, the way she’d brazenly kissed Adam. But she'd wanted Simon to see them together.

      Proof she was over him. See, she didn’t have hang-ups. She wasn’t …

      She turned and looked at Adam. “I enjoyed it, too,” she said, holding onto the pleasant thought of their kiss. “I just didn’t think it would feel so …” She shook her head and wandered into the bathroom. Probably best not to have this conversation. She didn’t know Adam very well. What if he was very good at … deceiving?

      Simon had deceived her.

      Adam quickly followed her, hesitating in the doorway. She gave him a smile and he leaned against the doorframe, looking relieved she hadn’t told him to go. “Would feel so … what?”

      As she removed her make-up, she glanced at him through the mirror.

      “It’s nothing. We never discussed kissing. And maybe we should have. Obviously, for us to look like a couple in love, we’re going to need to kiss.” She shrugged. “I never thought …” She hesitated again. Adam looked at her, his blue eyes patient. She frowned and looked back into the mirror, concentrating on removing more of her make-up. “I never thought it would feel like you, uh … meant it.”

      “It did?” Adam’s

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