The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want. Paul Browning

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The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want - Paul Browning

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This would finance my second and most important choice.

      My second choice was to think! Yes think. And so I began to think. I’m talking here about serious thinking. This is how my thinking first got started: -

      “Here I am living on a beautiful island in a beautiful home in a half acre plot looking out onto the mountains, pine forests and the river falling down the mountain side to Loch Snizort which empties into the North Atlantic ocean. I see deer, eagles, otters, whales and a host of bird and animal wild life on a regular basis. There are two cars in the garage which is big enough for three cars. One is a Jaguar, the other is a Mercedes. Since moving up here I’ve been microlighting, paragliding and flown a Piper PA38 out of Inverness airport in the wake of an Easy Jet 737! I have a beautiful marriage and Diane is also my business partner. Life is truly wonderful.”

      I then cast my mind back to those lean years when I tried half a dozen different jobs that led to nowhere apart from misery and frustration.

      “What is different to Paul Browning now compared to way back then? How did I make the change from what some might call failure to the polar opposite of success?”

      These are the questions that kept returning to my mind time and time again. I decided that I would find answers.

      I immersed myself in studying the great teachers of mind development and transformational wisdom, both past and present. When I was not working as a business consultant I spent my time reading books and I developed an avid appetite for all things to do with personal development. I would spend hours visiting book stores when away from the island and found Amazon a very useful source of material when back home. Diane and me spent a great deal of time and money, and we travelled thousands of miles to meet the right people. We are fortunate and privileged to have been taught by some of the world’s most renowned personal development leaders.

      Here is a reminder of the questions I was seeking answers to.

Paul Browning’s Personal Life Journey Questions
The event The question Did I find the answer?
At Grammar School “Why was I so inconsistent in producing successful results at grammar school?” YES
First Ten Years at Work “Why was I so inconsistent in producing successful results at work?” YES
As a Sales Representative “Why had I become inconsistent in producing the results I really wanted?” YES

      Not only did I find accurate, truthful and satisfying answers to these questions, but I discovered why we behave the way we do, and why we don’t do many of the things we want to do.

      I discovered the root cause of all human behaviour.

      Finally I turned the original question on its head so that it became, “How can I be consistent in producing successful results in my life?” The answer to this question will pleasantly surprise you. It certainly surprised me. Why? Because it is so simple and so easy to understand that a child can grasp the meaning of it very quickly. That’s not to say that hard work is not required, it is. Understanding is one thing; application of this information in your life to produce the results you really want is another. But you can do it, and you will do it if you really want to. If your heartfelt desire is strong enough you can do just about anything that your mind can conceive.

      The answer to the question,

      “How can I be consistent in producing successful results in my life?”

      appears dozens of times in The Story of Stuart and Frank. As you read the personal life journeys of Stuart and Frank you will see the answers jumping off the page many times, appearing in many different forms, but each so simple to identify and so simple to understand.

      My one wish for you is that you enjoy reading The Story of Stuart and Frank as much as I have enjoyed writing it, and that your enjoyment kindles your passion to be and do all that you richly deserve. You see, you can be consistent in producing successful results in your life!

      Paul Selwyn Browning, Thursday 25 February 2010

      “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

      Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970


      I am absolutely convinced that regardless of who you are or what you do, whether you are an employee or an employer, whether you’re male or female, young or old, married or single, 7 years old or 87 years old… I am absolutely convinced that what matters most in your life is your results. The name of the game of life is results!

      We may have been conditioned to look at our results as they relate to our school report, the work we do, the home we own, the car we run around in, our possessions and certainly our bank balance! But we should also be concerned about the results that we are getting in every area of our lives – in our relationships, the health of our physical body, our personal and professional growth or development and our spiritual world.

      Here is a question that I would like you to seriously consider. Don’t just read the question passively and move on. Find a quiet spot, sit and relax and spend five or ten minutes searching for an answer to this question –

      “What is the primary cause of my results?”

      You may come up with an answer, and you might not. That’s not important. What is important is that you spend a few minutes meditating on the question and a possible answer.

      Here are a few more questions that I’d really like you to think hard about. As before, ponder on each question searching for possible answers before moving on to the next question.

      1.Why is there such a huge difference in the results people achieve?

      2.Why is there such a huge difference in the results businesses achieve?

      3.Why do so many people work hard throughout their lives but achieve so little?

      4.Why does 1% of the population earn 96% of the wealth?

      5.Why are so many people at retirement age dead or dead broke?

      6.Why do some people with the benefit of a great education, leave university but then go on to live mediocre lives at best?

      7.Why do others with little or no education achieve huge success and whose names live on long after they pass on? People like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Guglielmo Marconi and the Wright Brothers. There are also many modern day examples.

      8.Why in tough economic times do some companies create outstanding sales and profit performance, whilst other companies with greater resources and in better economic times go out of business?

      9.Why do some young students at school struggle to achieve good grades whilst their friends consistently get straight A’s?

      10.What makes a football team consistently successful?

      11.Why do the world’s best golfers or tennis players sometimes fail to win the tournament and less experienced players come through with an unexpected win over the champion?

      How did you do? Don’t be surprised or discouraged if you couldn’t answer all of these questions. The reason that I asked you to think about these things was not to see how much you know, they were really designed to arouse your curiosity. A curious person is eager to know more or inquisitive to discover why.

      These are very interesting and searching questions. And it is my job to provide you with equally interesting and accurate answers. I can help you to understand why you do the things you do. I can help you to understand why you are getting

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