Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen

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Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen

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emut, mengemut V to suck on, chew

      kena touch; kenapa COLL why, how come; what did you say?; mengenai CONJ about, concerning

      kenaikan N rise, raise

      kenal V to know, be acquaint­ed with; kenalan N acquaint­ance; mengenal V to know, be acquainted with, to rec­ognize; memperkenalkan V to introduce; perkenalan N introduction; ter­kenal ADJ well-known

      kenang recall; kenangan N memories; kenang-kenang­an N souvenir, keepsake; men­genang V to commemorate, remember

      kenapa INTERROG, COLL why, how come; what did you say? → kena apa

      kenari burung ~ canary

      kencan N date; berkencan V to go on a date

      kencang tight, taut; mengencangkan V to tighten

      kencing urine; urinate; ~ manis diabetes

      kencur beras ~ traditional Javanese drink

      kendali N reins; me­ngen­dali­kan V to control; terkendali ADJ controlled

      kendang N small drum → ge­ndang

      kendara: kendaraan N vehicle

      kendi N earthen water flask

      kendor, kendur ADJ slack, loose

      kenduri N feast, celebration

      kenék, kernét N bus assistant acting as conductor

      kening N forehead, brow

      kental ADJ thick, sticky, con­gealed

      kentang N potato; COLL french fries; ~ goreng hot potato chips, french fries

      kentut fart, break wind

      kenyamanan N comfort → nyaman

      kenyang ADJ full, not hungry

      kenyataan N fact → nyata

      kéong N snail

      kepada PREP to (someone)

      kepal fist; kepalan N fist

      kepala N head, chief

      kepanjangan ADJ too long → panjang

      kepariwisataan N tourism industry

      kepastian N certainty → pasti

      kepedasan ADJ too hot or spicy → pedas

      kepéndékan N abbreviation → péndék

      kepéngén, kepingin V, COLL really want to → péngén

      kepentingan N importance, interest → penting

      kepercayaan N belief, faith → percaya

      kepergian N departure → pergi

      keperluan N needs, require­ments → perlu

      keping N piece (counter for flat objects); splinter

      kepiting N crab

      kepompong N cocoon

      keponakan, kemenakan N niece or nephew; cousin

      Kepri (Kepulauan Riau) Riau Archipelago, a province in Sumatra

      kepribadian N personality → pribadi

      kepulauan N archipelago, chain

      kepunyaan N possession, belonging → punya

      keputihan N thrush, vaginal itching (white discharge) → putih

      keputusan N decision, decree → putus

      kera N ape

      keracunan ADJ poisoned → racun

      keraguan, keragu-raguan N doubt, uncertainty → ragu

      kerah N collar

      kerajaan N kingdom → raja

      kerajinan N crafts → rajin

      keram cramp

      keramahan N friendliness → ramah

      keramaian N noise, din; lively atmosphere → ramai

      keramas to wash your hair

      keramik ceramic, earthenware

      keran N tap, faucet

      kerang N shell; mollusc

      kerangka N skeleton, frame­work

      keranjang N basket

      keras ADJ hard, strong; severe, strict, violent; loud; bersi­keras V to maintain, stick to, be obstinate; keke­­ra­san N violence; mengeras­kan V to make something harder, louder; pengeras ~ suara loudspeaker

      kerasan COLL settled, comfort­able, feel at home → rasa

      keraton, kraton N Javanese palace

      kerbau, kebo N buffalo

      kerén ADJ, COLL great, cool; trendy

      keréta N train; carriage; ~ api train

      kericuhan N chaos → ricuh

      kerikil N gravel, pebble

      kerinduan N longing, craving → rindu

      kering ADJ dry; kekering­an N dryness, aridity; menge­ringkan V to dry something

      keringat N sweat, perspi­ration; ke­ringatan ADJ sweaty, sweating; ber­keringat V to sweat

      keripik, kripik N small chip or crisp

      keris, kris N traditional dagger, creese

      keriting curl, curly

      kerja work; job, occupation; ~ sama co-operation; kerjaan N work, job, things to do; bekerja V to work; ~ sama to co-operate, work together; mengerja­kan V to do, carry out; pekerja N worker, laborer; pekerja­an N work, profession

      kernét, kenék N assistant on a bus or truck

      kerok traditional treatment for minor illnesses by rub­bing the back with a coin; kerokan V to be massaged in this way

      keroncong, kroncong N traditional songs and music of Portuguese origin

      kerongkongan N throat

      keropos ADJ eroded, eaten away; tulang ~ osteoporosis

      keroyok, mengeroyok V to beat savagely in a mob

      kertas N paper

      kerucut, cerucut N cone

      kerudung, kudungan N, ISL veil

      kerugian N loss; damage → rugi

      keruk dredge; mengeruk V to dredge, scrape out

      kerupuk, krupuk N large cracker, crisp, chip

      kerusakan N damage → rusak

      kerusuhan N riot, disturb­ance → rusuh

      kesabaran N patience → sabar

      kesadaran N consciousness, awareness → sadar

      kesakitan ADJ in pain → sakit

      kesaksian N evidence, testi­mony → saksi

      kesal ADJ kesel COLL annoyed, in a bad mood

      kesalahan N mistake → salah

      kesampaian ADJ achieved, reached, realized → sampai

      kesan N impression; berke­san, mengesan­kan ADJ impressive; terkesan ADJ impressed; seemed

      kesasar COLL to lose your way, (get) lost → sasar

      kesayangan favorite, pet → sayang

      kesedihan N sadness, sorrow → sedih

      keséhatan N health → séhat

      keseimbangan N balance → imbang

      kesejahteraan N welfare → sejahtera


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