Adamonde. Benjamin Vance

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Adamonde - Benjamin Vance

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childbirth it gets stretchy or loose in order to give birth. Her pelvis seems to be just hanging in between her leg bones and spine. She also has a greater muscle to bone weight I think. Her bones look like they’re made from aluminum or some other metallic substance, see how dense they look, but she probably has almost no bone weight. Also, they look solid, in other words no medullary canal to produce red blood cells. I don’t know where all the different cells are produced, but they look formidable.” She paused a moment and reflected, “I don’t know why I came over with this shit, but here’s the thing that stumps me the most.”

      Dr. Donaldson explained as best she could, she could visualize Adamonde’s reproductive system on the radiographs and she looked pregnant with two fetuses. Jonathan just smiled, and Adamonde, who joined them at the computer, chirped and tinkled her pleasure.

      Jonathan said, “She told me this morning. She knew it because her vaginal peristalsis stopped. Apparently it’s just for reproduction; strange, huh? I guess we’re having twin babies, Baby. Linda, I don’t think her pelvic bones are connected because she can twirl like a top to kill an enemy. A stray cat came around while we were outside and she warned it on her left side then spun to her right and hit it with her left spike like she was shooting a bow. It ran about 50 feet and died. I agree, somewhere in her history she’s had a biological need to kill fast and efficiently. That’s the reason I warned you about loose animals in the clinic.”

      Linda distractedly responded, “I’m not a geneticist, but it seems every living thing eats, or is eaten; kills or is killed. It would be nice if we could be like plants and get our sustenance from the Earth directly, but then I haven’t seen any sentient plants lately. I rather like being aware of our beautiful world, you know?”

      Adamonde, who’d been staring at the computer screen too, tinkled and chimed, and gently touched two small portions of the screen with two index fingers. Linda took note and asked, “Sweetie is that where you think your babies are?”

      “Jon … tathan baahbeees.”

      She was quiet and Linda kept looking over her X-ray attempting to visualize the particular organ or structure she’d been pointing to. Adamonde finally whispered, “Squeak, click, THRUMB!” Her intensity, conviction and maternal empathy forced tears from both humans. Jonathan leaned over and kissed the pink nape of Adamonde’s neck and there immediately appeared an undulating crest, but light pink rather than red; pronounced all the same, and slowly undulating like a fish’s stabilizing dorsal fin; almost emanating tranquility itself. It intrigued them both; no end.

      She stayed there for some time, chirping and peeping to herself as if talking to the babies. Linda blew her nose and accidentally broke the silence enough so Adamonde turned to smile at them. She had pink tracks down her face; her lips were crimson, her eyes almost impossible to look at without squinting. Jonathan said, “My God girl, I didn’t think you could be more beautiful. Linda turned away, then back to the computer screen to allay her mounting sense of irrelevance.

      Adamonde caught the sense of Linda’s growing terror, sought to stop it, turned slightly and seamlessly tore into the front of Linda’s blouse. Her large braless breasts swung free and Adamonde placed the side of her face on them and her arms around her waist, comforting Linda the best she knew how. Startled but still, Linda welcomed the affection, and reassurance, but was out a blouse. Jonathan averted his eyes unsuccessfully, due to Adamonde’s mental feedback; actually feeling the warmth of Linda’s body and sensed it affect his groin.

      Not placated but accepting, Linda turned to the computer and asked Adamonde if she knew if those structures were where her babies were. Adamonde said, Hiii khnoo haall Aahhdde … hemonntt.”

      Linda asked Jonathan, “What … did she just say exactly? I didn’t …” Jonathan cut in with, “She said, ‘I know all Adamonde.’ What that means exactly, I have no idea. Maybe she’s a doctor. Are you a physician, Baby?”

      “Khyyoo seelliyy Jon … tathan, knooo pfhee-see-chuun. Aahhdde … hemonntt isss Ghohdeess twhoo haff baahbeees.” She smiled brilliantly at Jonathan and they both understood her: “You silly Jonathan. I’m no physician; I’m a goddess to have babies.”

      She looked at them both with no reduction of crimson lips and brilliant eyes, and abruptly went spinning into the kitchen to find more sweets. Intuitively or extra-sensorially they knew the viewing was over. With both arms flat to her sides and her clothing a sensuously tattered mess, Linda said, “Damn it, I need to find someone or something to make love to. I’m going to stay away from here for a while Jonathan … unless … .” Jonathan understood, and looking at her standing there beautifully flirtatious, and unashamed said, “I wish I could Linda, God I wish I could, you’re a gorgeous woman, but I guess I’m too old-school. I’m a one woman man, even with that beautiful little alien in there. Don’t you have anyone you can trust?”

      While trying unsuccessfully to arrange her tattered clothing, she said, “Hell no! I had someone who loved me once, a veterinarian too, but he’s in Guatemala at the moment and married … or was married. I haven’t heard from him in three years. I didn’t treat him right.” Just then Adamonde came spinning back into the room, handed Linda a cell phone, twittered and chirped at her like a reproving mother, then growled as she cupped Jonathan’s groin with one hand and steadily gazed at Linda. Neither one knew whether it was a veiled threat, a suggestion, or both.

      It took forever for Linda to leave, knowing the morose sensations which would accompany her departure. Jonathan was sympathetic, but the longer Linda exhibited her breasts and attitude, the longer it would take for his shorts to dry. He wanted the wonderful lady gone for his own peace of mind and other things. Meanwhile Adamonde was watching TV and eating marshmallows. He vaguely heard her tink and chime as Linda donned her coat, finally closed the front door and walked slowly to her car looking mostly at the sidewalk. She didn’t call her friend in Guatemala, but said she would, and said she would call Jonathan the next day. She didn’t … do that either.

      Three days after Linda’s visit, Jonathan finally gave in to Adamonde’s chirping admonishments and called Linda. She didn’t immediately call back. Toward evening though, Linda called and asked if she could come over. Jonathan was hesitant and told Linda he’d call back. He discussed the situation with the mother of his children to be, but Adamonde did not understand Jonathan’s frustration with Linda. She thought it silly that Jonathan would be tempted by Linda. It took some time to explain, yet … .

      Linda arrived around 6:15 p.m. and she looked hot. Jonathan saw her coming down the sidewalk from the driveway and asked Adamonde to answer the door while he escaped to the kitchen. She tinkled and chimed and spun her little nude self to the door to wait. As soon as she felt Linda knock she jerked open the door and grabbed Linda. They were chiming and giggling and it finally overwhelmed Jonathan’s curiosity, and he sought them out. They were just sitting on the couch holding hands and apparently telling each other things about Jonathan without verbally conversing. The closer he got to them the more embarrassed he got. Finally, they recognized him mentally and as he turned the corner he saw Linda had on a “shiny yellow body” and black stockings over it. He simply couldn’t take the mental, sexual, sensual heat of her.

      He took Linda tenderly by the hand and although she smiled and giggled thinking she was going have sex with Jonathan, he surprised her by scooping up her hastily discarded outer clothing, ushering her to the door; kissed her fully on the mouth and told her to go home. She was devastated. There was a too-friendly scene on the sidewalk with her and Adamonde, which any close neighbor would have reported, had it actually been witnessed.

      As Linda drove away, Adamonde stood inside the front door with her eyes fixed on the opposite wall and sang peacefully in her language, then abruptly stopped singing, severed her connection with Linda and walked into the kitchen. Jonathan felt it profoundly and actually worried about Linda’s state of mind.

      Adamonde came to him softly and asked him to hold her. She’d never asked, just jumped. He pulled her to his chest, wrapped her in his arms and was surprised he could put his chin on top of her head. He looked at the floor to make sure she wasn’t standing on a boost. She was apparently growing.

      He asked,

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