Fab Confessions of Georgia Nicolson: Books 1-3. Louise Rennison

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Fab Confessions of Georgia Nicolson: Books 1-3 - Louise  Rennison

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sick wanderings of a sick mind. If I miss this party because of lesbian lust Miss Stamp WILL DIE. SHE WILL DIE.

      Friday September 25th

      10:00 a.m.

      A sighting at last!! On the way to school we saw Tom. He actually stopped to chat, he said, “Hi, having fun?”

      I said, “Yes, what could be more fun than being with sadistic loonies for eight hours every day?”

      He laughed and said, directly to Jas, “Are you going to Katie’s party?”

      Jas went all pink and white, then sort of pinky-white apart from the tip of her nose which remained red. I must remember to tell her what she looked like. She managed to reply and he said, “Well, I look forward to seeing you there.”

      Jas was ecstatic. “Did you hear what he said?”


      “He said, ‘Are you going to Katie’s party?’”


      “He said, ‘Well, I look forward to seeing you there.’”


      “He said, ‘I look forward to seeing you there.’”

      “We’ve been through this.”

      “He said, ‘I look forward to seeing you there,’... to me. He said ‘you’ because he meant me.”

      “Er, Jas.”


      “Will you shut up now?”

      5:00 p.m.

      She didn’t though.

      Herr Kamyer didn’t take us for physics as he has a cold. Double damn. When am I going to have any fun? Sacré bleu.

      Saturday September 26th

      10:00 a.m.

      Went for a moody autumn walk with Libby in her pushchair. She was singing, “I am the Queen, oh, I am the Queen.” She wouldn’t take off the fairy wings that I had made for her. It was a nightmare getting her into the pushchair. The clouds were scudding across the sky but it was quite sunny and crisp. I cheered up enough to join in the singing with Libby. We were both yelling, “I am the Queen, oh, I am the Queen!” and that’s when he got out of a red mini. Robbie. The SG. He saw me and said, “Oh hello, we’ve met before, haven’t we?”

      I smiled brilliantly, trying to do it without making my nose spread out over all my face. It’s a question of relaxing the mouth, putting the tongue behind the back teeth but slightly flaring the nostrils so that they don’t go wild. He looked at me a bit oddly.

      “Apples,” I said wittily.

      “Oh yeah,” he said, “the shop, you and your friend.”

      He smiled again. He was dreamy when he smiled. Then he bent down to Libby who, true to form, gave him one of her scary “I am a crazy child” looks. She said, “I am the queen,” and he said, “Are you?” (Ooohhh, he’s so lovely to children.)

      Then Libby said, “Yes, I am the queen and Georgia did a big poo this morning.”

      I couldn’t believe it. He could not believe it. Nobody could believe it. It was unbelievable, that’s why. He stood up quickly and I said, “Er, well, I’d better be going.”

      And he said, “Yes, see you later.”

      And I thought, Think Sharon Stone, think Sharon Stone. So I said, “Yes, well I’ll probably see you at Katie’s party,” and he said, “No, I’m not going, I’m doing something else that night.”

      7:00 p.m.

      “Georgia did a big poo...”

      7:05 p.m.

      “No, I’m not going, I’m doing something else that night.”

      7:06 p.m.

      Does life get any worse?

      8:00 p.m.

      Yes it does. Dad has just put his head round the door to say, “James is popping over tomorrow. We thought we’d all go to Stanmer Park for the day.”

      Sunday September 27th

      10:00 p.m.

      James tried to kiss me!!!

      It was disgusting. He’s my cousin. It’s incest. I can’t even think about it or I’ll be sick. Erlack erlack.

      10:05 p.m.

      It was in my room after a horriblement day spent tramping around a bloody park. How old do they think I am? They made me go on a seesaw. I, of course, snagged my new tights.

      So a summary of my lovely day out is... I snagged my tights, then I was attacked by my cousin. Perfectamondo. In my room!!!

      10:07 p.m.

      When we got back James and me were listening to records and reading old joke books and suddenly he switched off the light and said, “Shall we play tickly bears?” Tickly bears!! We used to play that when we were about five. One person would be the tickly bear and they would chase the other person and tickle them and, er... that’s it. I was so shocked (and also couldn’t see a thing in the dark) that I just sort of went “Nnnnnnnnnn”. And then he said, “Grr gotcha!” and started tickling me. It was the most embarrassing thing. But it didn’t end there – a sort of wet thing touched my face near my nose. I leaped up like a salmon and stumbled for the light. James sort of stood up and then he picked up a joke book and started reading it. So I did as well. Then he got taken home by my dad. The wet thing on the nose incident was never mentioned. Like the leg.

      I don’t think I can stand much more of this.

      Monday September 28th

      11:00 a.m.

      At break I told Jas and Jools everything. They went, “Errgghhhlack, that’s truly disgusting. Your cousin? That is sad.” Jools said that she had actually seen her brother’s “how’s your father” quite often. She said, “it’s quite nice, really, like a mouse.” She lives in a world of her own (thank God). Well bless us, Tiny Tim, one and all, I say.

      4:15 p.m.

      On the way home. I could kill Jas. She’s all excited about the party and I might as well not go now. Jackie and Alison caught up with us on the way home. Jackie had so much make-up on. And her hair was all done. As we passed the loos in the park she made us stand lookout whilst she changed out of her school uniform.

      “I’m off clubbing,” she said from inside the loos, mistaking me for someone who was remotely interested in what she did.

      “I didn’t think that clubs opened at four thirty,” I said.

      She called out, “Don’t be dim, Ringo.” (I hate her. I hate her.) “I’m off to my mate’s first to get ready, put my makeup on and everything.” Put her make-up on? If she put any more make-up on she’d hardly be able to hold her head up because of the weight.

      She emerged in a sort of satin crop top and tight trousers: she looked about twenty-five.

      “I’ve got a date with the DJ at Loveculture – he’s so cool. I think he’s about thirty but I like mature men.”

      After they’d gone I walked on with Jas. “Do you think that Jackie has ‘done it’?” I asked her. Jas said, “Well, put it this way... is the Queen Mother really, really old?” Sometimes Jas is quite exceptionally mad. Just to prove my point she went on, “Gemma Crawford was telling me that she knows a boy who gives kissing lessons. Do you think we should go before the party?”

      I just looked at her. “Jas, are you suggesting that we go to a male prostitute?”

      Jas went

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