Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton

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and two children. One child, an infant, was wounded and still undergoing surgery. His condition was listed as critical. Jack Taggart ... I’ve heard that name before. Isn’t he one of the cops who was in a shootout with the club last year?

      In his control centre, Damien rapidly sent a BlackBerry message. Pussy Paul received the message immediately and understood its importance. Pussy Paul controlled the strip clubs for Satans Wrath, but more importantly, he was also responsible for recruiting people who worked in a variety of positions that could benefit Satans Wrath.

      Damien’s anger was evident. The message noted that an RCMP Intelligence officer was named Jack Taggart. Not just any officer, but one that had considerable past conflict with the club. Damien capitalized his point: SOMEONE DOES THIS THE SAME DAY AS THE LABS ARE TAKEN DOWN! We don’t need the attention — not now of all times! Contact the mole and find out what Taggart thinks. Are they blaming us? I want the info included with the other delivery. Arrange for me to meet LSL personally.

      Pussy Paul knew that the “other delivery” was a copy of an RCMP intelligence report that they were expecting to receive by Thursday. That only gave him two days to find out about this other matter.

      Lawrence Leitch checked his watch as the judge released two of his more important clients. They were to return in a week to enter a plea. Leitch was pleased. They had been in jail less than a day. Silent Sam and Petro smirked at each other before giving a curt nod to Leitch. In a week they would enter a not guilty plea and a trial date would be set. With delay tactics, such as having his clients fire him just before the trial, Leitch was confident that he could drag the situation on for at least two years. They would then hire another lawyer from his firm and the games would continue. Who knew what could happen to witnesses during that time?

      The court recessed for morning coffee. Leitch used the break to browse through the information he had on the other eleven clients arrested in connection with the speed labs.

      Jack shifted in his seat and glanced at Assistant Commissioner Isaac. Operational meetings in his office were rare. The murder of his namesake was drawing more attention than he wished. Also present were Louie, Danny, Connie Crane, and Randy Otto, who was Connie’s boss in I-HIT.

      After a nod from Randy, Connie took a report from her briefcase and quickly read the details of the murder and the inquiries being conducted. She noted that the victim had never been in trouble with the police. He did not carry life insurance, and his wife was definitely not a suspect.

      Jack fielded the questions as best he could. He was adamant that it was not in retaliation for yesterday’s raids on the speed labs. He reiterated that he and Danny had a reliable source who would have known if that was the case, not to mention that Satans Wrath knew what he looked like and where he lived.

      Isaac studied him closely and then said, “You were also responsible for the DEA seizing a metric tonne of cocaine in San Diego three weeks ago. Perhaps Satans Wrath found out that you were involved? Your name was on the warrants for the speed labs here. Did the Americans use it on their warrant for the cocaine in the ship?”

      “No sir. It was left out intentionally to protect my informant. Lots of people knew about the speed labs, but not too many new the details about the ship. I called the DEA agent I dealt with over that matter. I’ve known JimBo for years. I both trust and respect him. He assured me that he never divulged my name and simply identified me in a search warrant as a confidential informant. He didn’t even indicate that I was Canadian.”

      “That much cocaine, it must have made someone angry,” said Isaac.

      “Sir,” said Jack, “after 9-11, everyone knows that there is more security at the ports. I think the cartels expect to take a few hits once in a while. Even if Satans Wrath did find out, it still leaves us with the fact that they know what I look like. They also know what my wife looks like and that she’s a doctor. The victim in this matter lived in low-rental housing and was obviously poor. Satans Wrath wouldn’t make a blunder like that.”

      Isaac leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table with his hands up by his lips, almost like he was praying. The room became quiet as everyone waited for him to speak.

      Isaac stared at Jack, and then he concluded the meeting by saying that it was possible it was a coincidence but that he wanted to be apprised of any new developments.

      As Jack headed back to his office, Connie came up from behind.

      “Jack! Hold on a minute. I want to talk to you about a few things. I need some names.”

      A few minutes later they entered Jack’s office, which consisted of his desk butting up to Danny’s desk. Danny offered Connie the use of his desk and left. Connie put her briefcase down on Danny’s desk and took out a pad of paper.

      “I’ve thought of a few names,” said Jack, “but more to appease you than anything. None that I really think would do this.”

      “I have to go to the lady’s room,” said Connie. “Think hard. Try and come up with a few more while I’m gone.”

      As soon as she left, Jack slid her briefcase across to his desk and took out her file. He found a manila folder and dumped out numerous glossy photos of the crime scene. The horror shocked him. Blood on Holly’s face and hands from having dropped to her knees to hold her dead husband. Her eyes look blank — like they’re dead. More blood on Jenny. Something a four-year-old should not have to experience. Something nobody should have to experience. He was spared the pictures of Charlie, who had already been rushed to hospital when the photos were taken.

      His phone rang and he was glad for the opportunity to look away.

      “Jack? It’s Laura Secord. Just got back from Bangkok last night and didn’t hear the news until this morning. What’s going on? Was it meant for you?”

      “Don’t know,” replied Jack. “Maybe just a coincidence. What were you doing in Bangkok?”

      “Playing the role of a dumb bimbo being used to body-pack a couple kilos of heroin. Why do I always have to play the dumb bimbo? Drug dealers are so damned sexist. They all have over-bloated egos. Wish I could play the parts you get just for once.”

      Jack knew that Laura was anything but dumb. He had teamed up with her on the occasional assignment and found her to be one of the best operatives he had ever worked with. She had long chestnut-coloured hair, an attractive figure, and a face that was as sweet as her name. It fooled a lot of people. Underneath her pretty face was a mind that was extremely sharp. She was also pragmatic, and it served her specialty well. Bad guys often didn’t discover her real abilities until much too late. Her reputation was top-notch and her talents were in high demand.

      “You didn’t play a bimbo when we did that operation in Edmonton a few years ago.”

      “No, but that was unusual. Normally I’m there to show a little T and A and pretend to be someone’s girlfriend.”

      “Look at it this way, you shock the bad guys a lot more when they find out what you’re really all about. That has to give you some satisfaction.”

      “True. I do enjoy that part. Enough about me. What is going on with this other Jack Taggart being murdered? Any leads? Is it connected with you? I’ll be glad to help.”

      “Doesn’t your husband still work in Internal Affairs?”

      “Sort of. Elvis is on the Anti-Corruption side of it. What’s that got to do with anything? He’s a good guy! Oh man, not you too. Just because —”

      “No, I’m just teasing. I know he’s a good guy. He’s got a good rep. He turned out pretty good for coming from such cruel parents.”

      “His parents aren’t cruel! Where did you hear that? They’re nice people.”

      “Naming your child Elvis is not cruel? Come on! He had to be either a fighter or a runner.”

      Laura laughed and said, “He’s never been a runner.”

      “That’s good. Listen,

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