The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want. Paul Browning

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The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want - Paul Browning

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What do you see? When you see a baby whilst in the supermarket or in the street let it remind you that you are looking at a young genius, a tiny creative goal achiever.

      Every time that you see a reflection of yourself in the mirror let it remind you that you are looking at a genius.

      Get used to this idea. You may feel uncomfortable at first and it is perfectly natural to feel this way, because you may have been brought up to feel that you are somehow inadequate.

      This is not true. You are not inadequate. You are a genius. Have great expectations and expect the great to happen in your life.




      So what might be happening here? It seems that Stuart is having great fun as a little chef, whilst Frank is literally having a smashing time which is making him very unhappy. Now this simply could be a snapshot in time, all children have good days and off days. But you will see, as the story continues, that this is the beginning of a trend for both boys.

      Stuart loves helping out in the kitchen, just like his Dad who often prepares the family meals. Today, Stuart has decided to make a green caterpillar cake for his fifth birthday. He’s always busy making something, or using his creative imagination to travel to outer space in his personalised space shuttle, which he puts together out of pots and pans from under the kitchen sink.

      “Mmm, that cake looks delicious Stuart, when will it be ready for putting into the oven?”

      “Soon Mum,” Stuart quickly responds.

      Both parents encourage Stuart to do well and to express himself. This takes a lot of time and a lot of patience and they see this as an investment for the future and the quality of Stuart’s life.

      Frank’s parents are also very busy and sometimes too busy to give Frank the attention that he really needs. He’d love to play a game of bat and ball with Dad, but Dad spends most evenings down the pub to ‘relax after a stressful day at work.’

      “Just look at the damage you’ve done Frank, you stupid boy, you are just like your Dad,” screams Frank’s Mum.

      Frank cries uncontrollably, “I’m not stupid; I only wanted to play bat and ball.”

      Frank skulks off to his bedroom. Peace once more returns to the unhappy household – until the next time.

      Can you see that each child is becoming a product of his parents’ habitual way of thinking and acting? Remember that as infants they are waiting to be moulded. Stuart and Frank do not yet have the ability to control what ideas enter their subconscious minds. Their minds are just like sponges and they will absorb whatever is continually fed into them. We refer to this as conditioning.

      Eric Berne


      The first three chapters of this book you are now reading reveals a wonderful truth that can set you free to achieve whatever it is that you desire.

      The truth is that you are a product of other people’s habitual way of thinking and acting. This explains why you may not be achieving the results you want.

      You have been conditioned to think, feel and act in certain automatic habitual ways. These conditioned responses may not be serving you at all well.

      The really good news is that you are going to learn how to replace the old self-limiting conditioning with a new programme – a programme to transform your personal life, your business life, or both. You choose.

      You now know why you behave the way you do, and perhaps why you don’t do many of the things you want to do. You are now going to learn how to achieve the results you really want.

      But before you are tempted to carry on to the next chapter please read the first three chapters again and get used to these new ideas, because these vital principles will lay a solid foundation for you to build the rest of your life on.




      By the time Stuart and Frank begin their high school education neurological development of their conscious mind is now complete and they begin to think for themselves.

      They will have developed beliefs about themselves earlier in childhood and they will have been conditioned to accept certain beliefs as ‘truths,’ largely by their parents but also by other influential figures in their lives.

      These beliefs, whether true or false, will form a mental blueprint or a picture of ‘self’ that we refer to as self-image.

      This self-image either becomes a golden key to opening up and living a better life or a rusty old key that keeps our potential locked up, because all of our thoughts, feelings and actions or behaviour is always consistent with this self-image.

      Stuart and Frank will now continue to ‘act like’ the sort of person they conceive themselves to be.

      Remember, as we said earlier Stuart and Frank have exceptional power and ability of the mind. But as we can see in the illustration, Stuart is using this power in a positive way whilst Frank is showing signs of a destructive negative attitude.

      Stuart’s self-image and Frank’s self-image will control the way they think on a daily basis. If we could hear what each of the boys were thinking it might be something like this……

      Stuart’s Thoughts

      “I failed my maths test.” (Factual & descriptive.)

      “But I’ll work on this and pass the next one.” (Positive response.)

      “I see myself as an ‘A’ type student and I have the ability to learn and excel at anything I put my mind to.”

      (Stuart’s self-image is that of an ‘A’ type student. His work should proceed according to his beliefs and his end of term report card will bear this out.)

      Frank’s Thoughts

      “I failed my maths test.” (Factual & descriptive.)

      “It’s no use I’m a total failure.”

      (Negative response. Whilst it’s a fact that Frank failed his maths test, it’s only his opinion that this makes him a total failure.)

      “I’m an ‘F’ type student and dumb in maths and English.”

      (Frank’s weak self-image is that of an ‘F’ type student. His report card will give him

      ‘proof ’ of his belief.)

      Does this mean that Frank has little or no chance to produce better results at school?

      Does this mean that Frank’s self-image will hold him in bondage to failure or a mediocre life for ever?

      No. Frank can change his self-image. All he has to do is to change the way that he thinks.

      One is never too young or too old to change the self-image and thereby start to live a new and better life.

      Over the last 6,000 years of recorded history industrialists, capitalists, philosophers, scientists and religious leaders have all agreed upon one point, that what we think about we become.

      “A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”


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