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others who sniggered and jeered at them. They had loved to share their own thoughts on what was to befall them. They seemed pleased about the future, eager to meet it. When they finally docked, she'd tried to escape only to receive another blow to the head that rendered her unconscious. Then she was awakened by the shock of cold water on her skin, only to be pulled onto a stage with no time to recover. She'd frozen when her head was finally clear enough to see the sea of men, bidding fiercely for her.

      She'd tried to run but the man with the scar held her arms in a crushing hold, aborting her escape. Then the loud bang sounded, echoed with the yell 'sold' and a cheer erupted through the room. Her heart attempted to beat out of her chest when her eyes landed on the man who'd purchased her. He was as tall as she and fat, with a dangerous glimmer of lust in his eyes as they travelled over her body.

      She'd never felt as dirty as she did under his leering gaze. The man with the scar released her to him. He grabbed her waist and pulled her flush against him. She looked straight into his eyes, hers filled with horror.

      "You and I are going to have so much fun!" he hissed pressing his lips against hers.

      She placed her hands under his chin and pushed his head away. "May God strike you dead!" she cried, making him laugh.

      "I've changed my mind." Melanie felt her body relax at his announcement. "I don't want her just for the night... I want to own her."

      Melanie felt her body go rigid again. He couldn't be serious! She belonged to no one but herself and God! Was this man the devil? "No, I do not accept!"

      He grabbed her chin and steadied her head for another disgusting kiss. "It is not your choice to make."

      "Our money, before you take her," the man with the scar yelled, halting their exit.

      "Have one of your men follow me to my house," the devil yelled excitedly, as he dragged her behind him.

      There was no way she was going to allow him to touch her. She'd die first! She fought him, hitting the back of his knee hard. With a groan, he fell to the floor, releasing his hold on her. Not wasting another moment, she ran out into the dark, jumping into an open carriage to hide. Her head had hit the floor hard and she blacked out, only to wake up naked and ruined.

      * * * * *

      But this wasn't the same man. Did he pass her to his friend once he was done defiling her, so he too could have a turn?

      How many men had tainted her before this one?

      She felt disgust, her stomach turning as the bile stung her throat.

      She covered her mouth to keep the sob in and slowly slipped out of the bed and retreated to a corner. She'd pulled the sheet with her and wrapped it tightly around her frame. "I know this isn't right to ask, but Lord, I wish this man and every other man who defiled me dead!" She prayed, burying her face in her knees.


      Christopher felt the cold rush over him. He reached for the coverlet only to find nothing. He turned to his side and opened his eyes; the space next to him was empty as well. He shot up and searched the room, his eyes settling on the dark mane, spread out around the white sheet in the corner.

      His heart jumped, and the pit of his stomach burned. That woman was a temptation he'd never felt before. It was a miracle he restrained himself all night.

      He pulled his breeches over his drawers and quietly moved to sit on the bed facing her. She was crying and mumbling something that wasn't audible, but he could hear the pain in her voice.

       But why?

      He slapped his forehead and chuckled. The girl woke up naked, next to a half-naked man. She might think herself ruined and taken against her will.

      He crouched down and touched her head. His hand had barely settled when she shot up, pushing him back. He fell on the bed and watched her take flight towards the door, her hair flying behind her. He jumped off the bed in pursuit, shutting the door before she could open it any wider.

      She turned around and began punching his chest. He chuckled until he felt her knee move up his thigh. He grabbed it before it made contact with his groin, "Calm down!" he ordered.

      "I hate you! You've ruined me!" she cried, punching him painfully harder.

      He stepped back, rubbing his chest and she attempted to open the door again. He pushed it shut, pressing his hand on it, but kept a large amount of space between them. "You leave this room donning only a bedcover and you will be ruined!" he hissed.

      She stared up at him and he sucked in a breath. Her amber eyes burned with anger and pain, but yet were as beautiful as the sun. Unconsciously, his hand rose to touch her wet cheek and she quickly moved away, ducking under his raised arm and rushing to the table.

      She grabbed a paper knife and turned to him. "Touch me again and I will run you through!" she threatened.

      Christopher pushed the door's lock in place then dragged his heavy chest to block it before he turned his full attention to her. She moved back when he stepped forward. Her struggle to hold the sheet in place and the paper knife amused him, but the fear in her eyes kept him from laughing.

      He held his hands up in mock surrender. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help you."

      She huffed, "Help me into your bed." Then her lower lip quivered "Again!" she cried. The thought of it seemed to drain all the strength she had left out of her.

      Christopher moved closer to her with the intention of comfort, but she swung her armed hand and the tip of the blade grazed his chest.

      He jumped back. "Why the hell did you do that!" he yelled, wiping the small trickle of blood with his fingers.

      "I'm sorry..." she began an apology then bolted for the door again.

      Christopher caught her, and easily hoisted her up with one arm. He pulled the weapon from her hand and threw it to the far wall.

      "Let me go!" she screamed, squirming in his arms. She was beginning to annoy him. He moved to place her on the bed but somehow, her leg got caught behind his knee, tripping him, and they both landed on the bed, him on top of her.

      "Ow!" she squealed as his hand popped hard against her hip.

      "Settle down or I'll give you a proper tanning," he warned as he grabbed her hands and pinned them next to her head. When she continued to arch and twist, he quickly rolled her to her side and popped her a half-dozen times as she continued to squeal loudly. "Stop! I mean what I say and your bottom will pay a price if you don't obey!" he bellowed and she quickly settled, her eyes wide with fear.

      Rolling her to her back again, he exhaled loudly and placed his forehead on hers. He'd never been so exerted by a woman, and worse off with no pleasure.

      His throat dried as he finally realized where he was. His weight was pressed on her, and he could feel her breasts against his chest. He was settled between her legs. Thankfully, his shaft was far away from her warm body as it pushed hungrily against his breeches.

      He leaned up and looked at her. Her small shoulders were exposed, the sheet having been pulled down and resting over her nipples, exposing the lush swellings on her chest. He swallowed hard and winced. His erection was growing painful.

      "Please not again!" she begged in a whisper, tears spilling down her face.

      He looked into her amber eyes, and the fear in them made his need cold. He knew he should move off her, but he didn't want to. He loved how their bodies were pressed against each other, skin to skin.

      "I did not touch you," he whispered back, sincerity in his voice.

      She turned her head to her side and closed her eyes. "Then-then why am I naked? Why did I wake up in bed next to you?"

      He chuckled. "You were wet and I feared you would catch a fever. And to answer your second question, I paid for the bed, and it is large enough for the both of us."


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