Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
Читать онлайн книгу.bisnis N business, trade; berbisnis V to do business
bistik N steak
bisu ADJ mute, dumb; ~ tuli deaf-mute
bius N drug; obat ~ anesthetic; membius V to drug, anesthetize
blangko N form
blasteran ADJ mixed, hybrid; Sari ~ Sunda-Jerman Sari is half-Sundanese, half-German
bléwah N kind of melon
blits N flash (of camera)
blok N block (in addresses)
blokir, memblokir V to block
blong ADJ loose, not taut
blus N blouse
bobo, bobok V, SL to sleep (children’s language)
bocor V to leak; kebocoran N leak; membocorkan V to leak something
bodoh ADJ stupid
bohlam N light bulb
bohong lie; berbohong to lie; membohong V to lie; pembohong N liar
boikot N boycott; memboikot V to boycott something
boks N playpen, bassinet
bola N ball; football, soccer; ~ basket basketball; main ~ play football
bolak-balik ADV back and forth, to and fro, there and back
boléh may, can; allowed, permitted; okay; ~-~ saja sure you can; memperboléhkan V to allow, permit
boling N ten-pin bowling
bolong ADJ holey, perforated
bolos, membolos V to skip, be absent, to play truant, wag, skive
bolpoin N ballpoint pen, biro
bom N bomb; mengebom V to bomb something
bon N bill, check, receipt
bonéka N doll (like a person); soft toy (animal); puppet
bongkar, membongkar V to pull apart, dismantle; unpack; to unearth
bor N drill; mata ~ drill bit
bordir, bordiran N embroidery, lace edging; membordir V to embroider
borgol N handcuffs
boro-boro CONJ what’s the point of ...? It’s not even worth ...
borong, memborong V to buy up, buy in bulk; borongan N goods bought in bulk; taksi ~ un-metered taxi; pemborong N developer, contractor
boros ADJ wasteful
bos PRON, SL boss, sir; N boss
bosan ADJ bored, fed up with, tired of; membosankan ADJ boring, tiresome
botak ADJ bald
botok, bothok N Javanese side-dish of shredded coconut and fresh vegetables
botol N bottle; teh ~ bottled tea
brahmana, brahmin, brahma N highest Hindu caste in Bali
brankas, brangkas N safe
bréngsék EXCL blast! damn!; N bastard!; ADJ damn, bloody
brem N a soft white biscuit made from fermented rice
bréwok, beréwok N beard, whiskers, sideburns; bréwokan ADJ whiskered, bearded
brokoli N broccoli
bros N brooch
brosur N brochure
bu PRON Mother (to respected older women); Mum(my), Mom(my)
buah N fruit; piece, general counter for objects; ~ nangka jackfruit; buah-buahan N fruit(s); sebuah ADJ a, one (generic counter)
buang V to throw (away); ~ air to urinate; membuang V to throw out; waste; exile; terbuang ADJ thrown out, wasted
buas ADJ fierce, wild
buat PREP for; V to do, make; buatan N made in, product of; berbuat V to do; membuat V to make; pembuat N producer; pembuatan N production, manufacture; perbuatan N act, deed
buaya N crocodile, alligator
bubar V to disperse, break up, spread out; membubarkan V to break something up
bubuk N powder, dust
bubur N porridge; ~ ayam chicken porridge
budak N slave
budaya N culture; kebudayaan N culture, civilization
Budha agama ~ Buddhism; orang ~ Buddhist
bufét N buffet meal
bugar ADJ fit; kebugaran pusat ~ gym, fitness center
Bugis N ethnic group from South Sulawesi
bujang ADJ single, unmarried (man); bujangan N bachelor
bujuk, membujuk V to coax
bujur N longitude; vertical line down a sphere; ~ timur east longitude
buka open; ~ baju take off clothes; berbuka ~ puasa to break the fast; membuka V to open; terbuka ADJ open
bukan no, not (of things, nouns); Ini ~ ? This one, isn’t it?
bukit N hill; berbukit ADJ hilly
bukti N proof, evidence; membuktikan V to prove; terbukti ADJ proven
buku N book; ~ pelajaran textbook; ~ panduan guide(book)
bulak-balik → bolak-balik
bulan N moon, month; ~ Februari February; ~ madu honeymoon; ~ puasa fasting month, Ramadan; ~ purnama full moon
bulat ADJ round; fat; bulatan N circle
bulé N, DEROG white person, whitey, paleface; albino
bulu N feather; fur; body hair; ~ mata eyelashes; ~ tangkis badminton
bumbu N spice
bumerang N boomerang
bumi N earth, ground
buncis N string bean
buncit ADJ pot-bellied, fat
bundar, bunder ADJ round; bundaran N roundabout
Bung PRON brother; ~ Karno President Soekarno; ayo ~! Come on, mate!
bunga N flower, blossom; interest; ~ mawar, ~ ros rose
bungalo N bungalow, cottage, one-story house
bungkus N takeaway, pack; nasi ~ a takeaway rice meal; membungkus V to wrap; ~ kado to wrap a gift
bungsu N youngest child in a family; anak ~, si ~ youngest child
buntu ADJ one-way, useless; jalan ~ dead-end; cul-de-sac, court
buntut N tail; sop ~ oxtail soup
bunuh, membunuh V to kill; pembunuh N murderer, killer; pembunuhan N murder, killing; terbunuh ADJ killed
bunyi N sound, noise; berbunyi V to sound, make a noise; membunyikan V to sound, ring something
bupati N regent; kabupatén N regency
buram ADJ cloudy, frosted, dull
bursa N exchange; ~ efek stock exchange
buru, memburu V to hunt, chase; buruan, buron N the hunted; keburu SL in time; too early; pemburu N hunter; terburu-buru ADJ in a hurry
buruh N laborer
buruk ADJ bad (of a situation, weather); ugly
burung N bird; ~ béo parrot; ~ dara pigeon, dove; ~ gereja sparrow; ~ hantu owl
busa N foam, lather; berbusa ADJ foamy; with a layer of foam
busana N clothing, wear