Raging Hearts. Amy Blankenship

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Raging Hearts - Amy Blankenship

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His golden eyes softened with a hidden longing as she stood up and her long, silky auburn hair started blowing in the breeze.

      Kyoko had never been good at sitting still for too long and her nerves were already starting to fray from boredom. Needing something to take her mind off the mess she’d made in this world, she stood up and started for a nearby path.

      "Toya, I'm going to go for a walk, okay?" Kyoko called over her shoulder as she took off… to where, she didn’t know. She bit her bottom lip when she didn't hear him following her. Fine… she didn't want him to come on a walk with her anyway. She cocked an eyebrow at the silent lie. They’d been walking for days so why in the world was she doing it when she didn’t have too. No wonder he hadn’t offered to keep her company.

      She slowed down, sulking. Toya had been acting so odd lately. She was getting whiplash from the sudden changes in his personality and was tired of obsessing over it. Kyoko decided to just keep going until she was so tired she’d just sleep for the next couple days.

      Toya stood up, wanting nothing more than to follow her. He shoved away from the tree and took a step to do just that, than stopped mid-stride. He leaned back against the tree in a huff. "Oh no, I’m staying right here… where it’s safe." He breathed through clinched teeth forcing himself not to follow her like a stalker.

      It was all he could do today to keep his distance anyway. He didn’t sense any demons nearby and figured she’d be safe for a while. The silver guardian inhaled deeply as he slid down the tree and settled against it. Kyoko’s scent was still in the clearing and it was driving him crazy.

      It happened every time he spent too much time alone with her. He’d start acting weird and she’d get mad, than he would say something stupid and make it worse. If he knew for sure she wouldn't reject him, then he’d reach out to her like he’d wanted to do since the first moment he had saw her. Toya glared down at his hands wondering why every time he tried, something happened to ruin it.

      Kyoko walked for quite a while thinking bashing thoughts about the male population in this world and her own world. The splashing sounds of cascading water brought her attention back to her surroundings. Looking around, she saw a crystal clear pool of water with a small waterfall constantly feeding it.

      â€œIt’s amazing how in a land of monsters, some things can be so beautiful,” She whispered in awe. Her emerald eyes lit up as she took it all in. Not sensing anything in the water that might hurt her or want to fight, Kyoko started stripping, knowing they were a long way from any type of village.

      She couldn't believe her luck coming across this all by herself and she wasn't about to let the opportunity pass her up. Sticking her toes in first to test the water, she nearly melted finding it naturally heated.

      Kyoko waded into the water and splashed it up on herself, loving the cleansing feel of it. She’d been so spoilt in her own world, taking for granted that she could take a hot shower whenever she wanted. This world was a completely other matter. Stepping closer to the waterfall, she let it shower down on her hair and felt more tranquil then she had in a long time.

      She loved having something to think about besides Toya for a little while. She was tired of being in a funk because of him and his mood swings. Lately, all he had to do was look at her and she would blush. That made her angry. He was all about finding the talisman and killing demons.

      When Toya faced the demons, sometimes he could be more frightening then the evil he was fighting. Truth was, most people thought Toya hated everyone… it was just his personality. She was constantly reminding herself that he was far from human and didn’t live by their rules… none of the guardians did.

      However, sometimes she would get a glimpse of the man behind the guardian. It was in those rare moments that he seemed different… softer. He would accidentally do something that proved he cared for her more then he let on. He was the only one of the five guardians that could cross the Heart of Time into her world and she wondered why. Did it mean something? Were they secretly linked together more than her and the other guardians?

      Kyoko huffed to herself in disappointment because she was still thinking about Toya after deciding not to. She scrubbed her skin and hair until it shone and then laid back on the surface of the water. She wasn’t ready to abandon such a lovely place just yet. There was no telling if she’d ever see it again.

      She cleared her mind as she listened to the water lapping at her ears. Closing her eyes, Kyoko relaxed and let the water cradle her.


      Kyou had been following his brothers from a distance… often ridding the area surrounding them of the demons that stalked the girl’s every move. He’d come to the conclusion that either his brothers were growing lazy or the enemy was growing stronger. The demons that hunted them were gaining strength.

      He could sense a separation within the group and growled disapprovingly. He inhaled deeply and followed the scent that called to him. Moments later he reached his target. Kyou looked down at the crystalline water’s as he hovered high in the air, turning his angelic face to the girl that lay on the water’s glittering surface.

      No emotion showed in his expression as he let his gaze caress her body. His silver hair drifted in the slight wind as shimmering strands hung down his back all the way to his thighs. He could smell her sweet scent from the height he was at, where he’d come to a dead stop.

      Kyou was addicted to her scent, this girl they were destined to protect. His golden orbs watched her as she laid upon the water like a naked water goddess beckoning him to her. She was the one who’d brought the Guardian Heart Crystal back to their lands, causing nothing but turmoil and danger. The shattering of the crystal had decided her fate quickly. She now belonged to the guardians though he doubted she realized that fact.

      His lips parted as he watched the girl he’d tried to kill in the beginning but could never bring himself to do it. In truth, had he really wanted her dead… she would be dead. Instead, he protected her from afar while his brothers stayed closer to her. Such innocence should not be left alone without protection. His gaze narrowed at his brother’s incompetence. Maybe he should be the one protecting her so closely.

      Kyou smiled, something that he almost never did. He liked the game of cat and mouse, and the priestess needed to be taught a lesson about being caught alone in such a dangerous land.

      He slowly glided down to her seeing that her eyes were closed. Kyou lay stretched out above her without touching her, just hovering there in mid-air, letting his long hair create a curtain around them. The soft fan of her dark lashes across creamy cheeks gave him pause. His gaze slowly lowered to her full lips in wonder. He put his own lips to the shell of her ear and breathed his hot breath into it.

      Kyoko's eyes came open in shock and she whipped her head around, causing Kyou’s lips to brush across her cheek in the process… coming to a stop right on her lips. She was looking straight into Kyou’s golden eyes. They were hypnotizing. It was like being kissed by an angel but… This was Kyou. Toya's brother was not an angel. He was the most feared and powerful guardian in the land. He was also one of her protectors, though she hardly ever laid eyes on him.

      She lost all floating ability as she panicked. She began to sink into the water, but she didn't care as long as it got her away from his hypnotizing eyes. She stifled a scream when he suddenly reached out, grabbing her around the small of the back and lifted her clear out of the water until she was pressed flush against him.

      Kyou could smell her fear of him and decided he didn’t want her fear. Everyone feared him… even his brothers. His golden eyes glowed as he held her tightly, ceasing her struggles. The Guardian Heart Crystal had decided long ago they were fated to be allies and he would not have the one he protected, fearing his protection. Kyou used his mind control abilities to peer into her memories and found that the priestess had never been kissed… until now. His eyes darkened attractively with that knowledge.

      Kyoko was so shocked all she could do was stare

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