Vampire Gemini. Amy Blankenship

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Vampire Gemini - Amy Blankenship

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but it would best describe the filth at this point.

      True, they did need a leader and Hyakuhei was pissed that Tadamichi hadn’t taught these underlings manners or even vampire etiquette. All they knew was ‘bite them and leave them for dead’ as he’d recently overheard a half-breed say.

      Tadamichi had turned them into nothing more than demonic bastards with no father to teach them morals of any sort, which always led them to make idiotic decisions. Didn’t they know they were supposed to submit to an ancient if they ever encountered one? Hyakuhei decided it didn’t matter… he had killed them for their indiscretion.

      He slowly turned in the direction the other vampire had gone. He fixed his collar and started nonchalantly following them. His feet moved silently across the pavement of the sidewalk and Hyakuhei resisted the urge to mentally fuck with the creature as he had so many others recently.

      This new breed of vampire Tadamichi had created were a paranoid lot… ready to bolt at the first true sign of trouble. One thing they had not been taught was that only the strong survived beyond death.

      He was starting to grow angry again wondering where this imbecile was taking the girl. The sidewalks were starting to get more crowded as they approached the center of downtown. Hyakuhei ignored the passes made at him by prostitutes… they were no better than the demons of the night. Every now and then a street lamp would suddenly shatter as he walked under it due to his repressed anger.

      â€œWhat’s your hurry baby?” A whore asked as she stepped into his path. “If you’re chasing someone then I’d be more than happy to let you chase me.”

      Hyakuhei gave the woman a death glare. At the same moment, the windshield of the car next to her blew outward, causing the people around them to cry out in surprise. The whore moved out of the way and Hyakuhei resumed his stalking. He knew at this point the girl would not get away from him… he would not allow it. And if anyone else tried to stop him, he wouldn’t think twice about ripping their heart out and shoving it down their throat.

      The half-breed Romeo led the woman in his arms down the sidewalk. He couldn’t believe his luck when his bloodthirsty friends suddenly disappeared from behind him. He quickly made the decision to keep her for himself, not wanting to share his dinner or the sex that would happen beforehand. He was in a hurry to make her scream one way or another.

      He led the girl further downtown and smiled when he looked up and saw the classiest hotel in the city. With an arrogant smirk, he steered the girl past the front entrance and around the back to one of the pool areas that was always closed this time of night… perfect.

      Reaching out, the hungry vampire barely used any effort at all as he broke the lock on the gate. Sliding past the privacy fence, he led the girl to one of the private pool cabanas and stopped. Turning the girl in his arms, he knew she didn’t even remember the walk they had just taken. He hadn’t even needed to put her under his thrall… whatever she’d been drinking had been enough.

      He smiled wickedly before leaning down to kiss her… bringing her body back to life so he could take that life away.

      Kyoko groaned in appreciation, so high on the alcohol that she wondered why she hadn’t done this sooner. She gasped when she felt hands push upward beneath her top to slowly graze over her hardened nipples before pulling the shirt over her head. The man started kissing his way down her neck… making her shiver and arch against him.

      The hands roaming her body gently pushed her back to land on something soft. She turned her head to stare lazily at the pool just beyond the cabana entrance. A hand on her cheek turned her face forward again and she smiled when she saw the intense blue eyes of the man in front of her.

      This had been what she wanted… this would solve everything. She closed her eyes loving the fact that her body was on fire, but even as the thought caressed her mind the flames turned into an inferno making her feel desperate.

      She arched her back when his hands took full possession of her breasts this time, cupping and kneading them until she was whining with the ache deep within her body. Kyoko realized she couldn’t keep still as her body moved in rhythm as if she were still dancing only now lying down.

      The vampire smirked down at her and decided to taste her before he entered her body. His fangs suddenly grew and he lowered his mouth to her neck where he whispered as if parting a dark secret, “One thing I can promise you… this will hurt.”

      A strong hand on the back of his jacket suddenly pulled him away from his meal and he went sailing backwards through the night air into the pool, landing with a huge splash. He broke the surface of the water but froze when he suddenly found himself face to face with an actual vampire lord.

      Chapter 4 “Heat of Possession”

      â€œThis girl has already been claimed,” Hyakuhei growled trying to shake the site of her response to this human turned cannibal.

      The half-breed suddenly rose out of the water as if lifted by invisible strings and hovered over the water’s surface. Hyakuhei arched an eyebrow at the tenacity of this one. Granted, he was still only a half-breed but not a complete child to their ways… he summarized that this one had been turned decades ago.

      â€œGet lost, she’s mine,” The vampire hissed. “I found her.”

      Hyakuhei glared at him, his anger reaching new heights making the pool water start to bubble much like a Jacuzzi.

      â€œYou wish to fight me for one single meal?” Hyakuhei asked in a low voice that had sent more than one creature running for their lives. “So be it.”

      The pool water was boiling now, splashing up onto the pool deck and hot enough to cause severe burns. Hyakuhei moved faster than the half-breed had ever seen and never would again. He didn’t even have time to try to protect himself, let alone fight back as his head fell into the boiling water, severed from the rest of his body.

      The carcass fell into the water with a plop and started dissolving into a substance that reminded Hyakuhei of the slime that was found in children’s vending machines.

      Turning away from the sizzling pool, he entered the cabana where the girl was still laying. She hadn’t even noticed her partner was missing and was caressing herself with her eyes closed, desperately in need. He could feel the high of the sexual stimulant the other had placed on her mind and shook his head in dissatisfaction at the lingering taint of another man… he would erase it from history.

      Leaning over her withering body, he reached out and grasped her chin, turning her face to his. He patiently waited until she was looking at him with those overly bright emerald eyes before he started his own process, by placing her under his own power. Normally when a female was placed within one's power… they would simply become obedient rag dolls who submitted to the vampire’s every wish.

      This girl seemed to be fighting back with such passion… such craving that it was almost painful to witness… as if displaying a thrall of her own. If such a weak vampire could send her into this kind of sexual height, then her need would now become such a craving that it would match his own.

      The scent coming from her almost made him lose his grip on his building desire for the girl. This woman stirred that dormant part of him to a dangerous level. He had to get inside her and quickly.

      Kyoko looked up at the man above her and for a moment didn’t recognize him. Becoming completely still, she stared into what she had thought were blue eyes but now they had somehow turned darker than midnight and fascinating. He looked like he was starving as he stared down at her. His gaze focused hungrily on her lips and she saw the raw longing in the depths of those midnight eyes.

      Kyoko suddenly remembered describing him to Yohji and smiled when she reached up, sliding her fingers through his long black hair and touched her thumb to his pale cheek… he was even more beautiful than she remembered.


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