Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD

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Mediterranean Tycoons - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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      ‘Well, I will have to watch you like a hawk. No hardship in that dress,’ he teased, allowing his dark gaze to skim across the soft curve of her breasts, revealed by the low neckline of her dress. ‘Given half a chance they will throw you in the swimming pool, a favourite initiation rite, left over from boyhood.’

      Alex was right about the party. It was a riotous affair. Yet Lisa couldn’t help thinking that her arrogant, autocratic husband appeared much younger and much more open with his Greek friends than he had with the business friends they had met on their honeymoon. And she said so, when they finally got to bed at three in the morning. Alex’s response was to laugh and to make love to her.

      On Monday they left Kos. It had been a wonderful weekend, and Lisa watched through the aeroplane window as the island disappeared from view with a tinge of sadness.

      ‘When do you think we’ll come back?’ she asked turning in her seat. Beside her Alex, immaculately dressed in a light suit and snowy white shirt, once more the consummate Greek tycoon, didn’t hear her. His briefcase was open on his lap, his whole attention on the document he was reading. With a slight sigh Lisa returned to looking out of the window. Their dream weekend was well and truly over…


      LISA signed off her computer and, with a contented sigh, sat up straight and stretched her slender arms above her head, easing the kinks out of her shoulders. That was her last job completed.

      She glanced around the room, a soft smile playing around her full lips. It was hard to believe, but in the five weeks since they had returned from Kos Alex had bought the house at Stoneborough and three weeks ago they had moved in. Bert and Mrs Blaydon had accompanied them. A girl from the village had been hired to come in daily to help with the cleaning, and last Saturday they had had their first dinner guests.

      Jake, who had been Alex’s best man at their wedding, but who had vanished immediately after his speech, and his wife Tina had joined them for dinner. Apparently they lived a mere five miles away. Lisa had also discovered the reason Jake had exited the wedding reception so quickly. Tina had gone into labour that morning, but had insisted Jake could not let Alex down. Luckily Tina hadn’t given birth until late in the evening, to a little girl, their second child.

      Now, it seemed, they had a near perfect marriage, a beautiful home, a fantastic sex life. Alex made love to her until she didn’t know if she was on her head or her heels. She drove to Stratford-upon-Avon and Lawson’s one or two days a week, and the rest of the time she worked from home.

      They could spend hours talking about books and music, politics, even business. But for all that, Lisa felt beneath the surface of the relationship a certain tension, and she was incapable of doing anything about it. If she was honest she knew it was her own fault. But she could not forget Alex didn’t believe in love. The fact that he seemed perfectly happy with their marriage simply added to her confusion, because she wanted it all.

      Sighing at her own stupidity, she glanced at her watch. Almost nine; about time she thought about eating. Mrs Blaydon and Bert had gone to visit friends in London and were staying overnight, so she was alone in the house. Alex was in Singapore on business, and was due back tomorrow, Friday. Lisa couldn’t wait to see him; she had missed him dreadfully.

      She placed the cover on the computer’s keyboard and reached to the printer, picking up the E-mail she had printed from Jed. It gave the address of the hotel he was staying in the following weekend. He was actually coming to London with a group of students from his college; they were on a guided tour of Europe: London, Paris, Madrid and Rome. Lisa had arranged to meet him at his hotel on the Saturday afternoon, the only time he was free. She was really looking forward to seeing the man who had been her confidant for so long. But she had never heard of his hotel, so she had taken the precaution of printing out the address. A taxi driver would have no problem.

      ‘I thought I’d find you here.’ Alex’s deep melodious voice feathered along her nerves.

      Lisa spun around on the swivel chair, the sheet of paper falling from her hand to the desk. ‘I wasn’t expecting you back until tomorrow.’ She smiled, her blue eyes drinking in the sight of him. He was leaning against the doorframe, his tie pulled loose, his shirtsleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top three buttons of his shirt unfastened. He had discarded his jacket and his black hair was rumpled. He looked rakishly handsome and infinitely sexy…

      ‘Yes…’ He moved towards her and Lisa got to her feet, wishing she was wearing something more glamorous than an old pair of white Lycra shorts and a blue vest. ‘I missed you, so I cut my visit short.’ Alex’s dark eyes swept over her slender body with a blatant sexuality that made her pulse beat heavily. His hands reached out to close over her shoulders. ‘Dare I hope you missed me?’ And he studied her face with a narrow-eyed intensity that for a moment arrested the smile on Lisa’s lips.

      ‘Of course I did,’ she freely admitted. If only he knew how much! She wanted to fling her arms around him, but it wasn’t necessary, as his dark head bent and his mouth captured hers. His strong arms encircling her, he kissed her with all the pent up passion of what seemed like years.

      ‘I needed that,’ Alex husked some minutes later, holding her loosely in his arms. ‘I have had one hell of a trip. I need a shower.’

      Aware of him with every nerve in her body, she let her luminous blue eyes roam over his darkly handsome face. He did look tired, and she ached with love for him. She linked her hands behind his head and pressed her face into the curve of his throat, nuzzling him with her mouth.

      ‘Hmm, you do seem a bit ripe,’ She commented, and with an exaggerated sniff lifted mischievous eyes to his.

      ‘You will pay for that, woman.’ Alex grinned, and, swinging her up in his arms, he carried her out of the study.

      Later, after they had showered, they didn’t bother to dress, but simply slipped on towelling robes. Lisa made a quick meal of scrambled eggs and tossed salad, and they washed it down with a glass of Chablis.

      Seated next to Alex on one of the two comfortable sofas in the conservatory, she looked out over the garden, and the trees beyond, and leant her head back against his shoulder, completely relaxed.

      ‘You do like this house?’ Alex asked idly, his breath stirring her hair.

      She chuckled. ‘Yes, Alex, I love it, and I also know you had every intention of buying it anyway because Tina told me you had viewed it the week before we were married.’ Lisa had met Tina for lunch in the village pub on Monday, and had discovered quite a lot about her husband.

      ‘For a tiny woman, Tina has a big mouth,’ Alex said dryly.

      ‘She also told me you play golf on a Saturday afternoon with Jake, whenever you are in England, and, surprise, surprise, the golf club you both patronise is two miles down the road.’

      ‘All right. So you found me out. I am suitably chastised and, to show you the depth of my regret, I will take you shopping tomorrow.’

      ‘Can’t, I’m afraid.’ Lisa turned her head and looked at him. I have a meeting tomorrow with a Mr Bob Burnett. Apparently he’s a potter, and he wants to expand from selling to a few private galleries into leasing Lawson’s unit and selling direct to the public.’

      ‘What do you know about the man?’ Alex asked, his hand slipping over her shoulder, his long fingers edging open her robe and then, seemingly idly, stroking the curve of her breast.

      Lisa swallowed hard, her pulse quickening. ‘Not a lot really, only the information Mary faxed me today: a copy of his application and a brief outline of his intentions. The fax is on my desk. I’ll go and get it, and you see what you think.’

      A gentle restraining arm tugged her back against the sofa. ‘No, I’ll go.’ Alex stood up, his lips brushing the top of her head. ‘You work too hard and I want you completely rested for later.’

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