Vampire Gemini. Amy Blankenship

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Vampire Gemini - Amy Blankenship

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it up and didn’t stop until the glass was once again empty.

      Being a vampire had many perks and really good hearing was one of them. Amni pushed the mixed drinks in front of the noisy crowd but his wide eyes were on Kyoko as he watched her down her drink like it would save her. “Lose what!” He practically flew to her end of the bar and was staring her down when she opened her eyes.

      Kyoko flinched seeing Amni so close so suddenly, then her lips parted as she realized… “You heard me?” She gulped trying to get over the burning sensation left over from the alcohol going so quickly down her throat. By the time she caught her breath, Kyoko could feel the drink start to work its magic.

      â€œAnother, please.” She pushed the glass back at him ignoring the giant elephant in the room that was now sitting between them.

      The sudden anger that shot through Amni was tempered with pain. His blue eyes became a shade darker. His hands shook while he fixed ANOTHER drink for her. It didn’t have the calming effect he was hoping for.

      â€œYes I heard you… this is not the place for you to be getting drunk and horny. Keep drinking those iced teas tonight and you will be in the alley singing off key while a faceless male...”

      Kyoko’s emerald eyes glowed defiantly, “Sounds like fun… keep ‘em coming.”

      Amni made a face. “Oh that’s low.”

      Kyoko grinned at Amni over the rim of her glass and the vampire couldn’t help but return it. He had decided how he would solve this problem. He would let her get drunk… but he would not let her leave the bar… not in a million years. For now, he would play her little game of lets lose my virginity.

      Kyoko sighed when Amni went back to the other end of the bar again. She reached across the counter and grabbed a straw this time. Why does it have to be something like virginity giving her away to the demons? It’s not like she can ever fall in love with anyone. If she did love a guy… then she could never be with him because she would only put him in danger.

      A face flashed in her mind’s eye and she closed her eyes wanting to savor the picture… Tasuki. If she didn’t love Tasuki then he would be her choice. It’s because she did love him that she couldn’t call him up and… let him help her solve her little problem. Slipping the straw between her lips, Kyoko started drinking faster, trying to get up enough nerve to turn around and play ‘Eeny meeny miny moe’.

      â€œYou’re really looking to get laid then?” Amni questioned as he made her another drink.

      â€œOf course I am,” Kyoko stated. “But I don’t want to look like a slut by turning around.”

      â€œThen use the mirror,” Amni offered and breathed a sigh of relief when Kyoko brightened at the prospect. He didn’t want her turning around and spotting the vampire lord sitting in the corner. The ancient had been watching her since she came downstairs… and in her current state, Kyoko was in no shape to protect herself and Amni wasn’t strong enough to fight him off.

      â€œWhat about that red head?” Amni asked deliberately picking the worst looking guy in the room. If she were going to dream, then he would make it hard on her.

      Kyoko squinted at the mirror before shaking her head. “He’s got no ass.”

      Amni rolled his eyes, “Who the hell cares if he’s got an ass?”

      â€œI care,” Kyoko slurred. “I need something to grab onto.” For a moment, she remembered the imaginary guy she had described to Yohji a couple hours ago.

      â€œOkay,” Amni conceded. “How about the one with the spiked hair?”

      â€œCan we just put an ‘L’ on his forehead and cross him off the list?” Kyoko asked as she wrinkled up her nose then added, “And you happen to have crappy taste so far.”

      â€œThat blonde over there is cute.” He grinned knowing that guy only dated other guys… she didn’t stand a chance.

      Kyoko shook her head and nearly fell over with the motion. “What are you trying to do Amni? He’s about as unattractive as Yohji.”

      â€œYou don’t think the king of the third floor is cute?” Amni faked a look of horror then laughed at her deadpan expression.

      The next twenty minutes were spent looking at the different guys in the club. One was a player, one was too thug, another was too old, too young, too fat, too skinny, too nerdy, too preppy and so on. Amni finally threw his hands in the air in surrender.

      â€œThat’s almost every man in the club Kyoko,” He informed her. “You’re too drunk to really tell a good looking man and wouldn’t know one if he bit you on the ass right now.” He silently added, ‘thank god!’

      Kyoko smiled drunkenly, “If he bit me on the ass, I wouldn’t care what he looked like.”

      Amni’s eyes widened knowing Kyoko was only trying to talk tough because he could smell her innocence.

      â€œBig talk coming from a virgin who has never even been kissed properly,” He grinned hoping he was right.

      Kyoko coughed when the drink went down the wrong way. “What did you say?” She demanded then blinked refusing to bring Tasuki into the conversation.

      Amni smiled, “Don’t be worried. I won’t tell a soul unless you piss me off.”

      â€œWhat would you do if I pissed you off?” Kyoko demanded starting to really enjoy the high.

      â€œWell, I’d probably stand up on the bar and announce very loudly that we have a virgin in house tonight and the bidding starts at five thousand dollars. Of course, you would only get twenty percent of it and the rest would go to me.” He gripped the edge of the bar knowing he would outbid everyone.

      â€œWhy would I only get twenty?” she asked. “It’s my virginity… I should be the one getting paid for it.”

      â€œDamn you’re expensive,” Amni grumbled.

      â€œI heard that,” Kyoko exclaimed and stood up on the foot bars of her stool. “I’ll have you know I’m a very cheap date,” she nodded.

      â€œCola and moon pies at my place after work,” Amni said with a bright smile.

      â€œI’m not going on a date with youuuu,” Kyoko managed and caught herself before she fell over, then pointed a finger in Amni’s face, touching the tip of his nose with it. “I’m going on a date with the first man that doesn’t come onto me and treats me like a lady.”

      Amni arched an eyebrow, “This coming from the woman that’s looking for someone to take her virginity? Do you even want to know what this guy looks like in the morning?”

      â€œNo,” Kyoko hissed and plopped back down on the stool but still didn’t lower her finger. “I don’t want to know anything about him because…” she paused searching for the words. “…I have my morality.”

      Amni chuckled, “Kyoko, do you even know what morality means right now?”

      Kyoko’s face went blank, “No,” She said in a deadpan voice. She suddenly looked down at her lap and back up at Amni. “I’m not wearing underwear.”

      Amni, with all his grace, fell over behind the bar while Kyoko continued to sit there with an expression of wonderment on her face over not wearing undergarments.

      â€œDamn it!” A disembodied voice muttered from behind the bar.


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