Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables - Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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because they both have the same sales capacity. What do they tell me? Accepted?

      The eldest son rose angrily and protested:

      —Is not fair. I have the right to stay with the two stores because I am your true son, the fruit of true love. While there, it's just an error.

      The father, disgusted, broke out on top of him and slapped him.

      "You are the one who has no right to humiliate you." He is my son as much as you are. What is mine do what I want. By this attitude, I will take away the administration from the store and deliver this to my other son because he did not even open his mouth to complain about my decision. Whoever deserves it will be given even more.

      There was, in a distant kingdom, an extremely good and powerful king. He was served by numerous faithful servants who loved him. Each day, he chose some more to grow his wheat field because he was huge. Among the workers, there was one named Angel who was one of the most important servants. He had six talents of significant importance. However, he did not know how to handle these tools and did not want to hurt others. The king, all powerful, knew of his acts because of the damage he was causing. At every turn of his, the king paid a huge sum in compensation to his creditors. The time passed and Angel unknowingly continued sowing tares instead of wheat. The king loved him. Among the servants, there was no one above him. However, the king realized that if he did not take an energetic attitude he would ruin the plantation and with that he would be sentenced to prison no matter how much it hurt him. Then the king decided to send the black knight.

      The black knight, also called the devastating plague, was the first evil known in his field. He is the father of lies and malice. He approached Angel and began to cry:

      —The weeds that you have unwittingly sowed I will gather you now. On the way back, I come to pick you up, too.

      In this, a white knight appeared and complemented:

      "This is just a warning. If you continue to carry out your crimes you will also be condemned as was this tare. The king sent me here to alert you. He knows you sowed tares thinking it was wheat. That is why he spared him this plague. Now, continue your work and be careful not to sow more tares.

      At this moment, Angel had proof of the true love you had for him. From that day on, he would mend and cultivate the harvest more quickly.

      The king represents the creator. The subjects represent their creatures. Wheat is the world. Tools are the talents that God gives us when we are born. Angel is a higher spirit sent by God to enlighten the world. Because of his gift, he sometimes harmed his fellow men. The king treats him as a son and therefore forgives his slips. The energetic attitude represents the celestial force that clarifies the true path of good. The black knight are the forces of evil that try in every possible way to harm the servants of the highest. The white knight represents the heavenly guardians who protect the spirits of light. Moral of the parable: God is always willing to give a second chance to those who recognize their mistakes.

      Gilson, Humberto, and Ronald were inseparable friends. The three of them had known each other since they had studied elementary education. He spent his childhood, came to youth and remained friends. They got married and although the weather got shorter they continued to be seen on weekends. Sometimes the three of them would go out alone when the program they were going to enjoy was only suitable for men: games, fishing, adventure tours. One weekend, they combined a boat trip in the surroundings of the beautiful Angra dos Reis. They prepared everything: They prepared a nice barbecue, took some caipirinhas and a lot of soda. In addition, they brought with them a powerful sound system to perform some samba classics. The party was hectic and the party too. In this shuttle, Gilson approached the end of the boat without realizing it, because the weather was cloudy and the fog began to thicken, making it impossible for him to see clearly where they were. The party's pace slowed and they decided to rest a little. Plumb! The noise of something falling into the water and the shrill scream of someone caught the attention of everyone. It was Gilson: A slipping unbalanced him and his body was thrown under the waters. I cannot swim! She screamed.

      Humberto pondered and said, "I do not know how to swim, either." I'm not going to risk it because I have children to raise.

      Ronald felt himself shudder inside and was moved by his colleague's situation. He said, "I do not know how to swim, either. However, he is my friend and I will not leave him alone in this difficult situation.

      Another noise: Plumb! Ronaldo threw himself into the stormy waters to help him. Wrapped in haze, he shouted his name in order to locate him. Something cleared his way and found Gilson almost out of breath and unable to swim. When Gilson saw him, he exclaimed, "You should not have come." I know you do not swim either. We're going to succumb together!

      Ronald replied, "I do not care. Do you remember how you helped me in that desperate financial crisis? My family and I are grateful to this day. We owe you life. Because of this and the person you are, I do not mind losing you if you have to.

      Ronald embraced Gilson and gave him all the reserve power he had. This made him resist for a while longer. Exhausted by exhaustion, they drowned when suddenly a mighty hand held them up. We are saved! They both shouted with happiness. They were on a small boat guided by a strange man who had not shown up. They both questioned him. Where did you come from? Who are you? How did you find us? The strange guide exclaimed, "So many questions!" The important thing is that you are well. Well, my name is Pedro and I'm a fisherman. I was fishing in this area and I found you almost drowning. They were not to enter the sea without the skill of swimming. It's very dangerous. Gilson and Ronald again embrace and thank the heavens for being alive. Peter commented: Your friendship is what saved you. I'm not here because I want to and because they sent me. I'm just steering the boat. I did not save them. The hand that pulled them out of the water was the same one that once pulled me. With him, I learned the true meaning of what it is to be a true friend: He gave his own life to save us. He told me he would do it all over again if necessary. He is the way, the truth and the life. Keep it up, friends like you are today. Let intrigue and envy never scatter them. Remember: Those who seek to protect their life will lose it. But whoever loses it for love will find it. You have been given a new opportunity: Go home and believe in Jesus Christ.

      A numbness fell on them and when they awoke they were on dry land. They got up without really understanding why they were there. Their memories were erased and the only thing they felt was that their friendship was capable of withstanding the stormy fury of the waters.

      The fog is all that disrupts a relationship. Falling in the water are the stumbling blocks we have in our lives. Ronald is the faithful friend who is capable of anything to help the other. In the end, the union of the two overcomes the difficulties.

      Jesse was a wealthy landlord who employed many servants in his undertakings. Among his enterprises, the most profitable was the vineyard. In one of them, two servants cultivated the same land space: Daniel and Lamuel. Daniel was a dedicated servant who cultivated It was sown, fertilized, and irrigated at the right time. Lamuel was disobedient and foolish because he only followed his own convictions: He sowed the grains in a disorderly and unthinking way, fertilized excessively and did not irrigate the seedlings. Daniel thrived and thrived, which earned him praise from his master. Lamuel's field was fruitless. The master called Lamuel and rebuked him for his conduct and advised him to follow Daniel's example. He felt humiliated and displeased at his companion Daniel, decided to take revenge.

      The first attitude he took was to ally himself with the master's chief enemy: The chief of the servants who had rebelled against him. He would serve as an instrument of hatred for this evil in order to destroy all that Daniel had built and

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