The Earl's Stowaway. Krystina Daryl

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The Earl's Stowaway - Krystina Daryl

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Ashworth raised an eyebrow. "Known?"

      "Yes." she reaffirmed strongly. His grandmother's other brow went up.

      "Oh God," Christopher muttered. "Not the known you are thinking of, Gran!" he whispered harshly.

      Melanie looked up at him confused. "What else would I mean?"

      He squeezed her elbow, and looked intensely at her. "She means in the biblical sense."

      Melanie gasped, her hand flying to her lips. "I didn't mean that!"

      Lady Ashworth laughed, taking a seat on the long cream couch. "You are right, Christopher. She is completely innocent in both mind and body... well, not that innocent, thanks to you."

      Christopher huffed, leading Melanie to a seat opposite his grandmother. The woman was enjoying herself at their expense. He moved to Lady Ashworth and kissed her cheek, "Take care of her, Gran, I'm heading home."

      Melanie jumped up off the chair. "You are leaving?"

      "Ah, me thinks the lady doth protests! Are you sure she is just a girl you wish to protect from the clutches of a wicked man…" her voice shrunk to a menacing tone, "or are you protecting her for yourself, Christopher?"

      He sighed, taking Melanie's elbow in his and leading her a few feet away. "You can't leave me with her. She'll swallow me whole!" Melanie whispered in a panic.

      Christopher shook his head, pulling her closer. "I cannot take you to my home, Melanie." He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "not if you want to stay innocent."

      Melanie felt a shiver rush through her. She turned her head, and his lips lightly brushed hers making her heart leap.

      "My grandmother may be blunt, but she does make a very good point. You will remain here as her lady in waiting."

      "What's that?" she muttered, her eyes stuck on his moving lips.

      "She will explain it." He raised their laced hands to his lips and planted a long warm kiss on her knuckles. Melanie's eyes fluttered shut for a moment as she swallowed, hard. "I will do as we discussed. Cross your fingers, Melanie."

      She nodded, getting her senses back and understanding he meant her siblings. "Thank you, Christopher."

      He nodded, brushing his lips against her knuckles once more and turning away from her. Every fiber in her body urged her to follow, but she knew she shouldn't. He wouldn't have left her with his grandmother if he did not trust her.

      "Dove, come here. There are a few things I need to teach you."

      Melanie took a deep breath, summoning courage and walked back to the lounge. "Yes, Miss."

      Chapter Three

      Nancy had watched Melanie's and Christopher's interaction intently. She noted how closely their bodies seemed to draw to each other. Yes, the girl wasn't his mistress, but she had never seen her grandson lean so closely to a woman before. Melanie might not understand it, but she instantly recognized that Christopher had taken a protective position beside her.

      It was adorable, and encouraging.

      The only problem was that the child wasn't a lady. But, that could be taught and a story to hide her true background and give her a prestigious one could always be spun. Nancy knew all the right people to get it done.

      A few days later, Nancy looked at Melanie, who sat with poise and posture next to her on the chapel pew. Her hands were crossed on her lap, and she had finally learnt to stop tapping her fingers impatiently when she grew bored. It took a few days and a few bruises on her knuckles, but the lesson stuck.

      Nancy looked her over again. There was no sign of slavery or hardship on her. She looked like a born and bred Lady. She was dressed in expensive fabric designed in the latest fashion. The jewelry she wore was also expensive in taste and the pieces complimented Melanie better than they complimented Nancy. Granted, Melanie still had a long way to go, but she played the part well enough to earn an outing.

      Nancy swallowed hard. This was her first venture out of her home in three years. The last time she was in the public chapel, she was with Thomas, her husband. She was so happy then, until the fever took him away.

      She felt Melanie's hand on hers as she gave it a squeeze and her a smile, and then drew her hand back to her lap.

      Nancy smiled, filled with new hope. The rest of her life was now dedicated to Christopher and Melanie, making sure they were both happy. She had come to love Melanie as the daughter-in-law she was denied. Her son Reese, had brought her a gold digger, who only cared about how much of the family fortune she could spend. She felt even more secure in her spending once she'd borne Christopher.

      But apart from the money Thomas was kind enough to give them as an allowance, Nancy made sure the chit did not touch a coin more after she took custody of Christopher. Thomas began rearing him as his heir, with a sterner hand than he had used on Reese. And she reared him to be a true Wimberley gentleman, with a stern but loving care. They were determined not to make the same mistake twice, and it seemed to have worked.

      They met no resistance from Christopher because he too was determined to restore their family name. He understood why they were so strict and why they pushed him so hard. After his parents' passing, Christopher began his upward rise in society, doubling their fortune and restoring their name. It took years to accomplish, but she was happy Thomas was there to see the fruits of their combined labor.

      She had never seen a man so proud of his prodigy, and sometimes he would just sit in the office watching Christopher work all night. At first, Christopher thought he did so to make sure he made no mistake with the businesses, but after he figured out the reason, it drove him to better his success. Thomas was saddened when he moved out to the hall, but the boy was determined to prove he didn't need his hand held through life anymore.

      The day after he left, Thomas began looking for a reputable bride, one who wouldn't be like their despised daughter-in-law. There were a few candidates, but Christopher couldn't stand them. Either they were too weak in character, too greedy for a title, not pretty enough, or sought to dominate him.

      The search was making both Thomas and Christopher miserable until Nancy put a stop to it. She was sure Christopher could find a wife on his own, one who had everything he wanted, and most importantly, one he loved.

      She smiled, turning forward to look at the priest; he already has found the next Countess, worthy to carry our name and the next heir. It would only take her grandson coming to the same conclusion to have her totally satisfied with his future. She spent the rest of the priest's sermon dreaming about great-grandchildren, and finally donning Melanie with the family heirlooms once she birthed a son.


      Melanie paced the drawing room like a caged cat. She was beginning to annoy Nancy. "Dove, sit down! Your pacing is making me dizzy!"

      Melanie sat down next to her on the piano. "Forgive me, but it has already been a month since Chris... I mean Lord Ashworth left."

      Nancy patted her cheek. "When Christopher is determined to do something, he will not stop until he accomplishes it. He is much like his grandfather that way." Melanie nodded, but Nancy could still see the worry in her eyes, and she loved it! "Turn around and play for me what you have learned so far."

      Melanie pulled her lips in half a smile and played a soft melody for Nancy.

      She smiled, impressed by how quickly she had learnt it. Melanie's fingers appeared to float majestically over the keys like one who had spent her entire life learning the instrument and not a month.

      Now all she needed was a dance lesson, and she couldn't do that without Christopher. Where was her grandson? It worried her he had been away for so long without a word to Melanie. Nancy clenched her jaw. If he has found himself another woman, I will run her out of England!

      "Milady, Mr. Meed is here to see you," Lawrence announced. His lips parted in an amused

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