Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019. Sue Fortin

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Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019 - Sue  Fortin

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you don’t want to.’

      Neve’s face was only inches away from Jake’s. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek. ‘I’ve already said I would.’ She managed to eke out the words, her eyes still magnetised to those gorgeous brown ones of his.

      The sound of Neve’s phone pinging through a text message broke the moment. Jake stepped back as she fumbled in her handbag for her mobile.

      Decided to go the whole hog. I’ve organised a spot of lunch on the boat for us. See you soon. Xx

      Guilt flushed through her. Kit was clearly going out of his way to patch things up and here she was coming dangerously close to Jake in more ways than one.

      She moved over to the window, not because she particularly wanted to admire the view, but she wasn’t sure she trusted herself being so close to Jake. ‘We’ve just spent the past half-hour looking for Poppy. We had a bit of an argument at home and she went off in a huff.’

      ‘Oh no! Did you find her?’

      ‘Yes. She’s at school now,’ said Neve, forcing herself to sound composed. ‘Kit found her down by the river with a friend.’

      ‘That’s a relief. I take it she’s all right, then?’

      ‘Yes, she’s fine. Just being a grumpy teenager, really.’

      ‘And what about you? Are you all right?’ asked Jake, coming to stand beside her. ‘It can be a tough job looking out for everyone. You mustn’t forget about yourself.’

      If Neve moved her right arm just a fraction away from her body, she knew she would make contact with Jake. A fierce warmth shot through her and she was certain her neck was blotchy.

      Neve forced herself to continue looking out at the meadow and the river beyond. Jake’s compassion was both immense and tender. How could something so gentle batter her resolve so forcefully?

      She tried to gulp down the little cry that erupted in her throat, but without luck.

      ‘Hey, hey, hey,’ said Jake, slipping his arm around her shoulder.

      She shrugged him away. ‘Don’t,’ she said, muffling another heavy breath with her hand. ‘Too much sympathy and I’ll be a blubbering wreck.’

      Jake held his hands up and took a step back. He gave a smile full of kindness. ‘I don’t want to be responsible for making you cry,’ he said.

      ‘Ignore me, I’m being silly. Just a bit stressed after this morning.’

      ‘You know where I am if ever you want to talk,’ he said.

      ‘I do. Thank you, Jake. You’re a good friend.’

      His smile downgraded to sadness as he acknowledged her comment with a small nod, before picking up some perfectly clean brushes and busying himself with washing them under the tap. He wrapped a towel around them and squeezed the water from the bristles, before popping them into a jam jar on the windowsill. ‘So, what did you want me for?’ he said, at last. ‘You texted.’

      ‘It was about Poppy,’ said Neve. ‘Kit didn’t recognise the friend she was with this morning and thought he might be from The Forum. I just wondered if you might know who it was.’

      ‘A lad? Why do you think he was from The Forum?’

      ‘It was a man, actually. Well, older than Poppy by quite some years, according to Kit. He had a beard and an eyebrow piercing. Lip ring too.’ She was uncomfortable at Kit’s assumptions and stereotyping but equally aware that she was endorsing this by posing the question to Jake.

      ‘So, you assumed he was from The Forum and must be bad news?’ said Jake, an accusing tone creeping into his voice.

      ‘Sorry. It’s not me …’ Neve trailed off, feeling both disloyal to Kit and embarrassed.

      ‘They get a bad press round here,’ said Jake. ‘Some have just had it tough.’

      ‘I know that, honestly,’ said Neve. ‘I just thought I could put Kit’s mind at rest, that’s all.’

      ‘Just because a man was talking to Poppy, it doesn’t mean he was trying to groom her or something,’ carried on Jake. ‘He might actually have been trying to find out if she was OK. If she needed help.’

      ‘I get it,’ said Neve, feeling a little frustrated. On the one hand she had Kit thinking the worst and on the other, Jake thinking the best. ‘I get all that. I’m just checking.’

      Jake let out a long sigh. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, coming over to Neve again and facing her. He cupped the tops of her arms with his hands. ‘I shouldn’t take out my frustrations with your husband on you.’

      Neve had to concentrate on answering. All she could think of was Jake’s hands touching her bare arms. The hot flush reared up again. ‘Forget it,’ she said.

      Jake lowered his head, his chin brushing the side of her hair. She heard him take another deep breath, which he exhaled very slowly. She lifted her face a little, wanting to feel his cheek against her own. Jake moved his face down, his lips drifting over her ear and sweeping her jawline.

      Neve closed her eyes and for a second allowed herself the luxury of this contact. She was folding. Caving into a desire she had been trying to ignore for some time now but with each meeting, it had grown stronger. Jake’s patience and understanding, his ability to allow her to safely explore her darkest thoughts without judging her, without asking questions, had given her the confidence to move forwards. He demanded nothing. So very different to what she was used to.


      Her mind churned up an image of Kit. Neve jolted backwards.

      ‘Sorry, sorry,’ she muttered.

      ‘Don’t be sorry,’ said Jake, with a resigned smile. ‘There’s nothing to be sorry for.’

      Neve brushed non-existent creases from her dress, mumbling more apologies. ‘I should be going,’ she said finally with some clarity.

      ‘You look beautiful in that dress,’ said Jake, his voice once again soft and low. ‘You look beautiful all the time.’

      ‘Thank you, but I need to go …’

      He stepped between her and the door. ‘I know who the man is.’

      ‘You do? Who?’

      ‘I think it’s the new guy from the employment agency, Pillars, they tend to draft in the support workers for the kids at The Forum.’ He paused.

      Neve nodded. ‘Yeah, I know.’

      ‘Did Kit say if he had longish hair, almost dreadlocks but not really?’

      ‘I can’t remember if he mentioned that or not,’ said Neve.

      ‘I’m pretty sure it’s Lee. I forget his surname now, but he came along on Monday and introduced himself briefly. I had a class from The Forum in, he was there with them for a few minutes. And he had a lip ring and eyebrow piercing.’

      ‘It’s got to be him, then,’ said Neve. ‘How old do you think he is?’

      ‘Late twenties, maybe?’ said Jake. ‘I’m not supposed to, but I can look it up on the system. The Forum sent me an updated register and it always has the staff details on there.’

      ‘Would you mind? Just so I can put Kit’s mind at rest.’

      ‘You can’t say I showed you, though. Data protection and all that.’

      ‘I won’t. I’ll just say you remembered him, which is more or less the truth.’

      Jake gestured towards the office and Neve followed him through. The office was no more than a box room, with a small window overlooking the back of the building, held shut by several strips of duct tape placed along the bottom of the window frame.


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