Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
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genténg N roof tile
gépéng ADJ flat, concave, sunken
gerabah N earthenware pot
gerak move; gerakan N movement; bergerak V to move; menggerakkan V to move, shift something
gerbang N gate, gateway, door
gerbong N carriage
geréja N church
gergaji N saw
gerhana N eclipse
gerigi N, PL teeth, points; bergerigi ADJ serrated, jagged
gerilya N guerrilla
gerimis (hujan) ~ drizzle
gerobak N cart
gersang ADJ arid
gerutu: menggerutu V to grumble, complain, gripe
gesa: tergesa-gesa ADJ in a hurry or rush
gésék rub; gésékan N stroke, scrape; menggésék V to rub, scrape
gésér: menggésér V to move aside or over
gesit ADJ nimble, adept, adroit
getah N sap, latex, gum
getar shake, tremor; getaran N vibration, shake, tremor
giat: kegiatan N activity
gigi N tooth
gigil: menggigil V to shiver
gigit: menggigit V to bite
gila ADJ crazy, mad, insane
giling daging ~ mincemeat
gilir: giliran N turn; bergilir, bergiliran ADJ in turns
gimana COLL how; ~ sih? what about that? → bagaimana
gini ADV, COLL like this, in this way → begini
ginjal N kidney
giok batu ~ jade
gips N plaster, plaster cast
girang ADJ pleased, glad, happy
gitar N guitar
gitu ADV, COLL like that, in that way → begitu
gizi N nutrient; ahli ~ nutritionist; bergizi ADJ nutritious
gladi, geladi ~ resik, ~ bersih dress-rehearsal
goa, gua N cave, tunnel
goda tempt; godaan N temptation; menggoda V to tempt; tergoda ADJ tempted
golf N golf
golok N machete, chopping knife
golong: golongan N group, category; rank; tergolong ADJ to include, be part of or considered
goncang, guncang rock, sway; goncangan N shock wave, quake; menggoncangkan V to rock or make something move
gondrong (excessively) long hair
gonggong: gonggong, menggonggong V to bark
gonta-ganti V to change constantly → ganti
GOR ABBREV Gelanggang Olah Raga stadium, sports complex
gordén, hordén N curtain(s)
goréng fry; goréngan N fried snacks; menggoréng V to fry; penggoréngan N wok, frying pan; process of frying
gorés line, scratch; gorésan N scratch, stroke; menggorés V to scratch, make a stroke; tergorés ADJ scratched
gosip gossip
gosok rub; menggosok V to rub, polish
gosong ADJ burnt, singed, scorched; bau ~ burnt smell
got N roadside drain or ditch
gotong carry; menggotong V to carry together
goyang shake, wobble, unsteady; bergoyang V to shake, sway; to dance; menggoyangkan V to shake or rock something
grup N group (esp business)
gua → goa
gubernur N governor
gubuk N hut
gudang N warehouse, shed, store
gugat sue; gugatan N lawsuit, accusation; menggugat V to sue, accuse
gugup ADJ nervous
gugur V to fall, be killed (in action) or eliminated; keguguran N miscarriage
gula N sugar
gulai, gulé N curry; ~ kambing goat curry
gulat wrestling; bergulat V to wrestle, fight
guling (bantal) ~ bolster, Dutch wife
gumpal N clot, lump; gumpalan N clot, lump
guna use, benefit; for; berguna ADJ useful, worthwhile; menggunakan V to use; pengguna N user
guna-guna N black magic
guncang, goncang rock, sway; guncangan N shock wave, quake; mengguncangkan V to rock or make something move
gundul ADJ bald
gunting scissors, cut; ~ kuku nail clippers; guntingan N cutout; menggunting V to cut (out)
guntur N thunder
gunung N mountain, mount; remote area; ~ (ber)api volcano; gunungan N symbolic mountain used in shadow-puppet plays; pegunungan N mountain range
guramé, guraméh, gurami ikan ~ large freshwater fish
gurih ADJ tasty, delicious, mouth-watering
gurita ikan ~ octopus
guru N teacher; perguruan ~ tinggi university
gusi N gums
gusur: menggusur V to evict, sweep aside, forcibly remove
H. Haji title for man who has performed the major pilgrimage to Mecca
habis ADJ finished; empty; ADV entirely; COLL after; kehabisan V to run out of (water; food; stock); menghabiskan V to finish, use up, spend; sehabis CONJ after
hadap face; berhadapan (~ muka) V face to face; menghadap V to face, appear before; menghadapi V to face someone or something; terhadap CONJ regarding; against; with respect to
hadiah N present, gift; prize; berhadiah ADJ with prizes
hadir present; available; kehadiran N presence; attendance; menghadiri V to attend
hafal, hapal know by heart; menghafalkan V to learn by heart
hai SL hi
haid N menstruation
haji N, ISL person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; Lebaran ~ Idul Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice (performed during the annual pilgrimage)
hak N right; berhak V to have a right to, be entitled to
hak N heel
hakim N judge
hal N matter, case
halal ADJ, ISL permitted (to eat); killed according to Islamic practice
halaman N yard, open area, page; ~ rumah yard
halang: halangan N obstacle; hindrance; berhalangan V to be prevented; unable; menghalangi V to hinder, prevent; terhalang ADJ blocked; prevented
halte N stop; ~ bis bus stop
halus ADJ fine; soft; refined
HAM ABBREV Hak Asasi Manusia Human Rights
hama N pest; plague
hambat, menghambat