Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
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berbintang V to have a star → bintang
berbisa ADJ poisonous; ular ~ poisonous snake → bisa
berbisnis V to do business → bisnis
berbohong V to lie → bohong
berbuah V to bear fruit, produce → buah
berbuat V to do → buat
berbuka ~ puasa to break the fast → buka
berbukit ADJ hilly → bukit
berbunyi V to sound, make a noise → bunyi
bercampur ADJ mixed with → campur
bercanda V to joke → canda
bercelana V to wear trousers, trousered → celana
bercerita V to tell (a story) → cerita
bercinta V to make love; to be in love → cinta
berciuman V to kiss each other → cium
berdagang V to trade, do business → dagang
berdamai V to make peace → damai
berdampak V to have a (negative) effect → dampak
berdandan V to dress, put on make-up → dandan
berdansa V to dance (Western-style) → dansa
berdarah V to bleed → darah
berdebar V to beat quickly → debar
berdebat V to have a debate → debat
berdebu ADJ dusty → debu
berdekatan ADJ close (of two or more things) → dekat
berdémo V to hold a protest → démo
berdering V to ring, tinkle → dering
berdesakan V to push each other → desak
berdoa V to pray, say a prayer → doa
berdosa V to sin, commit a sin → dosa
berdua ADJ together, in pairs → dua
berduka ~ (cita) to grieve, be in mourning → duka
berduri ADJ thorny → duri
berebut V to fight for; berebutan V to fight each other for → rebut
berékor V to have a tail → ékor
berempat ADJ in a group of four → empat
berenang V to swim → renang
berencana V to plan → rencana
bérés finished, ready; membéréskan V to clear up, make ready
berfungsi V to work, go; to act as → fungsi
bergabung V to join together → gabung
bergambar ADJ illustrated → gambar
berganti V to change; ~-ganti, ~an in turns → ganti
bergaris ADJ lined → garis
bergaul V to mix or associate with → gaul
bergaya ADJ stylish, with style → gaya
bergegas-gegas V to hurry → gegas
bergelar V titled → gelar
bergelombang ADJ wavy → gelombang
bergembira V to be happy, joyous → gembira
bergéngsi ADJ prestigious → géngsi
bergerak V to move → gerak
bergilir, bergiliran ADJ in turns → gilir
bergizi ADJ nutritious → gizi
bergosip V to gossip → gosip
bergoyang V to shake, sway; to dance → goyang
bergulat V to wrestle, fight → gulat
berguna ADJ useful, worthwhile → guna
berhadapan V (~ muka) face to face → hadap
berhadiah ADJ with prizes → hadiah
berhak V to have a right to, be entitled to → hak
berhalangan V to be prevented from, unable → halang
berharap V to hope → harap
berharga ADJ precious, valuable → harga
berhari-hari ADV for days → hari
berhasil V to succeed → hasil
berhenti V to stop, cease → henti
berhubung CONJ in connection to, related with; berhubungan V, PL to have a link or connection → hubung
beri V to give; ~ tahu to inform, let know → beritahu; memberi V to give; memberikan V to give someone (as an act of kindness); to give something (for someone)
beribu, beribu-ribu ADJ thousands of → ribu
berikut ADJ following → ikut
berimbang ADJ balanced, proportional → imbang
beringin N banyan (tree)
berisi V to contain; ADJ full, filled out → isi
berisik ADJ noisy, loud; to rustle → risik
berisiko V to be risky → risiko
beristeri, beristri ADJ, M married → isteri, istri
beristirahat V to rest, take a break → istirahat
berita N news, information; memberitakan V to report
beritahu, beri tahu V to inform, let know; memberitahu V to advise, inform, tell; pemberitahuan N announcement, notice
berjabat, berjabatan ~ tangan to shake hands → jabat
berjalan V to walk, move → jalan
berjam-jam ADJ for hours and hours → jam
berjamur ADJ moldy → jamur
berjanji V to promise → janji
berjemur V to sunbathe, sun yourself → jemur
berjénggot ADJ bearded → jénggot
berjilbab V to wear the veil → jilbab
berjogét V to dance → jogét
berjuang V to fight, struggle → juang
berjudi V to gamble → judi
berjudul V to have a title; ADJ titled → judul
berjumlah V to number → jumlah
berjumpa V to meet → jumpa
berjuta V to have millions of → juta
berkali-kali ADV repeatedly, again and again → kali
berkapasitas V with a capacity of → kapasitas
berkarat ADJ rusty → karat
berkas N bundle; file, dossier, brief
berkata v to say, speak → kata
berkawan V to have or be friends with → kawan
berkedip V to blink (two eyes) or wink (one eye); berkedip-kedip ADJ blinking → kedip
berkelahi V to quarrel, fight, fall out → kelahi
berkelas ADJ classy → kelas
berkeliling V to go around → keliling
berkeluarga V to have a family, be married → keluarga
berkémah V to camp, go camping → kémah
berkembang V to