Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two. Andrew J. Marshall

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Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two - Andrew J. Marshall

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(of CI) CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisa- tion, Australia CTS case tracking system DAK Special Allocation Fund (Dana Alokasi Khusus) DAS Department of Agriculture and Stock, PNG DASF Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries, PNG DAU General Allocation Fund (Dana Alokasi Umum) dbh diameter at breast height DEC Department of Environment and Conservation, PNG DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK DFMR Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, PNG DKI Jakarta, Special Capital Province (Daerah Khusus Ibukota) DKP Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Departemen Kel- autan dan Perikanan) DPI Department of Primary Industries, PNG DPRD Provincial Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) DSIR Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand E Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland (Herbarium) EBA Endemic Bird Areas (BirdLife International) EEC European Economic Community EIA Environmental Investigation Agency, UK ELA equilibrium-line altitude ENSO El Nino-Southern Oscillation EPI Extended Program on Immunization (WHO) ESR electron spin resonance (archeological dating technique) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UNDP) FCI Forest Civil Investigators, Indonesia FH Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Bot- any, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (Herbarium) FI Museo Botanico, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (Her- barium) FKPTP Forum for Conservation and Development in Papua (Forum untuk Konservasi dan Pembangunan di Tanah Papua) FM Flora Malesiana FOE Friends of the Earth, San Francisco, California, USA FR forest ranger FUNDWI Fund of the United Nations for the Development of West Irian FWI Forest Watch Indonesia G Geneva, Switzerland (Herbarium) GDP gross domestic product GFW Global Forest Watch GH Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, USA GIS geographic information systems GNP gross national product GNrP gross national-regional product GOI Government of Indonesia Golkar Party of the Functional Groups (Partai Golongan Karya) GTZ German Technical Cooperation (Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit) H Helsinki, Finland (Herbarium) ha hectares HDI human development index HE Halmahera Eddy HPH logging concession license or licensed logging concession (Hak Pengusahaan Hutan) HPT limited production forest (Hutan Produksi Terbatas) HTI industrial timber estate (Hutan Tanaman Indistri) IBA Important Bird Areas (BirdLife International) IBSAP Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan ICG International Crisis Group IHHBK license to collect non-timber forest products (Ijin Pemungutan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu) IHPHH license to log forests (Ijin Hak Pemungutan Hasil Hutan) IHPHHMHA license to log forests based on traditional community rights (Ijin Hak Pemungutan Hasil Hutan Masyarakat Hukum Adat) IIED International Institute for Environment and Development INPRES presidential decree (Instruksi Presiden) IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPK timber extraction license (Ijin Pemungutan Kayu) IPKMA license to log traditional community forests (Ijin Pemungutan Kayu Masyarakat Adat) ISSG IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group ITCZ intertropical convergence zone ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natu- ral Resources IUPHHK industrial timber license (Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu) JATAM
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