Candide: A Play in Five Acts. Voltaire

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Candide: A Play in Five Acts - Voltaire

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that a new dawn of glory is rising in the firmament of Bulgaria! My cousin, the traitorous felonious and scorned King of the Abares, under the false pretext that my glorious army has pillaged and ravaged his territory, dared to declare war on me. I am going to have need of all of you, my children—Yes, my children, for I am your father—of you, soldiers to make you kill gloriously—of you, civilians—to make you pay gloriously, also—tenfold taxes. We are going to make war—a fresh and joyous war. We will burn towns, we will violate women, we will kill children—And a new luster well spread over our immortal Bulgaria, which marches in the avant-garde of civilization, soldiers and you, citizens, I invite you to shout with me “Long live the war.”


      Long live war! (Soldiers and civilians appear to be greatly enthused only one bourgeois with a placid face in the first rank of the crowd remains mute. The King silently appraises this spectator)


      Who is that man who remains mute in the general joy? (All eyes focus on the abstainer) Let him be brought to me (Several soldiers rush on the placid civilian, seize him violently and bring him before the sovereign not without roughing him up a little) Why don’t you join in the general enthusiasm? Why don’t you shout “Long live war!” like the good Bulgarians surrounding you? Are you a bad Bulgarian? A traitor?


      Sire, I am not Bulgarian—I am Dutch. I love Bulgaria, but I also love peace.


      Enough! That impious word will be punished as it deserves. Let him be given 4,000 whacks with the baton and shot tomorrow morning. That will teach him to be Dutch and love peace!


      Bravo! Bravo! Long live the King! Long live war! Death to the traitor! (They lead the pacifist away and rough him up more. Candide thinks he can escape. Discreetly he puts down his rifle and as rapidly and furtively disappears by way of the garden. But the two NCO’s notice his attempt to escape)

      1st NCO

      And the other one there who’s cutting and running. (Runs after Candide)

      2nd NCO

      (Running to) Stop him! Stop him!


      What’s happening?


      It’s a deserter—a spy! (The NCOs bring back Candide very badly mauled by the crowd. They place handcuffs on him and irons on his legs)

      1st NCO

      Sire, this man who enlisted this morning in the glorious army station attempted to take flight. (Exclamations of indignation)


      To take flight at the moment when he’s going to have the honor of fighting—perhaps, dying for Bulgaria—! Are you such a coward?


      Sire, I am very unfortunate and I have no wish to die even for Bulgaria.


      That’s enough of that! I cannot take anymore. Put him with the other traitor and let him undergo the same treatment: 4,000 blows with the baton and tomorrow morning a dozen bullets in his hide I have spoken.


      Long live the King—Long live Bulgaria!


      Present arms. (The army present arms. The fanfare resumes the military music. The King moves away, theatrically with his staff)

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