Raging Hearts. Amy Blankenship

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Raging Hearts - Amy Blankenship

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back into the woods, away from her… leaving her standing there confused. He’d looked so sad when he had said it. Kyoko hung her head, feeling like the biggest jerk in the world, both worlds. She knew out of all of his siblings, the one he couldn’t get along with was Kyou… even if they were both on the same side. They always fought when within seeing distance of each other.

      "Oh Toya, I'm sorry." She whispered into the empty air he’d left behind. Turning back to the water, she stripped and went back in to wash Kyou's scent off her.

      She smiled thinking… He doesn't like Kyou’s scent. Could it be that he’s jealous? She sighed rethinking it… Or is it just because he doesn't like Kyou? Remembering what happened earlier while she was alone, Kyoko hurried up and washed, not wanting to chance any more unwelcome visitors during her bath. Getting back out quickly, she dressed and started back for camp.

      Kyoko stepped into the clearing where she knew Toya would be waiting for her, and he was. She really didn’t want to be alone with him right now after the way things had went at the hot spring. She quickly scanned the area for Kamui but didn’t see him.

      "Toya, where’s Kamui?” Kyoko asked nervously.

      Toya had been waiting on her to get back, although he’d only made it back a couple of minutes before her because he’d been keeping an eye on her… making sure Kyou did not show back up to finish what he’d started.

      He shrugged as if it didn’t matter as he answered her question, "He went to visit Sennin. He’ll be back in the morning so we can head out then.”

      He had really sent Kamui to the old man to ask if he’d gotten any more information on where the talismans could be found. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Toya knew it was just an excuse to be alone with Kyoko for a while… but he wouldn’t tell her that.

      Kyoko sighed as she sat down, closing her eyes and relaxing against the tree. Damn it, she was right back in the same position she’d been avoiding when she took off for her walk. Trying to distract herself, the first thing that entered her mind was Kyou, his glowing golden eyes showing a flicker of emotion. It was the first time she’d seen him show any emotion besides the expressionless face of boredom he carried or the anger of battle. And he had kissed her.

      Why had he kissed her like that? And why hadn’t she tried to stop him? It was like she’d been unable to think, just able to feel. Though she was still very afraid of him, she’d felt safe at the same time. After all, he was one of her guardians. He wouldn’t hurt her… would he? It was her first kiss and one she’d never forget. She glanced over at Toya and caught him staring at her again.

      Toya had been watching the emotions flickering across her face and wondered what she was thinking about. She looked like she had a secret and then he noticed the slight blush cross her cheeks and he knew he was right. She was thinking about Kyou! He could hear the growl loud within his head. When she turned to look over at him, he glared at her. He turned and faced the other way, crossing his arms in front and leaving her to stare in confusion at his back.

      Kyoko frowned then yelled at him. "What’d I do?” He twitched but didn’t turn around or answer her. What was he mad about now? Suddenly, a chill went down her spine and her heart began to pound hard against her chest… Evil. Raising her face, she closed her eyes and felt darkness coming at them. It was evil all right, and it had a piece of the shattered guardian heart crystal within it.

      Toya sensed Kyoko's heartbeat speed up and swung around to look at her. “Kyoko, what is it?" His voice was now fueled with concern as he instantly forgot to be mad at her.

      "A talisman, very strong and darkly tainted. It’s moving fast… this way," She pointed to the left and they both jumped to their feet and started running in that direction. They hadn’t gone far when they heard something crashing through the trees, coming straight towards them.

      Toya’s body was moving on its own accord, his forearms pulsing at his sides as if to draw his attention to the power that lay hidden there. With a flick of his wrist, the fire dagger slid from his flesh and he leapt in front of Kyoko, pushing her behind him with his other hand. He braced himself as the forest in front of them took on a life of its own. The trees and foliage crashed around them as a huge demon thundered towards them.

      Kyoko swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked up at the demon. It was about ten times taller than either of them and very nasty looking. She could see the beautiful sky above it and wondered if she would ever get used to the fact that demons lived here. She shrank back when its hideous red eyes locked on her and Toya.

      Toya sniffed the air, making a face. The thing smelt like it had been buried and left to rot for way to long before crawling out of its grave. He’d bet his life Hyakuhei was controlling this thing because he hadn’t felt this much power within a demon in a long time.

      â€œAnother one of his fucking spawns," Toya sneered then heard the mocking laughter come from deep in the chest of the demon.

      It spoke in a massive deep crackling voice that grated on the nerves. "Kill Toya!" The demon grunted as it lunged forward with a rotting, clawed hand.

      With inhuman speed, Toya lifted Kyoko in his arms and jumped out of the way. Landing on a nearby rock that was jutting up from the ground, he instantly wished Kyoko had stayed in the camp and out of harm’s way. His lips were right beside her ear as he asked hastily, "that ugly thing is way to big not to have a talisman. Do you see it?"

      She swung her head around to peer hard at the demon but it was moving so fast all she could see was a blur. It jumped and landed right in front of them, knocking Toya to the ground with a bone-jarring thud. Kyoko screamed when it turned back and grabbed her off the rock. Its massive, fleshy hand squeezed the breath from her, stopping her scream instantly.

      She put her hands down against the imprisonment, trying to push out of its grip but there was no way. A dark glowing light caught her attention. She was trapped and getting dizzy from the lack of air, so with the last bit of breath she could squeeze out, she shouted. "The talisman… Neck!"

      Toya saw the demon grab Kyoko, holding her up in the air while she struggled to breathe. He pushed up off the ground feeling the adrenaline rush through his body and into the fire dagger still pulsating in his hand.

      "Let her go, you bastard!" He roared, trying to get its attention back on him. "You’ll regret ever touching her," Toya growled as his eyes turned to molten silver.

      He slung his other arm out to the side, now holding a dagger in each hand as he taunted the ugly beast. The demon gave a hideous laugh as it held Kyoko up as if to use her as a shield. "Damn!” Toya cursed. He couldn’t use the daggers power without hurting Kyoko in the process. The beast wasn’t as stupid as he looked. “You dirty son of a…” Toya growled feeling his blood heat to a dangerous level.

      Kyoko tried to get to her crossbow, but the demon had it pinned between her and its palm. The light around her started to fade, warning her that she was passing out. She sought out Toya's form, finding him standing there, facing the demon. She could tell he was in a rage as she heard him curse. His angry silver eyes met hers, and the last thing she saw before passing out was Toya leap into the air as if to come straight at her.

      Toya had had enough. How dare that nasty beast touch Kyoko. He felt his cursed demon blood surface, overriding his guardian blood as his anger grew. He leapt into the air and with a swipe of his razor sharp claws; he sliced through the demon's arm. As its arm fell to the ground, Toya boomeranged off the demon and caught Kyoko in midair as she fell from the loose fingers.

      Holding her securely against him, Toya jumped out of the way as the demon swung his other hand towards them. He landed hard, taking only a second to make sure Kyoko was once again breathing even though she’d lost consciousness. He laid her on the ground then swung around. The twin daggers reemerged from his skin, sliding into his palms with ease.

      â€œHow dare you!” Toya’s voice rose to

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