Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
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foto N photo, photograph; berfoto V to take, pose for a photo; fotokopi N photocopy; difotokopi to be photocopied
frustrasi ADJ frustrated
fungsi N function; berfungsi V to work, go; to act as
fuyung hai, puyung hai N sweet-and-sour omelet
G. Gunung Mt (Mount, name of mountain)
gabung connect, join; gabungan ADJ joint; bergabung V to join together; menggabungkan V to connect, combine, fuse
gadai: menggadaikan V to pawn something; pegadaian N pawnshop
gadang rumah ~ traditional Minangkabau house
gading tusk, ivory
gadis N girl, maiden, virgin, unmarried woman
gado-gado N cooked salad with peanut sauce; ADJ mixed; bahasa ~ mixture of Indonesian and another language
gagah ADJ strong; ~ perkasa heroic; handsome
gagak burung ~ crow, raven
gagal V to fail; kegagalan N failure
gagang N handle; ~ telepon handset, telephone cradle
gagap stammer, stutter; ~ teknologi (gaptek) technophobe
gagas: gagasan N idea, concept
gagu ADJ mute
gaib ADJ mysterious, invisible
gairah N passion, lust; enthusiasm
gajah N elephant
gaji N (monthly) salary, pay; ~ bersih net salary, take-home pay; menggaji V to pay, remunerate, employ
galak ADJ fierce, wild, vicious; anjing ~ vicious dog
galéri N gallery → paméran
gali V to dig; galian N excavations, diggings; menggali V to dig; penggalian N digging
gambar picture, drawing, illustration; gambaran N sketch, idea; bergambar ADJ illustrated; menggambar V to draw, depict; menggambarkan V to describe, illustrate
gamelan N traditional orchestra
gampang ADJ, COLL easy → mudah
ganas ADJ fierce, wild, ferocious; uncontrolled
ganda double; -fold
gandéng link, join; bergandéngan ~ tangan to link arms or hands
gandum N wheat; wholemeal
gang N alley, lane
ganggu, mengganggu V to bother, disturb; gangguan N disturbance, interference; problem; terganggu ADJ bothered, disrupted, disturbed
ganja N marijuana
ganjal V to wedge; to fill a gap
ganjil ADJ uneven, odd
ganteng ADJ, COLL handsome
ganti change, substitute; ~ baju, ~ pakaian change your clothes; gantian V, SL change over; berganti V to change; ~-ganti, ~an in turns; mengganti V to change, substitute, replace; menggantikan V to substitute or replace someone/something; pengganti N replacement, substitute, successor
gantung hang; menggantung V to hang, suspend; tergantung ADJ depending (on), it depends
gapték N technophobe → gagap téknologi
gapura N (ornamental) gateway, entrance
gara-gara ADV, SL all because of → goro-goro
garam N salt
garansi N guarantee (on a product); bergaransi ADJ guaranteed
garasi N carport, garage
garing ADJ dry, crisp
garis line, scratch; bergaris ADJ lined; menggarisbawahi to underline, emphasize; penggaris N ruler
garong N robber
garpu N fork
garuda N eagle, national symbol of Indonesia
garuk, menggaruk V to scratch, scrape
gas N gas; ~ bumi natural gas
gasing N (spinning) top
gatal ADJ itchy; gatal-gatal V to have a rash
gaul V to mix, associate; ADJ, SL trendy; bergaul V to mix or associate; pergaulan N mixing, social intercourse; association
gaun N (evening) gown
gawang N goal (in field sports); hurdle; penjaga ~ goalkeeper
gawat ADJ serious, very bad
gaya energy, strength; style; bergaya ADJ stylish, with style
gayung N water dipper; stick
gedé ADJ, COLL big, large
gedung N building, public hall
gegar shake, quiver
gegas: bergegas-gegas V to hurry
gejala N symptom, sign
geladak N deck of a ship
gelang N bracelet; pergelangan ~ kaki ankle; ~ tangan wrist
gelanggang N arena, stadium
gelantung hang, suspend
gelap ADJ dark; kegelapan N darkness
gelar N title; bergelar V titled; menggelar, menggelarkan V to hold (an event)
gelatik burung ~ kind of bird, finch
gelembung N bubble
géléng: menggéléng to shake your head
geli ticklish; uncomfortable; menggelikan ADJ funny, comic; off-putting
gelincir: tergelincir ADJ skidded, slipped
gelisah ADJ nervous, restless
gelitik, menggelitik V to tickle
gelombang N wave; (radio) frequency; bergelombang ADJ wavy
gelora N storm, surge, passion; gelanggang olah raga sports complex
gema N echo, reverberation; bergema V to echo, reverberate
gemar like, enjoy; kegemaran N hobby; penggemar N fan, enthusiast
gemas, gemes COLL cute, sweet (often said to children); annoyed
gembira ADJ cheerful, happy, joyous; bergembira V to be happy, joyous; kegembiraan N joy, happiness; menggembirakan ADJ exciting, happy
gembok N padlock; menggembok V to padlock
gemetar shiver, tremble; gemetaran ADJ shivering, trembling
gemilang glitter, shine; brilliant
gempa N quake, shudder; ~ bumi earthquake
gempar clamor, noise, uproar
gemuk ADJ fat, plump, obese; N grease; jalur ~ busy route
gén N gene; génétik ADJ genetic
genang: genangan N puddle, flood; tergenang ADJ flooded
genap ADJ even, complete, exact; angka ~ even number
gencat: gencatan ~ senjata ceasefire, truce, armistice
gendang N (kettle) drum
géndong, menggéndong V to carry on the hip
gendut ADJ fat, pot-bellied
géng, génk N gang
genggam fist; menggenggam V to grip, grasp
géngsi N prestige, face; bergéngsi ADJ prestigious