Adamonde. Benjamin Vance

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Adamonde - Benjamin Vance

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the clinic, and Adamonde finally settled on an odorless clear yellow antibiotic surgical gel. The venipuncture was simple and painless. Linda took two vials and put on a colorful animal band aid, which Adamonde promptly removed and displayed to Jonathan with a smile.

      After the venipuncture, and somewhat successfully deterring Adamonde from admiring and comparing the weight of each other’s breasts, Linda checked Adamonde’s temperature with a human forehead thermometer and checked her heart rate and blood pressure. Her temp was 102 degrees Fahrenheit, but her resting heart rate, sounds and blood pressure were about the same as human. After the superficial exam, Linda wanted to document everything with photos, but Jonathan forbade it, citing possible government interference and confiscation of Adamonde. Linda understood, but then asked if she could do radiographs of Adamonde’s chest and pelvis. They conferred with Adamonde and she popped onto the X-ray table and lay down with a chime, a smile and a suggestive pelvic thrust toward Jonathan.

      The radiographs were astonishing. Adamonde’s bones appeared as dense as steel and just as opaque. Her lungs were dramatic, almost like a continuum of air chambers, and her pelvis and abdomen revealed no obvious reproductive organs or kidneys. She only had eight pairs of ribs, and Linda was relieved she had digital radiography so she could study Adamonde’s physiology on DVD at her convenience. The blood would be sent to the lab the next morning, and results would be back by the next evening. They did not try to X-ray her feet and ankles for obvious reasons.

      It was almost 11:00 p.m. when Adamonde and Jonathan left. Jonathan was partially clothed, Linda was marginal, and Adamonde was not. The two ladies hugged, but Adamonde did not attempt to “monkey” Linda. Linda hid behind the door holding her lab coat closed as Jonathan and Adamonde departed. Still in a marginal afterglow before they left, she couldn’t understand why she felt so profoundly alone after their SUV pulled onto the highway. Adamonde tinkled, chimed and looked back toward the Vet clinic. Jonathan said, “I know, Baby, I know. Maybe we’ll see her tomorrow.”

      A flushing toilet woke Jonathan the next morning. He lay in the bed and received flashes from Adamonde while she tinkered in the kitchen. She was attempting to fix breakfast and it alarmed him. Although he got assurances from her confirming she could handle it, he was worried about popping grease and bare skin and something else … lightly veiled. When he reached the kitchen, there was Adamonde, wearing only an apron; with two eggs and bacon frying and a spatula in her hand. She whispered, “Sheee?” Jonathan relaxed and kissed her on her bare shoulder and neck. She tinkled her delight and he registered his via a grumbling tummy. He asked, “Since when did you start cooking?”

      She said, “Teeeveee.”

      He simply smiled and said, “Oh, the Cooking Channel; your whispering English is getting better.”

      “Yeessss, praacktuuusss, khyyoo.”

      “Oh, so you think I’m getting better at listening, huh?”

      She tinkled and chimed with a small Earthly giggle at the end that surprised them both.

      He mocked her with a smile, “Well, sounds like it isn’t just mhheee.”

      She put down the spatula, turned off the stove top and poked him in the ribs; first with one hand’s finger, then with the other. He laughed and became defenseless; knowing quite well what was ahead if he didn’t stop her. Between fits of laughter he managed to fib, “Your breakfast is burning … you beautiful, mean alien!”

      She stopped and looked him in the eyes, hers dilated, but not fluctuating and whispered, “Luufff khyyoo!”

      He sobered quickly, but was left with a big smile, “I love you too, Beautiful. How’s my Baby feeling this morning?”

      Surprisingly, she responded with a strange mix of mental and audio notes suffixed with, “eeeeuwwww!” and held her left hand over her abdomen.

      A million confirming and conflicting flashes ran through his mind, which her attempts to soothe and slow down only confused. Adamonde finally squeaked loudly and then grunted her disapproval to stop him. Eyes still locked on him, she turned her head sideways, put her pulsating hands against his cheeks and whispered, “Ihhmmee Ookaaa … ooookkaaayyyy!”

      “Yeah, you say you are, but there’re a million things you’ve been exposed to which could harm you. You probably have no immunity to many germs and we have no immunity to whatever commensals you carry.” While he was talking, Adamonde was shaking her head, smiling and interfering with his thinking. When he finished she thought for a few seconds, shook her head again and faultily formed, “knooo deeeseeesees fruuumm mhheeee!”

      “How does that happen? How can you be sure?”

      She stared at him and tried to engender soothing thoughts, but he only got more agitated. Suddenly her eyes got wide in recognition, and she retrieved a copy of his Popular Science magazine, turned the pages to an article on a new particle generator and put her finger under the word “generator”. Once she knew he was concentrating she put her finger on her head and spun around with her apron flapping, stopped and said, “Heeereee, chirp, ookaaa!”

      “Do you mean … the method by which you arrived does not allow anything but your cells to survive?”

      She jumped up and down twice, nodding her head, grinning and clapping her hands. She was ecstatic he understood, but he stayed sober and it took her a second to understand why. He confirmed her sense with, “That doesn’t mean you can’t get our diseases does it?”

      She hung her head to think, looked up and stared into his eyes and for seconds they just stood and stared at each other. Then Jonathan said, “What are you shielding from me, Baby? I know there’s something you aren’t letting me find.”

      She said, “Luufff khyyoo.”

      “Baby, please don’t try to fog my mind. I love you too, but I fear for you constantly. Now, for the first time I fear you’ll catch some damned human disease and I’ll lose you. I couldn’t live if I lost you.”

      “Jon … tathan lifffe, ookaaa? Mhhiii baahbeee kiffee mhheee baahbeee.”

      “What the fu’ … are you saying? I … give you … no way! I give you baby? No frikkin’ way! Are you pregnant … pregnant from me? How can that be? We’re not even the same species for God’s sake. How can you be pregnant? You are pregnant! Holy shit, this can’t be happening … oh my God, this is wonderful. You are pregnant. Are you really pregnant? Oh my God, I’m going to be a daddy; I’m going to be a daddy!”

      He picked her up for a change, and she gently wrapped around him, not without passion, but seemingly with a more profoundly felt love. She had no smile, pinkish tears oozed from her beautifully wide, questioning eyes, and she saw deeply into his soul. She loved what she saw and kissed him as a woman and wife would. She chirped and jingled deeply in her throat as they kissed ... and kissed … and light pink tracks lined her cheeks.


      He had a million questions and she answered most of them perceptually; some literally. He couldn’t answer her questions, if she had any. She was still shading herself for some reason. He had two aliens to worry about then; well at least two.

      Adamonde started the stove top again and cooked two eggs and bacon for him and French toast for her. He watched her beautiful backside as she worked and periodically turned to smile at him. He didn’t speak. He didn’t have to. It didn’t take long for them to be seated at the table, her at his side, eating with her right hand and toying with his genitals with her left. She liked lots of honey on her French toast and ate with a spoon; always with a spoon.

      After breakfast, he decided to take a shower and she followed. However, she dispensed with the monkeying, and he vaguely understood she’d lost some of her desire for him. She squeaked loudly and shook her head. Apparently it was some vague thoughts of not being able to please him. As he gently washed her back with her favorite body wash, he began to erect. His penis touched her side and she turned, looked down and smiled. Both of her hands went to it and she chirped cheerfulness as he grew. She put her finger down to her

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