Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton

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something I did?

      “Jack? What is it? Jack?”

      Jack shook his head to clear his mind and then said, “Sorry, Laura. Just looking at some crime scene photos from last night. It’s pretty bad. I should go.”

      Jack hung up the phone just as Connie returned. She saw the photos on Jack’s desk.

      “What the hell you doing? I can’t even go to the can for a minute without you snooping in my briefcase! I told you last night to stay out of this...” She caught the stricken look on his face and stopped.

      Jack stared up at her. His eyes were watery and he said, “If this was meant for me ... I thought there might be some clue only I would recognize. There wasn’t. I really don’t have any names for you right now. Let me think about it. Maybe later. If I have any ideas, no matter how remote, I promise I’ll let you know.”

      Connie nodded and said, “Good enough. In the meantime, keep a low profile.”

      “I hear you. I will.”

      “Got your word on that?”


      Danny entered as soon as she left. He took one look at Jack and said, “What is it? What did she say to you?”

      Jack shook his head. “It’s not her. It’s me. I’m afraid ... that it’s all about me.” He stood and said, “I need some fresh air. Think I’ll go for a walk.”

      “I’ll come too. Could use the exercise.”

      “No. Thanks anyway. I’m okay. Just give me a few minutes.”

      Jack breathed deeply as he walked outside the building. I just need a little time to...

      His cellphone vibrated and he answered. It was Holly calling from the hospital. Her voice was a monotone. She had some news about Charlie. Wanted to tell him in person.

      chapter four

      Jack saw Holly talking with a doctor in the hallway near the nurse’s station. Jenny clung to her mother’s leg. Jack’s heart sent a silent message to his brain. He knew then that the murder had been intended for him. His brain had rationalized and tried to deny it, but in his heart he knew.

      Jack waited until the doctor left before approaching. An orderly pushed a cart of lunch trays past and he tried to read Holly’s face as she looked at him from over the cart.

      Jack was good at reading people’s faces and body language — his life had often depended upon it. With Holly he drew a blank. Is Charlie alive or dead? Her eyes looked dark from the puffy lids and bags in the skin. There were no tears. Perhaps, for the moment, she was cried out.

      “I came as fast as I could,” he said.

      “I want you to have this,” she said, taking a photograph out of her purse. “It was taken two weeks ago when Charlie took his first steps.”

      Jack swallowed and took the picture from her hand. Charlie’s joy was evident as he beamed up at the camera, proud and delighted with his accomplishment. “Did ... did he survive the surgery?”

      “Oh ... yes, he did.”

      Jack realized that he had been holding his breath and let out a sigh of relief.

      “But he was left paraplegic,” continued Holly. “He won’t ever walk again.”

      Jack felt like a wrecking ball had just taken out his guts. For a moment, he felt his legs buckle and looked for a chair.

      “I’m afraid to go see him alone ... with Jenny. You said you would help me. Please come with me.”

      Jack went with Holly as if he was in a trance. He saw Charlie, his body being kept alive by tubes and machines.

      Jack didn’t remember returning to his car or driving back to his office. Danny had not returned from lunch yet and he sat alone at his desk. His mind felt numb and he looked at Charlie’s picture again. He opened and closed his eyes a few times to try to regain control.

      “Hi, Jack! How’s it going?”

      Jack looked up as Dick Molen entered his office.

      Molen worked as an analyst, more commonly known as the circle and squares job. He would take lengthy intelligence reports and bring clarity to them by encompassing names of people and organizations in various circles or squares. Adding connecting lines made it easier to analyze and understand at a glance how everyone was connected.

      “I heard what happened,” continued Molen. “Sure glad it wasn’t you that was killed. Lucky mistake, eh?”

      Jack looked down at Charlie’s picture. He felt both anger and tears swell from within. “Lucky!” he yelled. “Look at this picture and tell me you think it was lucky!”

      Dick stepped back, shocked by the outburst.

      Jack closed his eyes momentarily, then said, “I’m sorry, Dick. It’s not your fault. You just caught me at a bad time.”

      Dick coughed, then nodded and said, “That’s okay. Guess I’d be a little upset too if someone tried to kill me. Who’s the kid?”

      Jack explained the situation to him and Molen said, “I can’t see it being a coincidence after you took down all those speed labs. How did you get on to them? Maybe that’s where this came from.”

      Jack grimaced and said, “You’re not alone in your thinking. Everyone else is pointing a finger at the bikers too, but I don’t think it’s them. They know what I look like. They wouldn’t make a mistake like that.”

      “How did you find out about the labs? Wiretap? Maybe there is something there that you missed?”

      Jack shook his head and said, “Not wiretap. Just surveillance.”

      “Well, if you want me to take a look at the work you’ve been doing, I’ll be glad to analyze it for you. Maybe something will jump out. Lately all I’ve been doing is analyzing reports on the Indos. They’ve got so many common names that it’s a nightmare trying to sort everyone out. Would be nice to get back to good ol’ names like Smith and Johnson.”

      Louie wondered why he had been summoned back to Isaac’s office. Isaac was alone and motioned for Louie to sit down. Isaac held a report in his hand and said, “I have some information concerning someone your office was working on last year in regards to Satans Wrath.”

      “Yes, sir?”

      “This just arrived from Ottawa a few minutes ago. We need to discuss...”

      Isaac’s secretary then came to the door and said, “Your one-thirty appointment is here, sir.”

      “Tell him to wait,” replied Isaac. “I don’t want to be disturbed now. Or better yet,” he said, putting the report down on his desk, “let’s set another appointment.”

      Louie risked a glance at the report while Isaac spoke with his secretary. Reading upside down was not easy, but some words caught his eye. “A small unnamed settlement near Barra de Navidad, Mexico” ... “Sidney Bishop” ... “deceased, November” ... Damn it! Taggart got him!

      Louie saw Isaac turn his attention back to him, so he smiled politely and said, “You said you received some information, sir?”

      “Yes. But first, how long has Corporal Taggart been working for you?”

      Louie thought for a moment and then replied, “About six years. He worked undercover on Drug Section for about six years prior to that. Is there a problem?”

      “Wasn’t it last November when he married?”

      “Yes, sir. Is there a —”

      “And they went to Mexico on their honeymoon.”

      “I believe so. Costa Rica

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