Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen

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Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen

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~ buka open­ing hours; ~ karet rubber time, lack of punctuality; ~ lima five o’clock; ~ tangan (wrist)watch; berjam-jam ADJ for hours and hours

      jaman, zaman N age, era, time, period; ~ dahulu, ~ dulu in the old days, times past

      jambu N (buah) ~ guava, rose-apple; kind of fruit; ~ air rose-apple; ~ batu, ~ biji guava

      jamin, menjamin V to guaran­tee, promise; jaminan N guarantee; terjamin ADJ guaranteed

      jamrud, zamrud N emerald

      jamu N traditional herbal medicine

      jamur N mushroom, mold, fungus; berjamur ADJ moldy

      janda N widow

      jangan NEG don’t, do not

      janggal ADJ odd, strange

      janggut, jénggot N beard, goatee; berjénggot ADJ bearded

      jangka N distance, term; ~ pendek short term

      jangkar N anchor

      jangkrik, jéngkerik N cicada, cricket

      janin N fetus, embryo

      janji promise; janjian V, SL to make a date, promise; berjanji V to promise; menjanjikan V to promise some­­­thing; perjanjian N agreement, contract

      jantan male (animal), manly

      jantung N heart, core

      Januari bulan ~ January

      jarak N distance, space

      jarang ADJ, ADV seldom, rare, rarely, hardly ever

      jari N finger; ~ kaki toe; ~ ke­ling­king little or baby finger; ~ manis ring finger; ~ telunjuk forefinger, index finger; ~ tengah middle finger

      jaring net, shoal; jaringan N network; menjaring V to fish with a net; to filter or sift

      jarum N needle; hand

      jas N coat; ~ hujan raincoat

      jasa N service, merit

      jatah N ration, serve

      Jateng N Central Java → Jawa Tengah

      jati ~ diri identity; sejati ADJ genuine, original, real

      Jatim N East Java → Jawa Timur

      jatuh fall; ~ cinta fall in love; ~ sakit fall ill; menjatuhkan V to fell, let drop; terjatuh ADJ (accidentally) fallen

      jauh ADJ far; jarak ~ long-distance; kejauhan ADJ too far

      Jawa Java; ~ Barat (Jabar) West Java; bahasa ~, orang ~ Javanese; pulau ~ Java

      jawab answer, reply; jawaban N answer, reply, response; menjawab V to answer, reply; terjawab ADJ answered

      jebak: jebakan N trap; menje­bak V to trap; ter­jebak ADJ trapped, caught

      jejak N footprint, track; ~ langkah footprint

      jejaka N bachelor, young single man

      jelajah: menjelajahi V to travel through or explore a place

      jelang: menjelang V to approach (usu time)

      jelas ADJ clear, obvious; menjelaskan V to explain, clarify; penje­lasan N explanation

      jelék ADJ bad, ugly

      jemaah, jemaat N con­gre­gation, followers of a religion

      jembatan N bridge

      jempol N thumb

      jemput pick up; jemputan N vehicle which picks you up; menjemput V to pick up

      jemur dry (in the sun); jemuran N clothes or food drying in the sun; berjemur V to sunbathe, sun yourself; menjemur V to air, dry in the sun

      jenazah N dead body, corpse

      jendéla N window

      jénderal N general

      jénggot, janggut N beard; berjénggot ADJ bearded

      jéngkél ADJ annoyed

      jéngkol N pungent vegetable

      jenis N kind, sort, type; spe­cies; ~ kelamin sex, gender; lawan ~ opposite sex; sejenis ADJ same type or species

      jenuh ADJ fed up, bored; saturated

      Jepang N Japan; bahasa ~, orang ~ Japanese

      jepit N tweezers; jepitan N clip; tweezers; terjepit ADJ pinched, caught in an uncomfortable situation

      jeprét: jeprétan, penjeprét N stapler; menjeprét V to snap, staple

      jerapah N giraffe

      jerawat N pimple; jerawat­an ADJ pimply

      jerit scream, shriek; men­jerit V to scream, shriek

      Jerman N Germany; bahasa ~, orang ~ German

      jernih ADJ clear, trans­parent, pure; air ~ clear water

      jero: jeroan N innards

      jeruk buah ~ orange, manda­rin; ~ nipis lemon

      jihad N, ISL crusade, holy war

      jijik ADJ disgusting, revolting, filthy; menjijikkan ADJ disgusting, revolting, foul

      jika, jikalau CONJ if, should

      jilat lick; menjilat V to lick; SL to suck up, flatter

      jilbab N, ISL (full) veil; ber­jilbab V to wear the veil

      jilid N volume

      jimat N lucky charm, talisman

      jin N spirit

      jinak ADJ tame, domesticated, friendly

      jingga ADJ orange (color)

      jinjing tas ~ carrybag

      jip mobil ~ jeep

      jiwa N life, soul

      Jl(n) Jalan street, road

      jodoh N life partner, match; M Mr Right; menjodohkan V to set up, match

      jogét, jogéd (spontaneous) dance; berjogét V to dance

      jok N seat (in vehicle)

      jongkok V to squat

      joran N fishing rod

      jorok ADJ obscene, disgusting; sloppy; cerita ~ dirty story

      jual V to sell; ~ beli business, buying and selling; jualan V to sell informally; menjual V to sell; penjual N seller, dealer; penjualan N sale, sales; terjual ADJ sold; habis ~ sold out

      juang: berjuang V to fight, struggle; perjuang­an N battle, fight, struggle

      juara N champion; ~ satu first place; kejuaraan N champion­ship

      judi V to gamble; main ~ to gamble; berjudi V to gamble

      judul N title; berjudul ADJ titled

      juga too, also

      jujur ADJ honest; kejujuran N honesty

      Juli bulan ~ July

      Jumat, Jum’at hari ~ Friday; sholat ~ Friday prayers

      jumlah N amount, total, sum, number; berjumlah V to number

      jumpa meet; berjumpa V to meet

      Juni bulan ~ June

      junior, yunior N junior; student in a younger year level; co-worker of a lower rank

      jurang N ravine, gorge

      jurnal N journal; jurnalis N journalist, reporter → wartawan

      juru expert, skilled; ~ bicara spokesperson; ~ masak cook

      jurus: jurusan N direction; major (at university)

      jus N juice

      justru ADV precisely, exactly

      juta N million; sepuluh

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