Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
Читать онлайн книгу.ADJ blind; ~ huruf illiterate
butik N boutique
butir N grain, counter for small oval objects; tiga ~ telur three eggs
butuh V to need; kebutuhan N need, necessity; membutuhkan V to need something
cabang N branch; ~ pohon tree branch
cabé, cabai N chilli; ~ rawit small, hot red chilli
cabut V to pull out, remove; SL to leave; mencabut V to pull out, remove
cacar N pock, pox; ~ air chicken pox; cacaran V to have chicken pox
cacat N fault, defect, flaw; ADJ disabled, handicapped; orang ~ disabled or handicapped person
caci ~ maki insults
cacing N worm; cacingan ADJ to have (intestinal) worms
cadang suku ~ spare part; cadangan ADJ spare, reserve; stocks
cadel, cedal ADJ to have a speech impediment
cagar N preserve; ~ alam nature reserve
cahaya N light, shine, glow
cair flow; cairan N liquid; mencair V to melt, turn into liquid
cakap ADJ cakep SL handsome; SL pretty
cakap: percakapan N conversation
cakar N claw; mencakar V to scratch
cakram N disc; discus; rem ~ disc brakes
calo N ticket scalper, profiteer
calon N candidate; ~ suami husband-to-be; mencalonkan V to nominate someone
camar burung ~ seagull
camat N sub-district head; kecamatan N sub-district
cambuk N whip; mencambuk V to whip
campak N measles; penyakit ~ measles
campur mix; ~ baur mix with society; ~ sari a blend of traditional and modern Javanese music; ~ tangan get involved, interfere; mencampuradukkan V to mix up, confuse; campuran N mix, mixture; anak ~ child of mixed descent; bercampur ADJ mixed with
canda N joke; ~ gurau joking, jokes; bercanda V to joke
candi N temple, ancient Hindu or Buddhist temple or monument
canggih ADJ sophisticated
cangkir N cup, mug
cangkok graft, transplant; ~ ginjal liver transplant
cangkul N hoe
cantik ADJ beautiful, pretty; kecantikan N beauty
cantum: tercantum ADJ attached, included, inserted
cap N seal; brand, mark; mengecap V to brand
cap go méh N 15th day of the Chinese New Year
capai, mencapai V to reach, attain; tercapai ADJ achieved
capcay, cap cai N chop suey, Chinese vegetables in sauce
capék, capai ADJ tired; kecapékan ADJ tired out; N exhaustion
capung N dragonfly
cara N way, style, means; secara ADV in a way (used to form adverbs)
cari V to look for, search for, seek; mencari V to look or search for, seek; mencari-cari V to search repeatedly, everywhere
cas charge; mengecas V to charge (electrical equipment)
cat N cét COLL paint; mengecat V to paint, dye
catat, mencatat V to note; catatan N notes; tercatat ADJ noted, registered
catur N chess
cébok to wash your bottom after using the toilet
cebur V to fall into water
cedera, cidera injured, injury; ~ lutut knee injury
cegah, mencegah V to prevent, fight against
ceguk, cekuk: cegukan N hiccups; V to have the hiccups
cék N cheque, check; ~ kosong blank cheque
cék, mengecék V to check, confirm
cékér N, SL claw
cekik, mencekik V to strangle
ceking ADJ thin, gaunt, skin and bones
Céko N the Czech Republic
cekung ADJ concave, sunken
celah N gap, crack, crevice
celaka accident, bad luck, misfortune; kecelakaan N accident, disaster
celana N trousers; ~ pendek shorts
celémék N apron
céléng, céléngan N piggy bank, savings box
celurit, clurit N crescent-shaped knife, sickle
cemar: mencemari V to dirty, pollute; pencemaran N pollution; tercemar ADJ polluted
cemara N casuarina (tree)
cemas ADJ worried, anxious
cemberut ADJ bad-tempered, in a bad mood
cemburu ADJ jealous; ~ buta blind jealousy
cemerlang ADJ glittering, sparkling, brilliant
cemilan N snack food
cempaka N a white kind of gardenia or magnolia
cempedak N fruit which is cut into slices and fried
cendana kayu ~ sandalwood
cendekiawan N intellectual
cenderung V to tend; kecenderungan N tendency, trend
céndol N sweet drink of green rice flour, molasses and coconut milk
cendramata, cinderamata N souvenir, keepsake
cengéng ADJ whiny, complaining
cengkéh N cloves
cengkeram V to grip; cengkeraman N grip, squeeze; mencengkeram V to grip, squeeze
centong ~ nasi spoon for serving rice
cepak ADJ shaven-headed
cepat ADJ cepet COLL fast, quick; kecepatan N speed; mempercepat V to speed up, accelerate; secepat CONJ as fast as; ~ mungkin, secepat(-cepat)nya ADV as fast as possible; tercepat ADJ fastest
ceplas-ceplos ADV forthright, blunt, straight from the heart (of speech or behavior)
ceplok telur ~ fried egg
cerah ADJ clear, sunny
cerai divorce; ~ mati widowed; mencerai(kan) V to divorce someone; perceraian N divorce
ceramah N lecture, talk
cerdas ADJ intelligent, bright; kecerdasan N intelligence
cerdik ADJ clever, smart; cunning
cerét, crét: mencrét V to have diarrhea
ceréwét ADJ fussy, finicky, hard to please; talkative
céri buah ~ cherry
ceria ADJ happy, in a good mood
cerita, ceritera story, tale; ~ pendek (cerpen) short story; ~ rakyat folk tale; bercerita V to tell (a story); menceritakan V to describe, relate
cermai, cermé N small, sour plum
cermin mirror; mencerminkan V to reflect
cerna: mencerna V to digest; pencernaan N digestion
ceroboh ADJ careless
cerobong N chimney
cerutu N cigar