The Earl's Stowaway. Krystina Daryl

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The Earl's Stowaway - Krystina Daryl

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smile when she hissed.

      "Show him in." She then turned to Melanie. "Put the rest of your hair up."

      Melanie frowned then huffed, pulling the long braid up and twisting it around the bun at the nape of her neck.

      Nancy smiled. The argument over how she was to wear her hair was long, proving to Nancy that the girl had some fire in her. But in the end she won, at least when it came to it being put up in public.

      Melanie rose and stood a step behind Nancy, her hands crossed in front of her, her face pulled into a gentle smile. She had learned to hide her emotions well. Nancy couldn't even see the worry in Melanie's eyes anymore.

      Mr. Meed bowed at the threshold then moved towards them. "Milady," he said, taking her bare hand and bowing over it. He then stood straight and turned to Melanie, "Miss... Monroe..." The hesitation and surprise in his voice was evident.

      Nancy turned to look at Melanie, and for a moment, she saw fear in her eyes. She also noted that the girl didn't offer her hand to Mr. Meed, opting for a slight curtsy.

      "Excuse me," Melanie announced, walking gracefully out of the parlor. But Nancy was sure that immediately after turning the corner, the girl had broken into a run.

      Mr. Meed stared after her, a twinkle of lust having replaced the barely concealed shock in his eyes. That angered her. "Carl!" she yelled, making him jump, "what is it you want in my home?"

      Startled, he turned to her. "Milady, you didn't inform me that you have a beautiful flower in your home."

      "Keep away from her, Carl. I will not allow your advances towards her," she threatened. "You so much as touch her without my consent, I'll send Christopher after you!" She smiled, noting the flicker of fear in his eyes.

      She never understood why, but so many people seemed to fear her grandson. She had heard rumors of his violent nature, but she had yet to see it for herself.

      "I came to inquire where your grandson is at present," Carl started with a stammer before he found his voice. "It has been a month since his absence."

      "What my grandson does is his business. I do not see how it is any of yours."

      Carl stood straighter. "I fear he might have become his father. If so, I am ready and willing to take over the running of your businesses."

      "Do you also plan to take over the role of the Earl of Ashworth?" Christopher bellowed from the door, making both Nancy and Carl jump. "Would you like to also run my county, Mr. Meed? See to my tenants, my lands and manage both households, mayhap take residence in Ashworth Hall?"

      Nancy placed a hand over her racing heart. For the first time, she was starting to understand how people could fear her grandson. A man needn't be physically violent to frighten those around him. Christopher's tone of voice, his biting words and the way he held himself was enough to cause others to quake in his presence.

      He sauntered to Carl, his face rigid in anger, a dangerous glimmer in his eyes. "I do not know how you tricked my grandmother into allowing you to run her share of the family fortune, but I will not let you put your greedy hands on mine!"

      Carl stepped back until his knees hit the piano bench. He sunk down, pressing the keys with his elbows and they screeched loudly. "I was just concern..."

      "Save your concern!" Christopher said in a voice that brooked no nonsense. "Now leave before I forget my grandmother is in the same room!"

      Christopher stepped away, and Carl rushed to the door, almost bumping into Melanie. She moved aside, allowing him to pass, fear written on her face. Carl's eyes narrowed as he stared at her once more before he disappeared around the corner. Her skin crawled and her feet wanted to run as far away as possible. However, what she truly needed was to see Christopher. Taking a deep breath, Melanie stepped into the room, controlling herself not to break into a run and not exposing her true emotions at the sight of Christopher. She was so happy to see him. Though his expression showed he was happy to see her, it also showed confusion.

      Nancy smiled, a devilish idea popping in her mind.

      Melanie curtsied. "Welcome home, my lord." she spoke softly, her face turned to the ground.

      Christopher gave her a slight bow. "I'm glad to be back, Miss Monroe." Then he stared at her, taking her in from the pearl pins in her hair to the bottom hem of her silk skirt, a smile on his face. He turned to Nancy. "She's different, Gran."

      Nancy smiled proudly. "Do not forget your manners when I leave, Melanie."

      Melanie curtsied again. "Yes, milady."

      Nancy exited to leave the two love birds alone.


      Christopher patiently waited for the sound of his grandmother's sandals clacking on the marble floor to disappear before he grabbed Melanie's joined hands and pulled her to him. She flew to him with a squeal. He raised her up off her feet, and crushed her to him as he kissed her desperately. He'd dreamt of holding her and kissing her for many nights.

      Never had he been so obsessed with wanting a woman than he did with Melanie. The sounds of her giggles and laughs, even her sniffles when she cried haunted him. He'd wanted to laugh with her, hold her again in his arms in comfort when she cried. But what he dreamed of most was being on top of her and feeling every curve of her body against his as they took pleasure from each other.

      Christopher was addicted to a girl he barely knew. That should bother him. But having her in his arms at that moment, with the feel of her lips against his, her body pressed flush against his, he couldn't care less.

      Melanie circled her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. The urge to place her on the bench and put his weight on her filled him, but he moved behind the door instead, and pressed her against the wall.

      She moaned, gripping his calves with her feet. He held her to the wall with his body, freeing his hands to reacquaint them with her body. She gasped loudly when he cupped her breast and he felt his loins burn. He hurriedly pulled her skirt up with his free hand, seeking her bare thigh.

      "Christopher, stop!" she said breathlessly, breaking the kiss.

      "Why?" he asked, recapturing her lips.

      She pulled away and his lips moved to abuse her neck. She leaned back, exposing more of it to him. "Your grandmother will be coming back..." she gasped, "and it takes you a while to decrease."

      "What?" He moved lower and began kissing the soft skin on her collar. He pulled down the fringed neck line of her dress to expose the top part of her breast. He wanted to take her nipple into his mouth, but settled for the warm swelling instead.

      She pushed her chest out and he used the heel of his palm to push her breast out more. He dipped his tongue in and groaned as he was now able to flick his tongue across her nipple. She shuddered, tightening her fist in his hair. "Your erection... and I am not willing to service your hunger in your grandmother's studio."

      He pulled away and stared at her stunned. "What?"

      She turned to him, her face flushed and her breathing labored. "The Countess says it is not right for a lady to let a man compromise her before marriage."

      Christopher shook his head, placing her down and stepping away, "I should have known. My grandmother taught you all about love making, didn't she?"

      Christopher saw her face redden as she nodded. He let out an annoyed breath. "What else has she taught you?"

      Melanie bounced on her heels with a childlike cheer. "Everything about being a Lady and the piano. Except dancing, we were waiting for you to do that."


      "She didn't think you would like another man's hands on my waist."

      He caught his breath when her grin deepened. He'd never seen anything so beautiful. Oh how he wanted her!

      He took a step closer. "She's right."

      Melanie's smile dropped as she moved

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