Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables - Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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beyond of damaging the plantation of the boss. The enemy gave him a plague that he entered in the field of his companion. Meanwhile, Daniel continued with his work without distrusting of anything. Shortly after, the beautiful green of its field was disappearing which caused him some surprise and disappointment. With this, he appeared before the chief to provide clarification.

      —Sir, I continue to cultivate the soil in the same way. However, what once produced innumerable fruits now produces practically none. I think I'm getting meeless. If you wish, I will give my place to another, more competent servant.

      —No need, good servant. It was not your fault. I well know what is happening: Your field is being attacked by a powerful plague. An enemy sowed him. But he will not win. I will give you my best insecticide and your field will again give good and beautiful fruits.

      The insecticide was applied and the plague was suppressed. But Lamuel did not give up his revenge. He consulted his master and he promised to destroy Daniel's life and career. In the end, evil became incarnate and took human form: a buyer. Daniel remained obedient and in his work honored his boss. The buyer came up and asked, "Are you Daniel? I have heard very well of you. They say that you are the boss's best employee. Daniel politely replied, "I am only a humble servant and equal to everyone. Since I came here, my sole purpose is to fulfill my function. My boss puts all confidence in me and therefore does not I can disappoint you. Come on, I'll show you what I've cultivated so far.

      The buyer was led among the beautiful vines of Daniel's field. The buyer exclaimed, "Very good! You did a great job. Tell me, boy, did not you want to work for me? I would give you a generous pay. Daniel replied:

      —No thank you. I do not do this for the money. My reward is all the fruits I reap.

      The buyer looked at him with pure hatred and decided to take advantage of Daniel being alone to try to destroy his plantation. He changed his appearance and no one knows where he got a scythe. He shouted, "Look what I do with your work, look!" (He began to reap Daniel's plans.) When he had finished ravaging the camp, he began to beat him. The master observed everything and decided to act: He called his strongest servant (No one is so brave as to challenge him) and ordered:

      "Miguel, go and deliver my servant Daniel, for he is being beaten by the serpent. As for the other plague, let me handle it.

      The angel flew hastily toward the field and was armed to the teeth. He seized the ancient serpent, chained it and threw it into the abyss where it could no longer leave (except with permission). Daniel was injured but he would recover from his injuries. The master summoned Lamuel and he stood before him.

      The lord said: "You poison!" Who taught you to act this way? Did you think you were going to destroy my son? Neither you nor the enemy can with him. I am always on the side of the wronged. Instead of envying you because it does not work done it? I would have blessed him too. Because you rebelled and for your crimes, I no longer want you in my plantation. It will be tied up and thrown into the outer darkness made of weeds that is useless. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

      The landlord is God Himself. The parable presents two servants: one obedient and one disobedient. Daniel acts in the way God expects of a servant: He sows the word of the kingdom, he nurses the newborn plants so that they grow and in the balance of accounts, the boss praises Daniel's attitudes but disapproves of Lamuel's that instead of following the example of the companion, he prefers to harm him. This attitude is very common: People who adopt this way of life feel wronged by God and the world and do not recognize when they are wrong. However, God protects the oppressed and does not allow the servants dedicated to him to be destroyed. In the end God performs justice and frees from all evil.

      In a garden full of fruit trees there was a large apple tree. It was the most beautiful and leafy tree in the orchard. Every year, the harvest increased and the lord profits from the garden as well. The gardener irrigated twice a day: One with fresh water and another with brackish water. The harvest continued to be full but gradually the profits were diminishing because some fruits were spoiling before being harvested. Over time, the income from the extraction of the fruits no longer compensated to maintain it. Then the gardener decided to speak with the lord of the garden about the apple tree.

      "Dad, I'm thinking of cutting the apple tree because the crop is ruining. What do you say to me?

      "Before any decision, I have to see her. It may be that the problem has a solution.

      Upon analyzing it, the boss found that all the fruits were spoiling minus one of the medium. He felt his trunk and touched him,

      "Not the court." This is a good tree that has already given me much joy. The apples are spoiling because they are absorbing brackish water instead of sweet. See that fruit of the middle: it is perfect. This is a sign that she protected him by making him absorb only fresh water. By this fruit, which is kept whole, I will not bring it down.

      The apple tree represents the life concretely expressed in creation. The harvest is all that good produces life. Fresh water is the word of God and the ways to fulfill it. Brackish water is all contrary directions to the word. Fruits rotten are all those who deviate from the true path of God: love and serve the neighbor. The fruit of the environment is the small contingent that believes and follows the precepts of good without looking back. Even if there is only one faithful God will bless the land on his behalf.

      In a large field, full of fruit trees and plantations, there were two servants: Joshua and Jeroboam. They cultivated the field and tended the flock of the boss's sheep. Joshua was a lieutenant and obedient to God, reserving himself to do his work. Jeroboam, on the contrary, boasted of his innumerable talents and sought to seduce the sheep so that they would follow him. Jeroboam's pride grew in such a way that he declared himself the son of his master. to assume the throne and the power that did not belong to him. Then the boss decided to summon him to introduce himself. He said:

      "I heard you call yourself" my son. " Who gave you such authority? Do you want to match me?

      "Revive my being of such splendorous glory that I have come to be your beloved son. I know you've hidden this secret from everyone. Now, I want my share in the inheritance.

      —You're crazy. You are not my son. I only have one son: the firstborn. I will give him the throne and the power. If you were my son, I would not be so proud. Despite having created everything and everyone and having the universe in the palm of my hands, I do not count advantages. My works are those who speak for me. In addition to my pupil, I adopted several of my employees for being faithful. A living example is Joshua. He recognizes my authority and accomplishes the work that for this, I declare today, "He is my son also. I have begot him." And further, "He that humbled himself shall be exalted, and he that exalted himself shall be humbled."

      The master gathered his disciples to the seashore, and a great multitude gathered around him. The master holds all the secrets of the universe and was sent to the lost sheep. However, he spoke to them in parables so that the "blind" and "deaf" did not understand. These had their hearts and minds closed and so they did not understand what he was saying. On the other hand, those committed to the kingdom could see in their teachings the true path. Then he began to teach: Behold, a foolish man can be likened to a ship that gradually sinks into the high seas. With every transgression committed, a chamber is flooded, and with it a host of good feelings and virtues is shipwrecked., vices) begin to exert a strong oppression on him and consequently the acts harmful to the neighbor and himself become more frequent. On the contrary, the angels (the good intentions and acts) begin to weaken and are forgotten in his life. At an unconscious moment, the angels seek in a last effort to make him see the way to restore balance

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