Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
Читать онлайн книгу.rude, vulgar; kekasaran N coarseness, roughness
kasét N cassette
kasih, kasi V, COLL give; ~ lihat show; ~ pinjam lend; ~ tahu inform, tell
kasih N affection, love; ~ sayang love; kasihan pity, feel sorry for; ~ dia poor thing!; kekasih N darling, sweetheart, beloved
kasir, kassa N cashier
kasuari burung ~ cassowary
kasur N mattress
kasus N case
kata N word; ~nya, ~ orang people say; ~ sandi password; berkata V to say, speak; mengatakan V to say
katak N frog, toad
katédral N cathedral
Katolik Catholic
katrol N pulley
katulistiwa, khatulistiwa N the Equator
katun N cotton
katup N valve
kau PRON, S you (to equals or inferiors) → engkau
kaum N people, community
kaus, kaos N stocking, sock; garment; ~ kaki sock; stocking; ~ tangan glove, mitten
kawah N crater
kawal guard; pengawal N (body)guard, sentry
kawan N friend; berkawan V to have or be friends with
kawas: kawasan N area, region
kawat N wire; ~ berduri barbed wire; ~ listrik electrical wire
kawin V to marry, mate; kawinan N, COLL wedding ceremony or reception; perkawinan N marriage, wedding
kaya ADJ rich; ~ raya very rich; kekayaan N wealth, riches
kayak, kaya CONJ, COLL like, as; kayaknya it seems, apparently
kayu N wood; ~ jati teak; ~ manis cinnamon
kayuh: mengayuh V to paddle or pedal something; ~ sepeda to ride a bicycle
KB ABBREV Keluarga Berencana Family Planning
KBRI ABBREV Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
ke PREP to, towards; ~ atas up, upwards; ~ dalam into; ~ luar out; ~ muka to the front; ~ samping to the side; ~ tengah to the middle
keadaan N situation, condition → ada
keadilan N justice → adil
keamanan N safety, security → aman
keanggotaan N membership; kartu ~ membership card → anggota
kebakaran N fire; ~ hutan forest fire, bushfire; ada ~! fire! → bakar
kebaktian N (Protestant) service → bakti
kebangsaan ADJ national → bangsa
kebanyakan N, ADJ too much; most → banyak
kebaya N, F women’s blouse worn as national costume
kebenaran N truth → benar
keberangkatan N departure; pintu ~ departure gate → angkat, berangkat
keberanian N bravery, courage → berani
keberatan N objection; V to object → berat
kebersihan N cleanliness, hygiene → bersih
kebetulan ADV by chance, accidentally; N coincidence → betul
kebiasaan N habit, custom → biasa
kebijakan N policy → bijak
kebisingan N noise, buzz → bising
kebocoran N leak → bocor
kebudayaan N culture, civilization → budaya
kebugaran N health; pusat ~ gym, fitness center → bugar
kebuli nasi ~ lamb and rice dish of Middle Eastern origin
kebun, kebon N garden, plantation; ~ binatang zoo; ~ raya botanical garden; tukang ~ gardener; berkebun V to garden, do gardening; perkebunan N plantation, estate; ~ teh tea plantation
keburu ADJ, ADV, COLL in time; too early → buru
kebut: mengebut V to speed
kebutuhan N need, necessity → butuh
kecam; mengecam V to criticize; kecaman N criticism
kecamatan N sub-district → camat
kecantikan N beauty → cantik
kécap N soy sauce; ~ asin soy sauce; ~ manis sweet soy sauce
kecapékan ADJ tired out; N exhaustion → capék
kecelakaan N accident, disaster → celaka
kecenderungan N tendency, trend → cenderung
kecepatan N speed → cepat
kecerdasan N intelligence → cerdas
kecéwa ADJ disappointed; kekecéwaan N disappointment; mengecéwakan V to disappoint; ADJ disappointing
kecil ADJ small, little; young; ~ hati disappointed, offended; orang ~ the little people, the poor; dari ~, sejak ~ since youth; kekecilan ADJ too small; mengecilkan V to make smaller, decrease
kecipratan ADJ be splashed, sprayed accidentally → ciprat
kecolongan ADJ to be robbed; to lose unjustly → colong
kecopétan ADJ to be pickpocketed, robbed; N pickpocketing → copét
kecuali CONJ except; terkecuali tidak ~, tanpa ~ without exception
kecubung batu ~ ruby
kecut ADJ sour, acidic
kecut ADJ shrivelled; pengecut N coward
kedai N stall, kiosk
kedaluwarsa, kadaluwarsa ADJ expired → daluwarsa
kedamaian N peace → damai
kedap ADJ free from; ~ air waterproof; ~ suara soundproof; ~ udara air-tight
kedatangan N arrival → datang
kedekatan N close relationship → dekat
kedelai, kedelé soy; susu kacang ~ soya milk, soymilk
kedengaran ADJ audible → dengar
kedinginan cold; feeling cold → dingin
kedip blink; wink; berkedip V to blink (two eyes) or wink (one eye); berkedip-kedip ADJ blinking; mengedipkan ~ mata to blink
kedondong buah ~ kind of fruit
kedua ADJ second; kedua(-dua)nya ADJ both → dua
kedudukan N position → duduk
kedutaan ~ (besar) embassy → duta
keempat ADJ fourth → empat
keénakan ADJ too enjoyable or good → énak
keenam ADJ sixth → enam
keésokan ~ harinya the next day → ésok, bésok
kegagalan N failure → gagal
kegelapan N darkness → gelap
kegemaran N hobby → gemar
kegembiraan N joy, happiness → gembira
kegiatan N activity → giat
keguguran miscarry, miscarriage → gugur
kehabisan V to run out of (water, food, stock) → habis
kehadiran N presence, attendance → hadir
kehamilan N pregnancy →