The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift. Nic Tatano

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The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift - Nic  Tatano

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her in the law library during his first year, just to be nice since he knew she hadn’t made any friends. He sat down across from her and slid a cup of coffee next to her book. She’d told him, “No offense, and don’t take this the wrong way, but I prefer to study alone.” She’d picked up her books and moved to another table, leaving him with two cups of java. She was the most driven woman he’d ever seen.


      But the graduation photo didn’t remotely look like the woman he’d seen in the courtroom.

      The law student with the long, stringy blonde hair who had always looked like an unmade bed in cargo pants and bulky sweatshirts had blossomed like the proverbial ugly duckling into a swan.

      “Okay, where is she now?”

      Spencer did a search for her firm and his eyes bugged out.

      “She’s in this building? On this floor? You gotta be kidding me!”

      He stared at the photo on her website, the same woman he’d seen in the courtroom.

      Actually smiling a bit.

      The website was nothing fancy, pure business. No surprise there. She apparently ran a one-person firm. No surprise there either, as he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to work with her and the attitude that came with it.

      Back to the justice system website for a search of her cases. “Let’s see what kind of clients she likes.”

      The list was impressive. Tish McKenna obviously wasn’t in it for the money—he used to be the same. All her clients seemed to be on the side of good. Lots of pro bono work for charities. A few high profile cases he remembered.

      And she won almost every time. Just like law school.

      “Bus-ted! Again!”

      He swung his chair around and saw Ariel smiling at him. “What happened to your deposition?”

      “Canceled. Much to your dismay.” She pointed at the laptop. “Ah, stalking the classy attorney, I see.”

      His face immediately flushed. “I was just curious since, uh, you know, you said we should hire her.”

      “Oh, gimme a break, Spence, you’ve got a thing for her. We’ve been friends too long for me to miss the signals. Those glasses came off and it was game over. If we’d stayed in the courtroom any longer you would have needed a drool cup.” She pulled up a chair and sat next to him. “So, what’d you find out about the mystery woman?”

      “You’re not going to believe this, but we were in the same class at law school.”

      “You gotta be kidding.”


      “Let me get this straight…you’re hot for this woman and you spent three years in law school with her? Why didn’t you go after her then?”

      “She wasn’t exactly the same person.” He clicked on the laptop and brought up the graduation photo, then pointed at the woman.

      “That’s the lawyer we saw in the courtroom? Damn, I want some of what she’s drinking. Talk about getting better looking with age.”

      He patted Ariel’s hand. “Just like you.”

      “Awww, you’re such a sweetie. I really do have you trained and ready for a wife.” Ariel leaned forward and pointed at the photo. “And apparently she’s not the only one who gets more attractive. Is that really you?”


      “Doesn’t even look like the same person. But could you not afford a razor? That is one sorry looking beard. You look like you’re trying out for Occupy Wall Street.”

      “Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I got rid of it right after graduation. My adviser said it wasn’t good for job interviews.”

      “Anyway, back to your infatuation with the young lady who has the great eyes. May I remind you about the last time you dated a lawyer.”

      “I would rather you didn’t. I’ve tried very hard to forget her.”

      “You’re not the only one. Dinner with you two was like a trip to the Supreme Court. All you did was argue, and half the time it was over what to order from the menu.”

      “That doesn’t mean all lawyers are like her. Thank God.”

      “Well, tread carefully. So, what was Miss Spectacular Eyes like back then?”

      “She wasn’t friends with anyone. I tried being nice to her once in the law library. Brought her a cup of coffee. She picked up her books and walked away. Totally focused on school. Zero personality. Remember the woman I told you about who beat me for valedictorian?”

      “That’s the woman who kept you in second place?”

      “Yep. And it wasn’t even close. Then she gets the number one score on the bar exam for the entire state of New York. Smartest person I’ve ever met.”

      “Which, when you add it to the features she already has, makes you want her even more.”

      “Hey, I like brilliant women. That’s why you and I get along so well.”

      “You’re just full of compliments today. Of course if she still has zero personality the point is moot.”

      “Very true. But she didn’t show that kind of spunk in law school when we had mock court. She was more like an android. Since then she’s developed an attitude.”

      “Honey, we all do as we get older.”

      “Oh, one more thing.” He pointed at the monitor. “Check out the address of her firm.”

      Ariel’s jaw slightly dropped. “She’s down the hall?”

      “Yep. And I’ve never run into her. I’d remember a woman like that.”

      “Well, we’ve only been in this building for a year. So, you gonna walk down to her office and say hello?”

      “Are you out of your mind?”

      “Why not? You’ve got a great excuse. You saw her in court, and we could use another lawyer for the firm to take things off our plate. Go pay her a visit, tell her she impressed the hell out of you and see if she might be interested in joining us. Even better, ask her to lunch but call it a job interview.”

      “Yeah, like that situation couldn’t blow up in my face. Dating someone I work with.”

      “You have a point. Hey, wait a minute.”


      “Since you two went to the same school, I’ve got an idea how you can meet her.”


      Tish tore into her plate of ziti and meatballs while Socks and Bumper were busy batting a ball of aluminum foil around the living room. “Madison, I cannot tell you how great it feels not to eat in a restaurant or be in a hotel room after work.” She looked at her plate. “Oh my God, this is fantastic. Did you make this?”

      Rory rolled her eyes. “Get real. You know her specialty of the house is burnt toast.”

      “Nick cooks for her every night,” said A.J. “She’s one step away from being a kept woman.”

      Tish took a bite of a meatball and washed it down with some wine. “Damn, Madison, you’re gonna be three hundred pounds by your first anniversary.”

      “Trust me, they work it off,” cracked A.J.

      Madison slapped her on the shoulder. “A.J.!”

      “Hell, Madison,” said Rory. “We all know you can’t keep your hands off him.”

      Madison blushed. “Fine. We have an…active lifestyle.”


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