Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two. Andrew J. Marshall

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Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two - Andrew J. Marshall

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robert j. johns, garry a. shea, and pratito puradyatmika 5.8. Lowland Vegetation of Papua 945 robert j. johns, garry a. shea, and pratito puradyatmika 5.9. Heath Vegetation of Papua 962 GARRY a. shea, robert j. johns, wiLLEM viNK, AND pRATITo puradyatmika 5.10. Montane Vegetation of Papua 977 robert j. johns, GARRY A. sHEA, wiLLEM viNK, AND pRATITo puradyatmika 5.11. Subalpine and Alpine Vegetation of Papua 1025 robert j. johns, GARRY A. sHEA, AND pRATITo puRADYATMIKA 5.12. Grassland and Savanna Ecosystems of the Trans-Fly, Southern Papua 1054 MicHELE BowE, NEIL sTRoNAcH, AND RENEE BARToLo 5.13. Caves of Papua 1064 louis deharveng, tony whitten, and philippe leclerc SECTION SIX. HUMAN-ECOSYSTEM INTERACTIONS 6.1. The History of Human Impact on New Guinea 1087 geoffrey s. hope 6.2. A Brief Social and Political History of Papua, 1962-2005 1098 jaap timmer 6.3. The Agricultural Systems of Papua 1125 manuel boissiEre and yohanes purwanto 6.4. Patterns of Commercial and Industrial Resource Use in Papua 1149 DESSY ANGGRAENI 6.5. Natural Resource Economics of Papua 1167 JAMES B. CANNON SECTION SEVEN. CONSERVATION OF PAPUAN NATURAL RESOURCES 7.1. Threats to Biodiversity 1199 SCOTT FRAZIER 7.2. Setting Priorities and Planning Conservation in Papua 1230 JOHN BURKE BURNETT 7.3. The Protected Area System in Papua 1251 YANCE DE FRETES 7.4. Conservation Laws, Regulations, and Legislation in Indonesia, with Special Reference to Papua 1276 SUER SURYADI, AGUSTINUS WIJAYANTO, AND JAMES B. CANNON 7.5. Opportunities and Challenges for Doing Conservation in Papua 1311 YANCE DE FRETES 7.6. Community-Based Conservation in the Trans-Fly Region 1327 MICHELE BOWE 7.7. A Non-native Primate (Macaca fascicularis) in Papua: Implications for Biodiversity 1348 neville j. kemp and john burke burnett 7.8. Exotic Herpetofauna: A New Threat to New Guinea's Biodiversity? 1365 BURHAN TJATURADI, STEpHEN RICHARDS, AND KELIOpAS KREY
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