The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift. Nic Tatano

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The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift - Nic  Tatano

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sat down. “Sir, thank you so much for sticking up for me. And picking up the check. That was incredibly nice of you.”

      “Not a problem.”

      “You sure you don’t want change?”

      “I think you earned a big tip for dealing with that idiot.”

      “Well, thank you again. If you need anything, let me know.”

      Ariel reached over and patted his hand as the waitress headed back to work. “My partner, legal shark by day, Boy Scout by night.”

      “Just doing the right thing. He had no right to talk to her that way.”

      “I know, I was giving you a compliment. While every woman wants to be treated like an equal, every woman wants a man who will stand up for her. I’m proud to have an old fashioned guy like you as a partner. And a friend.”

      Tish wore a dreamy look as she stared at the man who had rescued the waitress. “Damn, that was some old fashioned chivalry over there. And he’s awfully cute.”

      Madison nodded as she sipped her water. “Yeah. Too bad he’s sitting with some babe.”

      Rory turned back to the menu. “And now we know the reason some babe is sitting with him. White knights are hard to find.”

      A.J. shook her head. “Yep. The good ones are always taken.”

      Madison playfully slapped her arm. “Hey, Nick wasn’t taken when I snagged him.”

      Tish patted her hand. “He snagged you, sweetie. You swallowed the hook and practically jumped into the boat.”

      “Okay, no argument here. But come to think of it, we don’t know if that woman is his girlfriend.”

      The waitress returned with their wine. “Sorry about that, everyone. Our manager says drinks are on the house tonight.”

      “Hey, not your fault,” said Tish. “You okay?”

      “Just shaken up a bit. I think I’m the one who needs the big bottle of bourbon. Thank goodness for Mr. Capshaw taking charge of the situation.”

      Madison cocked her head at the man. “You know the guy?”

      “He’s one of our regulars. Very nice guy and really good tipper. And of course he just saved me from a jerk and getting stuck with the check, which I really couldn’t afford.”

      Rory looked at the pretty brunette sitting across from the man. “Do you happen to know if the woman sitting with him is his wife or girlfriend?”

      The waitress shrugged. “No clue. But if she isn’t, take a number. What woman wouldn’t want a guy like that?”


      After a supportive dinner with her friends, Tish had a spring in her step the next morning as she headed into the office, but it vanished when she saw the worried look on her assistant’s face. “What’s wrong? Oh my God, is Socks okay?”

      “She’s fine. And I already fed her.”

      “Then why do you look like you just ate the cat food?”

      Shelley handed her a newspaper. “Because we just lost our biggest and nicest client.”

      Tish’s eyes grew wide as she saw the headline. “Oh my God! His company went belly up?”

      “Apparently some of his employees embezzled a ton of money while driving the company into the ground. Dammit, I hate that it happened to such a good guy.”

      “I know. But that was part of his problem. He was too damn trusting.” Tish scanned the article. “I told him he couldn’t be such an absentee owner. But he said he had good people running things. What a shame.”

      “Anything we can do?”

      “I’ll give him a call right now. Maybe I can get my friend in the DA’s office to help him recover the embezzled funds. Not sure what I can do about the company shutting down.”

      “Damn, this has been the week from hell. First your house and now this.”

      “Yeah, and with this new development my house is now on the back burner. I gotta make some rain, Shelley. He was responsible for more than fifty percent of our revenue. We’re gonna need some new clients.”

      “Speaking of new clients, you’ve got one coming in shortly.”

      “I know, but that’s a contingency. We have to win to get paid.”

      “You usually win, Tish. Hell, you’re way over ninety percent.”

      “Yeah, but right now we need some definite income. And that case is going to take a ton of time. Plus, it’s a David and Goliath case and I’m going to need a big friggin’ slingshot to win or even get a settlement. Damn, now I almost wish I hadn’t taken it.”

      “You took it because you’ve got a good heart. You could always refer her—”

      “I said almost. The poor woman was turned down by lawyers all over town and she’s really in a bind. I can’t do that to her. But if the case doesn’t pan out, well…”

      “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. You have too good of a reputation. Meanwhile, there’s something on your desk that demands your immediate attention.”

      “What, we heard back from the judge on the Carson case?”

      “No. Your cat is waiting for you.”

      Tish headed into her office, finding Socks sitting on the corner of her desk. “I see you have permanently claimed that spot.” She reached out to pet the cat and was rewarded with a lick on her hand. Then she sat behind the desk and Socks immediately climbed in her lap. She picked up the phone as the cat looked up at her. “Okay, kitty, gotta find some clients to keep you in that high end cat food.”


      “Do you think we have a chance? I mean, really? No one else wanted this case.” Tish noted the woman’s eyes were sad and desperate.

      She had almost considered Shelley’s suggestion to refer the client to another law firm with which she had a great relationship, one that could handle a loss of both considerable time and money. But the moment the woman entered her office, shook hands and locked eyes, she knew she couldn’t abandon her.

      Especially when the new client told her why time was of the essence.

      She was dying.

      A big settlement would get her the medical care to save her life.

      If Tish lost the case, well…

      Her friend Madison hadn’t abandoned helpless orphaned kittens, and that was how she’d ended up with a wonderful cat like Socks.

      In much the same way, she couldn’t in good conscience abandon this client who was basically an orphan seeking a lawyer. Who would die without her help.

      And right now, Tish needed to give the woman an injection of confidence because she couldn’t possibly look this defeated in a courtroom. The woman was forty but the stress she’d gone through made her look ten years older. Face drawn, eyes drooping, dark brown hair a ragged mess. Tish knew she’d be very attractive with a little attention and a smile. She leaned forward and nodded. “Cynthia, I think we have an excellent chance. And I want you to focus on that when we come face to face with the defendant. If you look defeated, you give them an advantage. Hold your head up high and always look like you’ve got the upper hand. Confidence is key.”

      “I’ll do my best, Miss McKenna.”

      “Tish, please.”

      “Okay. Tish. I can’t thank you enough for taking me on a contingency. I’d been through six law firms and everyone wanted a huge retainer. I’m broke or I’d give you something. Maybe later this year—”

      Tish smiled and waved

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