Империя хлопка. Всемирная история. Свен Беккерт

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Империя хлопка. Всемирная история - Свен Беккерт

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выращивании хлопка во Франции см.: C. P. De Lasteyrie, Du cotonnier et de sa culture (Paris: Bertrand, 1808); Notice sur le coton, sa culture, et sur la posibilite de le cultivar dans le departement de la Gironde, 3rd ed. (Bordeaux: L’Imprimerie de Brossier, 1823); об этих попытках см. также: Morris R. Chew, History of the Kingdom of Cotton and Cotton Statistics of the World (New Orleans: W. B. Stansbury & Cº, 1884), 48. О попытках выращивать хлопок в Ланкашире см.: John Holt, General View of the Agriculture of the County ofLancaster (London: G. Nicol, 1795), 207.


      N. G. Svoronos, Le commerce de Salonique au XVIIIe siecle (Paris: Presses Universi-taires de France, 1956), 67; Bombay Dispatches, IO/E/4, 996, British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections, pp. 351, 657; Eliyahu Ashtor, “The Venetian Cotton Trade in Syria in the Later Middle Ages,” Studi Medievali, ser. 3, vol. 17 (1976): 676, 682, 686.


      В 1790 г. потребление хлопка в Великобритании составляло 30,6 млн фунтов. Edward Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain (London: H. Fisher, R. Fisher, and P.Jackson, 1835), 215, 347, 348; Thomas Ellison, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain (London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1886), 49; Joel Mokyr, The Lever ofRiches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), 99; Джоэль Мокир, Рычаг богатства. Технологическая креативность и экономический прогресс (Москва: Издательство Института Гайдара, 2014), 145; Bernard Lepetit, “Frankreich, 1750–1850,” in Wolfram Fischer et al., eds, Handbuch der Europaischen Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeschichte, vol. 4 (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1993), 487; Bremer Handelsblatt 2 (1851): 4.


      Ellison, The Cotton Trade, 82–83; Michael M. Edwards, The Growth of the British Cotton Trade, 1780–1815 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1967), 75.


      William Edensor, An Address to the Spinners and Manufacturers of Cotton Wool, Upon the Present Situation of the Market (London: The Author, 1792), 15. Недостаток рабочей силы существовал всегда, что означает, что о производстве на плантациях не могло быть и речи. Huri Islamoglu-Inan, “State and Peasants in the Ottoman Empire: A Study of Peasant Economy in North-Central Anatolia During the Sixteenth Century,” in Huri Islamoglu-Inan, ed., The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 126; Elena Frangakis-Syrett, The Commerce of Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1700–1820) (Athens: Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 1992), 11, 236; Resat Kasaba, The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy: The Nineteenth Century (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988), 25–27. О недостатке капитала см.: Donald Quataert, “The Commercialization of Agriculture in Ottoman Turkey, 1800–1914,” International Journal of Turkish Studies 1 (1980): 44–45. О значении политической независимости см.: Sevket Pamuk, The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820–1913 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 53; Ellison, The Cotton Trade, 82–83; Edwards, The Growth of the British Cotton Trade, 86.


      Report of the Select Committee of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, Upon the Subject of the Cotton Manufacture of this Country, 1793, Home Miscellaneous Series, 401, Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London.


      “Objections to the Annexed Plan,” November 10, 1790, Home Miscellaneous Series, 434, Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London.


      См., например: Edwards, The Growth of the British Cotton Trade, 75, 82–83; Ellison, The Cotton Trade, 28, 84; East-India Company, Reports and Documents Connected with the Proceedings of the East-India Company in Regard to the Culture and Manufacture of Cotton-Wool, Raw Silk, and Indigo in India (London: East-India Company, 1836); Copy of letter by George Smith to Charles Earl Cornwallis, Calcutta, October 26, 1789, in Home Miscellaneous Series, 434, Oriental and India Office Records, British Library, London; Various Copies of Letters Copied into a Book relating to Cotton, 729–54, in Home Miscellaneous Series, 374, India Office Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London.


      О долгой истории хлопка на Карибах см.: David Watts, The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 158–59, 183, 194, 296; Charles Mackenzie, Facts, Relative to the Present State of the British Cotton Colonies and to the Connection of their Interests (Edinburgh: James Clarke, 1811); Daniel McKinnen, A Tour Through the British West Indies, in the Years 1802 and 1803: Giving a Particular Account of the Bahama Islands (London: White, 1804); George F. Tyson Jr., “On the Periphery of the Peripheries: The Cotton Plantations of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1735–1815,” Journal of Caribbean History 26, no. 1 (1992): 3, 6–8; “Tableau de Commerce, &c. de St. Domingue,” in Bryan Edwards, An Historical Survey of the Island of Saint Domingo (London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1801), 230–31.


      “Report from the Select Committee on the Commercial State of the West India Colonies,” in Great Britain, House of Commons, Sessional Papers, 1807, III (65), pp. 73–78, Цит. по: Lowell J. Ragatz, Statistics for the Study of British Caribbean Economic History, 1763–1833 (London: Bryan Edwards Press, 1928), 22; Lowell J. Ragatz, The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean, 1763–1833: A Study in Social and Economic History (New York: Century Co., 1928), 38; M. Placide-Justin, Histoire politique et statistique de l’ile d’Hayti, Saint-Domingue; ecrite sur des documents officiels et des notes communiquees par Sir James Barskett, agent du gouvernement britannique dans les Antilles (Paris: Briere, 1826), 501. О “coton des isles” см.: Robert Levy, Histoire economique de l’industrie cotonniere en Alsace (Paris: F. Alcan, 1912), 56; Nathan Hall to John King, Nassau, May 27, 1800, Box 15, CO 23, Public Record Office, London.


      Robert H. Schomburgk, The History of Barbados: Comprising a Geographical and Statistical Description of the Island; a Sketch of the Historical Events Since the Settlement; and an Account ofIts Geology and Natural Productions (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1848), 640; Edwards, The Growth of the British Cotton Trade, 79; Selwyn Carrington, “The American Revolution and the British West Indies Economy,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 17 (1987): 841–42; Edward N. Rappaport and Jose Fernandez-Partagas, “The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, 1492–1996,” National Hurricane Center, National Weather Service, May 28, 1995, http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pastdeadly.shtml; Ragatz, Statistics, 15; S. G. Stephens, “Cotton Growing in the West Indies During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” Tropical Agriculture 21 (February 1944): 23–29; Wallace Brown, The Good Americans: The Loyalists in American Revolution (New York: Morrow, 1969), 2; Gail Saunders, Bahamian Loyalists and Their Slaves (London: Macmillan Caribbean, 1983), 37.



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