Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau, 1905–1963. Tabitha Kanogo

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Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau, 1905–1963 - Tabitha Kanogo

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African Standard (newspaper)EBUEmbuFHFort HallHAKHistorical Association of KenyaKADUKenya African Democratic UnionKANUKenya African National UnionKASUKenya African Students UnionKAUKenya African UnionKBUKiambuKCAKikuyu Central AssociationKERKerichoKISAKikuyu Independent Schools AssociationKLFAKenya Land Freedom ArmyKNAKenya National ArchivesKPSAKikuyu Private Schools AssociationLab.LabourLeg. Co.Legislative CouncilM.A.Master of ArtsMAAMaasaiMLCMember of the Legislative CouncilNADNative Affairs DepartmentNDINandiNKUNakuruNSANjoro Settlers AssociationNVANaivashaNYINyeriNZANyanzaPCProvincial CommissionerPROPublic Records Office, LondonRHRhodes House Library, OxfordRNLOResident Native Labourers OrdinanceRVRift ValleyRVPRift Valley ProvinceSPSouthern Province

       Glossary of Kikuyu and Swahili Terms used in Text

ahoilandless people among the Kikuyu
aruithiasurgeons who performed circumcision ritual
barazapublic meeting
bornacattle pen
ciamaelders’ councils
ciondoKikuyu baskets
debetin container
Gigikuyuthe Kikuyu language
Gikuyu na Mumbimythical founders of the Kikuyu tribe
githakasystem under which land was acquired/Land acquired under such a system
gituikuhandleless blade often given to surgeon as a circumcision fee
gukaywo nyorito pierce the upper ear lobes
igandatemporary huts
igwetahigh social standing, fame
ithakaplural of githaka (land)
kiamasingular of ciama
kifagiobroom – signifying period when the squatters lost their livestock, i.e. it was swept away, or officials involved in de-stocking
kihiu-mwirithe age-group circumcised between approximately 1914 and 1918
Kikuyu karingapure Kikuyu
kipandeidentification pass
kirorefingerprint in lieu of signature – used on contracts
kunabreaking up virgin land
LumbwaKipsigis (in slang)
mashukapiece of cloth worn wrapped around the body
maskinipoverty stricken, poor
mathaceskimmed milk
muingicommunity self-help group
muruithiasingular of aruithia (surgeons)
muramatitrustee of the land
mzunguwhite man
Ndundu Ya HithoInner Secret Council of Mau Mau
nduririnon-Kikuyu, especially from Western Kenya
njahiblack peas
nyakiburiform of sweet potato
nyaparaforeman/farm overseer
poshoground maize flour
shambaplot of land
thigari cia bururisoldiers or guards of the land
utuurodwelling place/permanent residence
WameraKikuyu slang for Luo
wazunguwhite men, plural of mzungu



       Map 1 Location of the White Highlands


       Map 2 Agricultural Districts of the White Highlands


       Map 3 Nakuru/Naivasha Districts of the White Highlands


      The nature of the squatter problem is too familiar to require recapitulation. The way in which it should be solved has been a matter of controversy for many years, but in general it is true to say that the policy of evolution towards the cottage labourer has been accepted by both the farmer and the government.1

      Establishing colonial rule in Kenya and attempting to turn the country into a white settlement area had a profound affect on the local African population. Not only did the alienation of African lands (for European settler occupation)2 disinherit and dislocate many Africans,3 but the subsequent development of settler plantations and mixed farms created a demand for a large number of wage labourers.4 But, since no African labour force was readily forthcoming, the colonial government adopted a combination of financial and political measures to create the required labour supply. Attempts to coerce Africans into seeking wage employment included imposing taxes, creating reserves, disrupting local economies and denying Africans the right to grow major commercial crops.

      This is a study of the genesis, evolution, adaptation and subordination of the Kikuyu squatter labourers, who comprised the majority of resident labourers on settler plantations and estates in the Rift Valley Province of the White Highlands. The story of the squatter presence in the White Highlands is essentially the story of the conflicts and contradictions that existed between two agrarian systems, the settler plantation economy and the squatter peasant option. Initially, the latter developed into a viable but much resented sub-system which operated within and, to some extent, in competition with settler agriculture. This study is largely concerned with the dynamics of the squatter presence in the White Highlands and with the initiative, self-assertion and resilience with which they faced their subordinate position as labourers. In their response to the machinations of the colonial system, the squatters were neither passive nor malleable but, on the contrary actively resisted coercion and subordination as they struggled to carve out a living for themselves and their families

      In collaboration with the European settlers, the colonial government set out to create a cheap, malleable and readily accessible African labour force.5 Most of the settlers were themselves rather poor and could only afford to hire labour if it was cheap and could be paid for mainly in kind, in the form of land for cultivation and grazing. The pioneer Kikuyu squatters, on their part, looked upon the opening up of the White Highlands

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