Dirt. David R. Montgomery

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Dirt - David R. Montgomery

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up toward the ground surface to replace most of the lost elevation.

      Though at odds with a commonsense understanding of erosion as wearing the world down, isostasy makes sense on a deeper level. Continents are made of relatively light rock that “floats” on Earth's denser mantle. Just like an iceberg at sea, or an ice cube in a glass of water, most of a continent rides down below sea level. Melt off the top of floating ice and what's left rises up and keeps floating. Similarly, the roots of continents can extend down more than fifty miles into the earth before reaching the denser rocks of the mantle. As soil erodes off a landscape, fresh rock rises up to compensate for the mass lost to erosion. The land surface actually drops by only two inches for each foot of rock removed because ten inches of new rock rise to replace every foot of rock stripped off the land. Isostasy provides fresh rock from which to make more soil.

      Darwin considered topsoil to be a persistent feature maintained by a balance between soil erosion and disintegration of the underlying rock. He saw topsoil as continuously changing, yet always the same. From watching worms, he learned to see the dynamic nature of Earth's thin blanket of dirt. In this final chapter of his life, Darwin helped open the door for the modern view of soil as the skin of the Earth.

      Recognizing their role in making soil, Darwin considered worms to be nature's gardeners.

      When we behold a wide, turf-covered expanse, we should remember that its smoothness, on which so much of its beauty depends, is mainly due to all the inequalities having been slowly leveled by worms. It is a marvelous reflection that the whole of the superficial mould over any such expanse has passed, and will again pass, every few years through the bodies of worms. The plough is one of the most ancient and valuable of man's inventions; but long before he existed the land was in fact regularly ploughed, and still continues to be thus ploughed by earthworms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organised creatures.2

      Recent studies of the microscopic texture of soils in southeastern Scotland and the Shetland Islands confirm Darwin's suspicions. The topsoil in fields abandoned for several centuries consists almost entirely of worm excrement mixed with rock fragments. As Darwin suspected, it takes worms just a few centuries to thoroughly plow the soil.

      Darwin's conception of soil as a dynamic interface between rock and life extended to thinking about how soil thickness reflects local environmental conditions. He described how a thicker soil protects the underlying rocks from worms that penetrate only a few feet deep. Similarly, Darwin noted that the humic acids worms inject into the soil decay before they percolate very far down into the ground. He reasoned that a thick soil would insulate rocks from extreme variations in temperature and the shattering effects of frost and freezing. Soil thickens until it reaches a balance between soil erosion and the rate at which soil-forming processes transform fresh rock into new dirt.

      This time Darwin got it right. Soil is a dynamic system that responds to changes in the environment. If more soil is produced than erodes, the soil thickens. As Darwin envisioned, accumulating soil eventually reduces the rate at which new soil forms by burying fresh rock beyond the reach of soil-forming processes. Conversely, stripping the soil off a landscape allows weathering to act directly on bare rock, either leading to faster soil formation or virtually shutting it off, depending on how well plants can colonize the local rock.

      Given enough time, soil evolves toward a balance between erosion and the rate at which weathering forms new soil. This promotes development of a characteristic soil thickness for the particular environmental circumstances of a given landscape. Even though a lot of soil may be eroded and replaced through weathering of fresh rock, the soil, the landscape, and whole plant communities evolve together because of their mutual interdependence on the balance between soil erosion and soil production.


      Figure 1. The thickness of hillslope soils represents the balance between their erosion and the weathering of rocks that produces soil.

      Such interactions are apparent even in the form of the land itself. Bare angular hillslopes characterize arid regions where the ability of summer thunderstorms to remove soil chronically exceeds soil production. In wetter regions where rates of soil production can keep up with soil erosion, the form of rounded hills reflects soil properties instead of the character of underlying rocks. So arid landscapes where soil forms slowly tend to have angular hillslopes, whereas humid and tropical lands typically have gentle, rolling hills.

      Soil not only helps shape the land, it provides a source of essential nutrients in which plants grow and through which oxygen and water are supplied and retained. Acting like a catalyst, good dirt allows plants to capture sunlight and convert solar energy and carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates that power terrestrial life right on up the food chain.

      Plants need nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and a host of other elements. Some, like calcium or sodium, are common enough that their scarcity does not limit plant growth. Others, like cobalt, are quite rare and yet essential. The processes that create soil also cycle nutrients through ecosystems, and thereby indirectly make the land hospitable to animals as well as plants. Ultimately, the availability of soil nutrients constrains the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. The whole biological enterprise of life outside the oceans depends on the nutrients soil produces and retains. These circulate through the ecosystem, moving from soil to plants and animals, and then back again into the soil.

      The history of life is inextricably related to the history of soil. Early in Earth's history bare rock covered the land. Rainwater infiltrating down into barren ground slowly leached elements out of near-surface materials, transforming rock-forming minerals into clays. Water slowly percolating down through soils redistributed the new clays, forming primitive mineral soils. The world's oldest fossil soil is more than three billion years old, almost as old as the most ancient sedimentary rock and probably land itself. Clay formation appears to have dominated early soil formation; the earliest fossil soils are unusually rich in potassium because there were no plants to remove nutrients from the clays.

      Some scientists have proposed that clay minerals even played a key role in the evolution of life by providing highly reactive surfaces that acted as a substrate upon which organic molecules assembled into living organisms. The fossil record of life in marine sediments extends back to about the same time as the oldest soil. Perhaps it is no coincidence that guanine and cytosine (two of the four key bases in DNA) form in clay-rich solutions. Whether or not the breakdown of rocks into clays helped kick-start life, evolution of the earliest soils played a key role in making Earth inhabitable for more complex life.

      Four billion years ago Earth's surface temperature was close to boiling. The earliest bacteria were close relatives of those that still carpet Yellowstone's spectacular thermal pools. Fortunately, the growth and development of these heat-loving bacteria increased weathering rates enough to form primitive soils on rocks protected beneath bacterial mats. Their consumption of atmospheric carbon dioxide cooled the planet by 30°C to 45°C—an inverse greenhouse effect. Earth would be virtually uninhabitable were it not for these soil-making bacteria.

      The evolution of soils allowed plants to colonize the land. Some 350 million years ago, primitive plants spread up deltas and into coastal valleys where rivers deposited fresh silt eroded off bare highlands. Once plants reached hillsides and roots bound rock fragments and dirt together, primitive soils promoted the breakdown of rocks to form more soil. Respiration by plant roots and soil biota raised carbon dioxide levels ten to a hundred times above atmospheric levels, turning soil water into weak carbonic acid. Consequently, rocks buried beneath vegetation-covered soils decayed much faster than bare rock exposed at the surface. The evolution of plants increased rates of soil formation, which helped create soils better suited to support more plants.

      Once organic matter began to enrich soils and support the growth of more plants, a self-reinforcing process resulted in richer soil better suited to grow even more plants. Ever since, organic-rich topsoil has sustained itself by supporting plant communities that supply organic matter back to the soil. Larger and more abundant plants enriched soils with decaying organic matter and supported more animals that also returned nutrients to the soil

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