The Complete Angler 1653. Izaak Walton

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The Complete Angler 1653 - Izaak Walton

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yet these men he chose to call from their irreprovable imployment, and gave them grace to be his Disciples and to follow him.

      And it is observable, that it was our Saviours will that his four Fishermen Apostles should have a prioritie of nomination in the catalogue of his twelve Apostles, as namely first, S. Peter, Andrew, James [Mat. 10.] and John, and then the rest in their order.

      And it is yet more observable, that when our blessed Saviour went up into the Mount, at his Transfiguration, when he left the rest of his Disciples and chose onely three to bear him company, that these three were all Fishermen.

      And since I have your promise to hear me with patience, I will take a liberty to look back upon an observation that hath been made by an ingenuous and learned man, who observes that God hath been pleased to allow those whom he himselfe hath appointed, to write his holy will in holy Writ, yet to express his will in such Metaphors as their former affections or practise had inclined them to; and he brings Solomon for an example, who before his conversion was remarkably amorous, and after by Gods appointment, writ that Love-Song [the Canticles] betwixt God and his Church.

      And if this hold in reason (as I see none to the contrary) then it may be probably concluded, that Moses (whom I told you before, writ the book of Job) and the Prophet Amos were both Anglers, for you shal in all the old Testaments find fish-hooks but twice mentioned; namely, by meek Moses, the friend of God; and by the humble Prophet Amos.

      Concerning which last, namely, the Prophet Amos, I shall make but this Observation, That he that shall read the humble, lowly, plain stile of that Prophet, and compare it with the high, glorious, eloquent stile of the prophet Isaiah (though they be both equally true) may easily believe him to be a good natured, plaine Fisher-man.

      Which I do the rather believe, by comparing the affectionate, lowly, humble epistles of S. Peter, S. James and S. John, whom we know were Fishers, with the glorious language and high Metaphors of S. Paul, who we know was not.

      Let me give you the example of two men more, that have lived nearer to our own times: first of Doctor Nowel sometimes Dean of S. Paul's, (in which Church his Monument stands yet undefaced) a man that in the Reformation of Queen Elizabeth (not that of Henry the VIII.) was so noted for his meek spirit, deep Learning, Prudence and Piety, that the then Parliament and Convocation, both chose, injoyned, and trusted him to be the man to make a Catechism for publick use, such a one as should stand as a rule for faith and manners to their posteritie: And the good man (though he was very learned, yet knowing that God leads us not to heaven by hard questions) made that good, plain, unperplext Catechism, that is printed with the old Service Book. I say, this good man was as dear a lover, and constant practicer of Angling, as any Age can produce; and his custome was to spend (besides his fixt hours of prayer, those hours which by command of the Church were enjoined the old Clergy, and voluntarily dedicated to devotion by many Primitive Christians:) besides those hours, this good man was observed to spend, or if you will, to bestow a tenth part of his time in Angling; and also (for I have conversed with those which have conversed with him) to bestow a tenth part of his Revenue, and all his fish, amongst the poor that inhabited near to those Rivers in which it was caught, saying often, That Charity gave life to Religion: and at his return would praise God he had spent that day free from worldly trouble, both harmlesly and in a Recreation that became a Church-man.

      My next and last example shall be that undervaluer of money, the late Provost of Eaton Colledg, Sir Henry Wotton, (a man with whom I have often fish'd and convers'd) a man whose forraign imployments in the service of this Nation, and whose experience, learning, wit and cheerfulness, made his company to be esteemed one of the delights of mankind; this man, whose very approbation of Angling were sufficient to convince any modest Censurer of it, this man was also a most dear lover, and a frequent practicer of the Art of Angling, of which he would say, "['Twas an imployment for his idle time, which was not idly spent;]" for Angling was after tedious study "[A rest to his mind, a cheerer of his spirits, a divertion of sadness, a calmer of unquiet thoughts, a Moderator of passions, a procurer of contentedness, and that it begot habits of peace and patience in those that profest and practic'd it.]"

      Sir, This was the saying of that Learned man; and I do easily believe that peace, and patience, and a calm content did cohabit in the cheerful heart of Sir Henry Wotton, because I know, that when he was beyond seventy years of age he made this description of a part of the present pleasure that possest him, as he sate quietly in a Summers evening on a bank a fishing; it is a description of the Spring, which because it glides as soft and sweetly from his pen, as that River does now by which it was then made, I shall repeat unto you.

         This day dame Nature seem'd in love:

         The lustie sap began to move;

         Fresh juice did stir th'imbracing Vines,

         And birds had drawn their Valentines.

         The jealous Trout, that low did lye,

         Rose at a well dissembled flie;

         There stood my friend with patient skill,

         Attending of his trembling quil.

         Already were the eaves possest

         With the swift Pilgrims dawbed nest:

         The Groves already did rejoice,

         In Philomels triumphing voice:

         The showrs were short, the weather mild,

         The morning fresh, the evening smil'd.

         Jone takes her neat rubb'd pail, and now

         She trips to milk the sand-red Cow;

         Where for some sturdy foot-ball Swain.

         Jone strokes a Sillibub or twaine.

         The fields and gardens were beset

         With Tulips, Crocus, Violet,

         And now, though late, the modest Rose

         Did more then half a blush disclose.

         Thus all looks gay and full of chear

         To welcome the new liveried year.

      These were the thoughts that then possest the undisturbed mind of Sir Henry Wotton. Will you hear the wish of another Angler, and the commendation of his happy life [Jo. Da.], which he also sings in Verse.

         Let me live harmlesly, and near the brink

         Of Trent or Avon have a dwelling place,

         Where I may see my quil or cork down sink,

         With eager bit of Pearch, or Bleak, or Dace;

         And on the world and my Creator think,

         Whilst some men strive, ill gotten goods t'imbrace;

           And others spend their time in base excess

           Of wine or worse, in war and wantonness.

         Let them that list these pastimes still pursue,

         And on such pleasing fancies feed their fill,

         So I the fields and meadows green may view,

         And daily by fresh Rivers walk at will,

         Among the Daisies and the Violets blue,

         Red Hyacinth, and yellow Daffadil,

           Purple Narcissus, like the morning rayes,

           Pale ganderglass and azure Culverkayes.

         I count it higher pleasure to behold


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