Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
Читать онлайн книгу.N verse (of a religious text)
ayo come on, let’s go
ayu ADJ beautiful
ayun: ayunan N swings
azan, adzan N call to prayer
bab N chapter
babi N pig, boar (also as an insult); ~ hutan wild boar; daging ~ pork
baca V to read; bacaan N reading material; membaca V to read; pembaca N reader
badai N hurricane, storm; ~ topan typhoon
badak N rhino, rhinoceros
badan N body; board, committee
badut N clown
bagai CONJ like, as; berbagai ADJ various, several; sebagai CONJ like, as
bagaimana INTERROG, CONJ how, in what way
bagasi N baggage; boot (of vehicle); hold (of ship or aircraft)
bagi V divide; bagian N part, share, section; berbagi V to share; membagi V to divide, distribute; sebagian N some, a section of
bagi PREP for
bagus ADJ good, fine, excellent (external qualities of concrete objects)
bahagia ADJ happy, joyous; berbahagia V to be happy
bahan N materials, ingredients; cloth, fabric; ~ bakar fuel
bahas V to discuss; membahas V to discuss, debate
bahasa N language; ~ Indonesia Indonesian; berbahasa V to (be able to) speak or use a language
bahaya N danger; berbahaya V to be dangerous
bahkan CONJ moreover; on the contrary; indeed, even
bahu N shoulder
bahwa CONJ that
baik ADJ good, fine, well, OK (ie. internal qualities of abstract objects); baik-baik ADJ fine; respectable; ~ hati kind; membaik V to improve; memperbaiki V to repair, fix; perbaikan N repair, improvement; sebaiknya ADV preferably, it’s best if; terbaik ADJ the best
baja N steel
bajaj N three-wheeled motorized form of transport in Jakarta
bajak N plow; membajak V to plow
bajak, membajak V to hijack; to copy illegally; bajakan ADJ pirated; CD ~ pirated CD
baju N, INF clothes; clothing for the upper body; ~ dalam singlet; underwear
bak N tub; ~ mandi large tank in the bathroom from which water is taken
bakal ADJ future, potential
bakar V to burn; kebakaran N fire; membakar V to burn; terbakar ADJ burnt
bakat N talent, gift; berbakat ADJ talented, gifted
bakau N mangrove
bakmi, bami N Chinese noodles
bakpao N steamed white bread with filling of nuts or chicken
bakpia N sweet cake from Jogja with nutty filling
bakso, baso N meatball; meatball soup; ~ tahu meatballs and tofu (specialty of Bandung)
bakul N basket hung on a pole for selling goods
bakwan N dish of various sweetmeats, a specialty of Malang
balai ~ kota town hall
balap race; balapan N race; membalap V to race
balas reply; balasan reply, answer; membalas V to reply, respond
balét N ballet
Bali N pulau ~ Bali; bahasa ~, orang ~ Balinese
balik V to return, reverse, retreat; N back, flipside; return; membalik V to return, reverse, turn over; membalikkan V to turn something over; sebaliknya CONJ on the contrary; terbalik ADJ overturned, upside-down, opposite
balon N balloon
balut: pembalut N sanitary pad
bambu N bamboo
ban N tire; ~ serep spare tire
bandara N airport → bandar udara
bandel ADJ naughty, disobedient
banding: membandingkan V to compare something; perbandingan N comparison, ratio
bandrék N ginger drink
bang PRON older brother (in Jakarta or Malay areas) → abang
banget ADJ, SL fast, quick
bangga ADJ proud
bangkai N corpse (usually of animals); bunga ~ the Rafflesia flower
bangkit V to rise, get up
bangkrut ADJ bankrupt
bangku N bench (for sitting); stool; desk
bangsa N people, nation, race
bangun V get up, wake up; membangunkan V to wake someone up
bangun: bangunan N building; membangun V to build or create; pembangunan N development
banjir N flood
bank N bank; ~ negara state-owned bank; perbankan ADJ banking; bankir N banker
bantal cushion; pillow
banteng N (Javan) ox
banting: membanting V to throw down (with a bang)
bantu V to help; bantuan N assistance, help, aid; membantu V to help (someone); pembantu N servant, maid; assistant
banyak ADJ many, much; kebanyakan N, ADJ too much; most
Bapa PRON Father (title for own father or respected older man), also Bapak; CHR God, Father, Lord
Bapak PRON Father (title for own father or respected older man)
bapak N father
baptis ADJ baptist
barang N goods, things
barangkali CONJ perhaps, maybe
Barat N the West
barat ADJ west; ~ daya southwest; ~ laut northwest
Barelang Batam, Rempang, Galang group of islands in Riau Archipelago province
bareng CONJ, SL with; V to go together
baris N line, row, rank; barisan N line; forces; berbaris V to line up
barongsai N Chinese dragon for dance performances
baru ADJ new, recent; just; ~-~ ini just the other day; terbaru ADJ latest, newest; barusan ADV, SL just now
basa-basi N good manners, politeness; platitudes
basah ADJ wet, moist, soaked
basi ADJ off, rotten, inedible (of food)
batagor N fried tofu and meatballs, a specialty of Bandung → bakso tahu goreng
Batak ADJ ethnic group of North Sumatra
batal ADJ cancelled; broken (a fast); membatalkan V to cancel, repeal
batang N trunk, stem, stick (of a tree); shaft; handle; penis; counter for long cylindrical objects
batas N limit, border; berbatasan V to be adjacent to; perbatasan N border, frontier; terbatas ADJ limited
baterai N battery
batik N application of wax onto fabric to create a pattern after dyeing; fabric or clothes with designs produced in this manner; ~ cap stamped batik; ~ tulis handmade batik; membatik V to apply wax onto fabric
batu N stone;