The Earl's Stowaway. Krystina Daryl

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The Earl's Stowaway - Krystina Daryl

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man to touch her and more for the shuttering pleasure she seemed to have enjoyed. But he felt cheated; her buyer had stolen his first kiss.

      Her first kiss, he reminded himself.

      "But," she started turning her face to him, her red lips spread in a smile, "your kiss was much better. I've even forgotten what that other man's felt like."

      Christopher chuckled. Excellent! "I'm honored, and you are very welcome."

      She giggled, hiding her face again. He felt his body tighten with need again. She was making it impossible not to ravish her! "You have a beautiful giggle," he said hoarsely.

      "Thank you," she answered with a laugh, oblivious of how the sound was stirring him.

      "You are very beautiful, Melanie," he whispered lowering himself a few inches.

      She turned to him stunned. "No one has ever told me that," she whispered.

      "Then I'll say it again. You are very beautiful. Your eyes shine like the sun, showing how lovely your soul is." He sucked in a breath. "And your body, don't be frightened by what I'm about to say, but your body is so tempting, it drives me mad!"

      She looked at him, wide eyed. After what felt like hours to Christopher, she blinked. "I'm not sure... what was happening to me?"

      That question again halted him. Should he tell her? This was a conversation a mother had with her daughter. But her mother died and her step-mother was a bitch! "Tell me what you felt and I'll explain it."

      Her face flushed again. "Well... there was heat in my belly and it spread all over my body... my..." She pointed to her shielded breasts, and continued, "when you... touched it, I craved for more. And your lips on my... it felt... wonderful. And my…" She blushed, pointing down. Christopher didn't have to look to know what she meant. "It's wet and throbbing... and I felt this strong..." She covered her face with her hands. "Please don't make me say more!"

      He laughed, lying on the bed and facing her. He supported his head on his hand and looked down at her. "You have nothing to be ashamed about. That was just desire pulsing through your body." And one hell of a climax!

      Her hands moved down, only exposing one eye. "Desire... you mean lust?"

      He nodded, pulling her hands down. "It's normal to react like that, especially at your age."

      She looked up at him confused. "But it didn't feel like that when that man had his hands and lips on me."

      Christopher bit down a growl. He felt offended by that man's actions, and yet, he had no right. Melanie was not his but he desired her like she was. "Forget him." He leaned down and kissed her fingers. Her eyes fluttered shut with a sigh.

      Damn this woman! One more sigh and his restraint would be shuttered!



      "Would you like to remain a virgin until your wedding night?" he asked hoarsely, his voice filled with pent up desire but the threat was there.

      Her eyes flew open and she swallowed hard. She licked her lips and nodded. Christopher hissed at the gesture, and her eyes basked with desire, all the pain forgotten. "You must stop sighing like that, or I will forget myself and your innocence!"

      That did it. She pulled her hands free of him and pulled the sheet around her. She sat up and tucked her legs under her, shying away under the cover of her long hair. She was the picture of seduction... and that hair!

      He groaned, falling on his back.

      "Christopher..." she began confused, "there is something... Oh!"

      He closed his eyes with another groan. He knew what she was referring to; it was pressed painfully against his breeches.

      She went silent for a moment, then spoke, "Is that the need that was pressing on my..."

      "Just sit there, do not say another word!" he commanded harshly, cutting her off.

      Christopher released a breath, grateful she had obeyed. He felt the pressure on his shaft reduced to a comfortable state. No woman had ever made him feel so unarmed. He felt free enough to share some personal information with her, and his body craved hers like it had no other woman before.

      "What are you doing to me?" he muttered under his breath.

      "Can I ask one question?" she whispered.

      He nodded, covering his eyes with his hands.

      "How does that bring me pleasure, and my step-mother so much pain?"

      He turned to look at her. She looked so very confused. "Because your father sought to be cruel and give her pain, I wanted to give you pleasure."

      She nodded, her face easing with understanding. "That man who bought me... he would have been cruel..."

      "You have nothing to worry about. You are under my protection from now hence forth. If he comes looking for you, I will fix the matter." By breaking his neck!

      She nodded again, her body relaxing. "Thank you," she said with a smile.

      He turned away, with another groan, covering his face once more. He needed to control himself or it would be disastrous.

      His body had relaxed again when he felt her small hand over his shaft. He quickly turned, pinning her under him. She squealed and stared up at him frightened.

      "What were you doing?" he demanded in a husky voice.

      "Forgive me, I was curious!"

      He groaned again, burying his head in the bed next to hers. He released her arms and placed his elbows at her sides. "You are making it impossible to control my urge!"

      "What can I do to help?" she asked innocently.

      Part your legs for me, he thought. "Don't move!"

      They stayed there quietly for a few minutes before his body finally relaxed. He never thought he would be able to calm himself, and her naivety only made his want for her grow. He would have propositioned her to be his mistress, but the girl wanted a husband, and probably children. That wasn't what he wanted, yet.

      A marriage of convenience was what lay before him. He would get a wife of his social standing he could tolerate, and when children came from that union, he would love them more than his own father did him. He would also make sure his wife loved them more than he did.

       And Melanie...

      He couldn't have her in his home, not without the risk of ruining her. "How old are you, Melanie?" he asked, breaking the silence.

      "Nine and ten," she answered softly.

      God! She's a child! He thought. "Why aren't you married yet?"

      "I lack the dowry." She shrugged. "And anyway, I am no longer in a rush."

      He quirked his brow at her. "Why were you in a rush?"

      She reached up and stroked his brow. "To take my siblings to my husband's home. I wanted to keep them close, and safe."

      The revelation made him smile. "So you wouldn't have married for love either?"

      "I would have. For the love of my siblings, but just for his security." She sighed sadly. "Jesse and Jessica come first."

      He stroked her hair back. The urge to comfort her consumed him. "And what of your own feelings?"

      She smiled weakly. "I haven't paid attention to what I want for years. I wouldn't know how to start."

      He swallowed hard. Should he proposition her? He was sure they both would find happiness in each other's arms. They were already completely comfortable with each other, why not?

      Christopher opened his mouth to speak, but the knock on the door stopped him. Reluctantly, he moved from on top of her. He picked up the heavy coverlet from the floor and wrapped it around her frame when she sat up. Then he moved to the door.

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