Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD

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Mediterranean Tycoons - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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around with interest. To one side was the reception desk, and in front a grand staircase, a couple of sofas and a table with a few magazines on display, across the wide hall an arch opened into a lounge bar. She still couldn’t quite believe she was going to meet Jed in the flesh. She had his photo, and all his confidences, but meeting him after so long was a thrill.

      Excited anticipation put a spring in her step as she walked into the lounge bar and glanced around. Apart from the barman, it was empty.

      ‘Lisa, is that you?’ a deep voice enquired, with a noticeable American drawl.

      She turned, and a broad grin split her face. ‘Jed!’ She recognised him immediately—looking older than in his photo, and totally out of place next to the shabby but comfortable very English décor. He was tall, long-legged and narrow-hipped, his faded blue jeans fitting him like a second skin and his half-unbuttoned shirt seemed to be straining the remaining buttons over his massive muscular chest. His attractive face was tanned a deep golden brown, and was in sharp contrast to his sun-streaked blond hair. But it was his eyes that really captured Lisa’s attention. Deep sapphire-blue, with a light of such piercing brilliance in their depths, they reflected a tenderness that could not be disguised.

      For long moments they simply stared at each other.

      ‘Damn, but you’re beautiful enough to make a man change his mind, Lisa.’ A deep tide of red surged up Jed’s face. ‘Sorry for the language.’

      Lisa chuckled. Though a year older than her, it was good to know Jed could still blush. ‘No apology needed,’ she said, with a broad smile that illuminated her whole face. ‘And you look like a cowboy,’ she added, having noticed his boots.

      Two great arms curved around her and swung her off her feet, and a deep chuckle rumbled from the bottom of his chest.

      She clasped his neck and he gave her a great bear hug, before setting her back on her feet. ‘A part-time cowboy, as you know.’ He grinned down into her face, still holding her. Staring into each other’s eyes, a look of complete understanding passed between the two of them.

      ‘You have no idea how much your friendship means to me,’ Lisa said, suddenly serious, her blue eyes filling with tears of joy.

      His blond head bent and he pressed the lightest of kisses on the curve of her cheek. ‘It works both ways. Without your support and understanding, I would never have got this far.’

      Neither of them saw the tall, dark man standing in the archway observing the tender scene, but suddenly all hell broke loose.

      Lisa stood rooted to the spot as Jed’s arms fell from her waist and he went flying backwards in a blur of movement, to land flat on his back a few feet away. Caught off balance, he’d had no chance. Lisa stared in horror, at Jed’s assailant: Alex! His dark eyes gleamed like the coals of Hades in the blank mask of his face as he stood over the floored Jed.

      Galvanised into action, Lisa dropped to her knees beside her friend and tenderly brushed the hair from his brow. ‘Are you okay? I’m sorry, so sorry.’

      ‘Hush.’ Jed managed a grin, and, leaning up on his elbows he added ‘I’m fine.’

      ‘How touching,’ Alex grated, his lips drawn back against his teeth in a malevolent sneer. ‘My wife and her boyfriend in a seedy hotel for a seedy affair.’ He took a step forward, towards Jed.

      Lisa, shaking with fury, leapt to her feet and grabbed Alex’s arm, terrified he was going to grab Jed again. ‘You great brute!’ She didn’t know how Alex had got here, or why. And she didn’t care. ‘Are you mad?’ she demanded, her blue eyes flashing fire.

      ‘Look, buddy you’ve got it all wrong. Let me explain,’ Jed said, trying to cool the situation.

      Alex turned to look down at the younger man, his black eyes pitiless. ‘You want her, you’re welcome to her.’ And, turning on his heel, he walked out.

      The colour drained from Lisa’s face. She could not believe what had just happened. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

      She felt the warmth of a protective arm around her shoulders and sagged against Jed, who was now back on his feet. ‘Are you okay, Lisa?’ Jed’s husky tones got through to her.

      Lisa turned her head to look up into his face and gasped, lifting her hand to stroke along his cheekbone, where the swelling was already evident. ‘I should be asking you that. I can’t begin to apologise.’ She shuddered again at the image of Alex grabbing hold of Jed.

      ‘Shh. It’s okay. It takes more than that to anger me. My brothers have tried for years to get me going and failed.’

      Lisa’s lips quirked in a tiny smile; she knew what Jed meant.

      ‘I guess that was your husband. Pity you didn’t have time to introduce me; he seems quite a man,’ Jed observed laconically.

      ‘More beast,’ Lisa answered, a desolation in her voice that she could not hide as the full horror of what had happened sank into her mind.

      ‘Don’t be too harsh on the guy. He loves you; that much is obvious,’ Jed sighed. ‘I guess this is the end of our meeting. You better go after him.’

      ‘Go after him? Never,’ Lisa said adamantly, her shock giving way to righteous anger. ‘He had no right to follow me, and no right to call me names, and he most definitely had no right to grab you, the savage swine that he is.’

      ‘He was jealous, Lisa, give the guy a break. It’s not all his fault. Did you tell him you were meeting me?’ Jed asked quietly.

      ‘I told him I was meeting a friend in London.’ The more Lisa thought about it, the angrier she got.

      ‘Anger is a waste of emotion, Lisa. And, be honest, did you actually tell him you were meeting a man?’

      ‘Since when did you become my conscience, Jed?’ she queried with a wry grin.

      He grinned back, but didn’t answer the question. ‘He’s your husband. Go after him and explain.’

      She looked up into Jed’s handsome face, so open and honest. ‘No, Jed, this afternoon is for us. I don’t know why or how Alex appeared like he did. But he is not going to spoil our afternoon together.’ And, clasping his hand in hers, she added, ‘It’s a glorious day. We are going to have our walk in Hyde Park, sit in the Italian Gardens and take a boat on the Serpentine; everything I promised you.’

      ‘If you’re sure, Lisa.’ The expression on Jed’s young face was incredibly grave. ‘But promise me when you get home you will explain to your husband the truth—that we’re friends, nothing more.’

      Lisa felt overwhelmingly protective of this man she had met for the first time today. She knew Jed had not a cynical or nasty thought in his head, money didn’t interest him, only people, and he would never understand a ruthless predator of a man like Alex.

      ‘Of course I will, Jed, and don’t worry. Alex and I will be laughing about this by dinnertime.’ Forcing a brilliant smile to her lips, she tightened her fingers around his calloused palm. ‘Now, come on, cowboy, you can watch the horse riders on Rotten Row and tell me how they compare to Montana.’

      At six in the evening, Jed helped her onto the train. She turned and leant out of the window, and brushed a gentle kiss on his tanned brow. ‘Till the next time, Jed.’

      His brilliant blue eyes glistened with something remarkably like tears. ‘I’ve had a wonderful afternoon, Lisa. Never mind the rocky start. Know that I will always be there for you.’ The guard sounded his whistle and the train moved off… Lisa waved until the platform was out of sight.


      LISA stepped reluctantly out of her BMW just as the heavens opened. She walked up the stone steps to the front door to her home and got

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