Vampire Gemini. Amy Blankenship

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Vampire Gemini - Amy Blankenship

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protector… maybe more. He wasn’t really sure what word he would use to describe their relationship. All he knew was that they sort of looked out for each other.

      â€œI’m all right,” Kyoko answered, drawing his attention back to the present. “Just a bit stressed out.”

      Amni grinned, “Yeah, Yohji can do that to you. Would you believe that he actually came onto me the other night? Talk about bent.” It was a lie but the look on her face was worth it. The truth was, he had caught Yohji in the bar coming on to a girl that had already told him ‘No’ way too many times… but he would leave out that little detail.

      Kyoko’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline and a disbelieving grin spread across her face. “Oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding me?”

      Amni shook his head, “Nope, I wouldn’t kid about something like that.”

      â€œWhat did you do?” She asked, wishing she had been a fly on the wall.

      â€œI knocked his drunken ass out and deposited him in his apartment.” His smile widened, “I would have loved to have seen his face when he woke up though.”

      Kyoko’s eyebrows raised a notch, “What did I miss?”

      â€œInstead of putting him in his bed… I put him under it.” His blue eyes sparkled mischievously.

      Kyoko laughed and shook her head, “You are priceless Amni.”

      Amni smirked, “Now don’t go telling everyone that… they might think I’m a nice guy.” His face softened knowing he had made her happy. “I guess I had better head on downstairs before the place gets too wild without me.”

      â€œYou are a nice guy,” Kyoko informed him. “I’ll see you downstairs in a little while.”

      Chapter 3 “Hunger”

      Hyakuhei stood in front of The Underground. Normally he stayed away from this area of the city because it was heavily infested with half-breeds. It was also closer to his brother’s underground lair, making him wonder just who had named the small, overcrowded nightclub. It was not a good place for the girl to be.

      He vanished and reappeared within its walls, taking a seat in the darkest corner.

      Amni was still smiling when he opened the door and entered the club only to stop dead in his tracks. Something wasn’t right. His head snapped to the side and his eyes widened. Tadamichi? Jerking his gaze away, he took off behind the bar, completely disturbed.

      Why was the Master here… in his bar?


      Kyoko stood looking in the mirror wondering just how drunk she would have to get before she could go through with it. She fluffed her hair and started to change but didn’t… deciding what she was wearing would hopefully do the trick. She would just have to stop herself from punching whoever came on to her for once.

      She nodded at her reflection, giving herself the pep talk of her life. “Ok Kyoko… you can do this. Think of all the vampires you will be able to sneak up on if they don’t sense your virginity coming.” She rolled her eyes at the strangeness of that conversation. “Alcohol… that’s what I need.”

      Within minutes she was sitting at the bar thinking about what Grandpa had said. She glanced up at Amni as he worked at mixing all the weird drink requests. She frowned wondering why he seemed so nervous. She tilted her head a little as she watched him completely miss the cup he was aiming for with the scoop of ice.

      Hyakuhei felt her presence the moment she entered the room. He was in no hurry as he leaned back in the chair surveying her. The girl seemed not to pay attention to anything around her, leading him to believe she didn’t want to be here at all… so why was she? He watched her in the mirror as she took a wall seat at the bar, confirming the fact that it appeared she would rather be alone.

      He followed her line of vision and realized it was the bar tender that held her attention… the blond vampire that had been nervously eyeing him.

      Amni glanced again wondering if it was his imagination or not, but it seemed that corner had gotten even darker. Trying to pretend it wasn’t bothering, him, he leaned his hands against the bar and gave Kyoko a distracted smile, “Want a drink?”

      â€œYes,” Kyoko informed him, the determination in her voice nearly making Amni fall over. “Long Island Iced Tea… strongest you can make it.” She announced.

      Amni faltered and looked around wondering if he’d stepped into the Twilight Zone for the evening. First, the vampire lord walks in and sits down like he owns the place, then Kyoko asks for an alcoholic drink. What next… Polar Bears performing the Nutcracker Suite?

      His hand unconsciously went to his neck, remembering the night Tadamichi had turned him so long ago. Was he here looking to take another life? He pushed the thought forcefully from his mind.

      â€œKyoko,” Amni said quietly. “I don’t believe a drink is what you really want. Why don’t you go back upstairs and get some sleep? That’s better for stress then a hangover. I’m sure everything will look better in the morning.”

      Kyoko had told him many times that she was a non-drinker and there were already enough alarm bells going off tonight for her to be changing her mind. On many levels, he was glad she hadn’t noticed the atomic bomb of all vampires hanging out in the corner… and he would like to keep it that way.

      â€œNo can do,” Kyoko said with a pout. “I’ve got some baggage I need to get rid of tonight and it’s going to start with that drink you’re going to give me.”

      â€œAll right, all right,” Amni said now that she held his full attention. “Retract the claws and stop hissing at me or you won’t get any.”

      Kyoko glared and Amni chuckled. He wished he could fix whatever it was that was bothering her enough to make her drink. She was the only one he knew whose life seemed to be just as complicated as his. Trying to cheer her up, he winked and turned on the charm.

      â€œWell, it’s true,” He said while pouring the rum. “All that’s missing is the fur, tail and ears. You’ve already got the temperament and the attitude.”

      Kyoko clawed the air in front of her playfully with a grin on her face. “Maybe I should go stand out in the alley tonight meowing off key and waiting for a furry boyfriend.”

      Amni placed the drink in front of her before shaking his head. “And here I thought I was the only man in your life. You wound me Kyoko… I may need comfort.” He placed his hand over his heart for added affect, though somewhere deep down… he wasn’t joking.

      Kyoko paused with the drink half way to her lips. “Amni… stop flirting with me. It’s a bit disturbing.” She looked up still playing but as she held his eyes a second too long, her breath stilled within her chest. If only he wasn’t a vampire. Closing her eyes, she took a very, very long drink from the glass.

      â€œI’m being serious,” Amni continued as they locked gazes in a silent battle of wills. “If you can’t tell me what is going on, then who can you tell?”

      â€œI need another drink first.” Kyoko batted her lashes at him sparring for more time and courage to tell her dirty little secret.

      Amni slowly made her another drink. He cringed at the urge to jerk her upstairs and lock her in her room for the night. By the time he glanced back up and handed her the drink… her first one was empty. He started to press her but someone at the other end of the bar called out. With an agitated growl, he took off.

      Kyoko watched him

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