Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019. Sue Fortin

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Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019 - Sue  Fortin

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the door. ‘Just in case someone comes in unexpectedly,’ he said. ‘I could get into trouble for this.’

      ‘Oh, please, I don’t want you getting into trouble if it’s confidential information,’ said Neve.

      ‘I want to help. Don’t worry,’ reassured Jake. ‘No one need ever know. It can be our little secret.’ His hand brushed her arm as he moved to pull out the blue office chair. ‘And thanks for the reminder about the window. Must get that fixed. Do you want to sit down?’

      ‘No, I’m fine,’ said Neve. She perched on the edge of the desk and waited patiently as Jake opened up the register for The Forum.

      ‘Right, here we go,’ he said, scrolling down the names. He tapped the enter key and turned the screen to face Neve. ‘Lee Farnham.’

      Neve gave a gasp at the name and again when she saw the picture smiling back at her. She looked up at Jake.

      ‘What’s up?’

      Neve struggled to find words. She couldn’t say out loud what was really running around her head. She recognised the face immediately, despite the lapse of time. But she didn’t know him as Lee Farnham. She realised Jake was looking quizzically at her. ‘I … erm … I …’ Shit! Her mind was blank. Quick, think of something. ‘I thought … I mean, he’s older than I thought he would be, for some reason. Kit said he was older, but I thought he may be twenty, early twenties, he’s … erm … well, you know, older.’ She was gabbling.

      ‘Yeah, definitely older,’ said Jake. He moved the cursor to a box and double-clicked. ‘There, twenty-nine.’

      Not only could Neve have told Jake his actual age without him having to look, she could have even recited his date of birth without hesitation. ‘Thanks,’ was all she said.

      A voice from the studio calling out Jake’s name, made Neve jump.

      ‘Wait here,’ said Jake. He opened the door only enough for him to squeeze through. ‘All right, Stan. What’s up?’ He closed the door behind, leaving Neve alone in the room.

      She turned to the screen and gave an involuntary shiver at the face looking back at her. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ she whispered.

      As she looked at the details again, she noticed a phone number. Realising she had only a few seconds before Jake came back, Neve took out her phone and took a quick photograph of the screen.

      Just as she put her phone back in her bag, the door opened, and Jake reappeared.

      ‘Just Stan, wanted to borrow some turps,’ he said, shuffling round to the computer screen and logging out of the system. ‘And don’t worry about Lee. I expect he was just making sure Poppy was all right. That’s his job.’

      ‘Yeah, sure. Thanks again,’ said Neve, with what she hoped was a convincing smile. ‘I’d better go.’

      ‘Neve,’ said Jake, turning to face her.


      ‘Remember, I’m here if you ever need me. Whatever the occasion. You do know that, don’t you?’

      ‘I do. And thank you.’ His kindness was touching, and Neve appreciated his concern.

      ‘I probably shouldn’t say this, and I’ll probably kick myself afterwards, but what the hell…’ began Jake.

      ‘You don’t have to say anything,’ said Neve, gently.

      ‘I do, because likewise, if I don’t, I’ll kick myself for that too.’

      ‘Looks like you’re in for a good kicking,’ said Neve, trying to make light of the situation, even though the laugh she tagged on was full of nerves.

      ‘You deserve to be happy, Neve,’ he said, taking her hand in his and cupping it with the other.

      Neve looked down at their hands and placed her free hand on top of his, her thumb brushed the acrylic paint smeared across his knuckles. ‘I am happy,’ she said. ‘On the whole, I am.’

      ‘You deserve to be happier,’ said Jake. ‘I can—’

      Neve made a shushing sound, cutting through the sentence, moving her hand on his cheek. ‘I know,’ she said, looking him directly in the eye. She resisted the urge to kiss him, instead disengaged herself from him and stepped away. She was dangerously close to giving in to her desire. Pausing in the doorway, she turned to him. ‘You’re a good man, Jake Rees.’

      He gave a rueful look, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans. ‘I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing,’ he said and then added sincerely, ‘I meant what I said.’

      ‘I know.’

      ‘Go on then, or you’ll be late. Reassure that husband of yours that’s there’s nothing to worry about.’

      Neve gave Jake a small smile. ‘Nothing to worry about at all.’

       Chapter 4

      Kit loosened his tie as he sat down at his desk. It had been a stressful morning already and the day wasn’t going to get any easier. Thankfully, Poppy was now safely at school, but it was still bothering him that she was hanging around with an older bloke. And then there was Neve.

      He could kick himself for giving her false hope at the weekend with his eagerness to make love. He should be more careful about what he was saying as lately she had been pressing him again about having a baby. As much as it pained him to see her so upset about his refusal to agree, the thought, or rather the fear, of having another child was stronger. Besides, Neve knew the score. He’d made it perfectly clear from the word go, but the other night, well, he’d been unfair to her.

      She had looked so damn sexy after getting back from her swim. Her hair still damp, and falling in those soft waves, her face clear of make-up which made her green eyes seem larger and more alluring. She’d come in laughing at something Poppy was saying, her T-shirt not quite as damp as her hair, but enough so that he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. He’d got an immediate erection.

      Making sure Poppy was occupied with a packet of crisps, a can of Coke and her favourite tv show, Kit had taken the stairs two at a time and practically burst into the bedroom just in time to catch Neve before she took a shower.

      ‘Well, someone’s eager,’ Neve had said, raising her eyebrows, as he had pulled her towards him and wriggled her T-shirt off over her head.

      ‘And why wouldn’t I be?’ Kit had mumbled as he had started to kiss her neck and work his way down to her breasts.

      Neve had run her hands through his hair. ‘I saw Sophie at the swimming pool,’ she said.

      ‘Mmm,’ said Kit, distractedly, working her joggers down over her bottom.

      ‘You’ll never guess what?’ said Neve, as she stepped out of her fit-wear.

      ‘No, you’re right, I’ll never guess,’ said Kit, sweeping her up into his arms and laying her on the bed. ‘And I’m not going to. You can tell me later.’ He undid his trousers, his eyes lingering over his wife’s body.

      ‘She’s pregnant,’ said Neve.

      Kit stopped unzipping his flies. Neve talking about pregnancies and babies was never a good sign.

      Neve carried on. ‘Twelve weeks. Her and Mark are really happy. She said Mark was over the moon.’

      ‘Stop,’ said Kit. ‘I don’t want to hear about other people’s pregnancies. Not exactly a turn on. And before you say anything else, I know where this is going.’

      ‘Please, Kit. I know we’ve talked about it before but just think about it. I mean, really think about it.’

      He wanted to tell Neve that he was never going to change

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