Plus One is a Lucky Number. Teresa Morgan F.

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Plus One is a Lucky Number - Teresa Morgan F.

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there’s an offer, a woman ordering me into her bed,” he teased. Seeing she was still deadly serious, his tone sobered. “Are you sure?”

      “Yes, I am sure,” Sophie said impatiently, sighing. “I am sure I’ll be able to control myself. How about you?”

      He chuckled, shaking his head in defeat. “Okay, okay.” He grabbed his pillows and walked around to the other side of the bed. Sophie got back in. He stripped back the sheets that had been tightly tucked in by the maid and slid into the bed. “Happy now?”

      “Much better.”

      Adam pulled the sheets over him. “Okay, I’ll be honest – this bed is much more comfortable than the chaise longue.”


      Adam fidgeted for a moment, turning onto his side, and then back. “Do you mind if I take off my top?”

      She shook her head and he stripped off his T-shirt and threw it beside the bed. Sophie glimpsed muscular shoulders.

       For a workaholic he’s certainly well defined.

       Stop it.

      “You know, I’m not quite use to, well, wearing –”

      “I’d guessed that,” Sophie interrupted him, laughing.

      Once she’d seen he had settled in his side of the bed, she turned off her lamp. Darkness surrounded them.

      She turned over to her side and then back towards Adam – not that she could see him. She giggled.


      She lay on her back, still giggling.

      “Am I the first woman you’ve shared a bed with that you haven’t –?”

      “Yeah, and if you tell a soul,” Adam cut in, chuckling, “I’ll make you work on the shop floor for a week, providing all the Oilers cups of tea.”

      “You can’t.”

      “I can. Best of buddies, me and Mr Thomas.”

      Sophie laughed loudly. Once she’d controlled her laughter, Adam spoke again. “So what are we doing tomorrow, if the wedding is Saturday?”

      “Oh, sorry.” Sophie chewed her lip. “I got bullied into it by Cassie. They want to go to the beach. Can you surf?”

      Adam let out a groan.

       Chapter Seven

      Sunlight streamed through a small gap in the curtains. Although subdued by the double-glazed windows, the Cornish wind racing off the Atlantic whistled and howled outside the balcony enough to rouse Adam.

      He opened his eyes to the sight of Sophie asleep only inches away. During the night, they’d both managed to find the middle of the bed. She slept on her side, facing him. One of her hands curled round the sheets, the other almost touching him.

      Gently, fearing he’d wake her, he rolled over and glanced at his watch, relieved to find it wasn’t too early, nearly half past seven. He looked back. Sophie still slept.

      He was glad she’d insisted on him sleeping in this comfortable bed; it was large enough he'd felt like he had it to himself. A first, too - sleeping with a woman and not expected to perform, even if she had made a joke about it. Maybe that was why he’d slept so well.

      Sleeping, she looked pretty and peaceful. He studied her face more than he'd have dared to if she were awake. Her long, dark eyelashes covered her brown eyes. His mind travelled back to their kiss. He smiled. Her lips were inches away from him, relaxed in sleep. Kissable, soft, full lips. He shifted uneasily. It was morning, and watching her was not helping dull his arousal. He could quite easily kiss her, wake her …

      He threw cold water over his thoughts and turned them instead to their conversation last night. Well, now he knew the truth about why she was on edge around Simon. Last night Simon had obviously done something to upset her, although she wasn't letting on what. Keep an eye on him, Adam told himself. Even with what Sophie had confessed, he still couldn't quite understand how a woman like her had fallen for a guy like that. Maybe he'd find out.

      Fighting the urge to scoop Sophie into his arms while she lay there, like he would do with any other woman, Adam decided he didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in. Not while she slept. Not while his brain resided lower down. If he touched her, she might wake, and that could be embarrassing … or get him into very hot water.

      He’d get up, order breakfast and a paper. Yeah, that would work, too. Make the most of the quiet time. Bring himself back to his senses.


      Sophie awoke, stretching and sighing. Opening her eyes, she realised Adam’s side of the bed was empty. Adam was sitting on the chaise longue in his pyjamas, one hand clutching a paper, the other holding a cup of coffee.

      “Hey, morning,” she drowsily groaned. “Did you sleep okay?”

      Adam looked up from his paper and gave her a smile. Would she ever get used to his smile? It made her quiver inside every time. If she were a puppy, she’d be wagging her tail in response.

      “Yeah, great, thanks,” he said.

      “What time is it? How long have you been up?” She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

      “Not that long. It’s about eight o’clock.”

      “Eight! I said we’d meet Cassie for breakfast at eight.” Sophie abruptly sat up.

      “Relax. I’m sure Cassie will forgive you. Besides, I thought breakfast in bed would be better.”

      “Better why?” Sophie scratched her head and stretched again, trying to clear the fog from her brain.

      “Think about it. Not being down there, well, can act for us.” He gave a sly smile.

      “Oh.” Sophie blushed, now feeling very awake.

      “This way, we can let it work for itself, for very little effort.” His tone deepened sexily. “I could be feeding you fruit. Let them think we’re at it like –”

      “I get the picture!” The thought sent guilty sensations through Sophie’s body. Visions of him feeding her grapes, wearing only a short towel tied around his hips, was a very awakening experience; one she needed to bury at the back of her brain.

      “And we get to relax, not having to pretend to be something we’re not.” He smiled reassuringly.

      “Though Cassie will tease us about it later, I’m sure.” Sophie pulled the sheets back and got out of bed.

      “Let her. She’d probably tease you anyway. In the meantime, coffee and a croissant, sweetheart?” Adam smirked, leaning across to the low table in front of him and holding up the coffeepot.

      She narrowed her eyes playfully. “I thought you’d never ask.”

       If only she was his sweetheart …


      During breakfast, they both read the papers delivered with the room service. Adam was glad they could relax in one another's company. He watched her out of the corner of his eye. The deliberation in her face as she read, the way she licked her finger to turn a page. He’d never done anything so normal with a woman. He was captivated, watching her concentrate and read.

      He loved women; he’d had plenty of girlfriends, albeit short-lived romances. Some lasted longer than others, but he’d always been honest from the start, never wanting anything complicated or serious. He was too busy for that kind of commitment, and luckily, so were his girlfriends, with their fast track careers. When he started feeling their neediness, he’d nip the fling in the

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