Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies. Speedy Publishing

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Detox Diet & Detox Recipes in 10 Day Detox: Detoxification of the Liver, Colon and Sugar With Smoothies - Speedy Publishing

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      A combination of healthy and lean making avocado and strawberries is what this smoothie's secret is all about.

      The avocado is a superfood and strawberries are nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants. Strawberries provide the body with a rich source of vitamin C and a wide range of health benefits.

      Strawberries for example help with wrinkle prevention.

      The Mayan Indians have a saying: “Where avocados grow, hunger or malnutrition has no friends.”

      This antioxidant-rich avocado fruit enhances your heart's health, lowers your cholesterol and improves your skin.

      Avocados are abundant in minerals and in vitamins.

      Avocados contain beta-carotene, vitamins B6, lutein, vitamins C, E and K, zinc, selenium, potassium, folate, glutathione and omega 3 fatty acids.

      These are just a few nutrients that are found in a single avocado.

      This Avocado Banana Berry Avalanche is the perfect energy booster if your goal is to follow a lean and clean smoothie diet.

      This Avocado Banana Berry Avalanche contains the following ingredients:

      Avocado Beauty Recipe:

      Mash the pulp of the avocado and apply it directly as a masque to your skin. Avocado contains some of the best anti aging antioxidants and amino acids used in many expensive brand beauty products.

      If you suffer from dry skin, spots, sunburn, eczema, or psoriasis, the healthy fat that is contained in avocados is very beneficial for your skin and beauty care because it will heal you from distress, inflammation, dry skin and it will also protect your skin from more damages in the future.

      The oil that comes from avocados is the closest to the natural skin oil that is produced by the human body and you can use the avocado pulp and put it on your skin because it has the highest concentration of nutrients.

      Just apply it directly to the skin for a soft and supple result.


      1 large organic avocado

      2 teaspoons of condensed milk

      1 to 1 1/2 frozen organic bananas

      5 to 8 frozen or fresh strawberries

      a splash of organic non fat soy or other organic nut milk

      a pinch of cardamon

      a pinch of allspice

      ice cubes


      For all these Smoothie recipe simply follow my 5 Minute Easy n'Quick Smoothie Preparation Power Tips To Maximize Your Pound Dropping Results in the section below.

      Add all the ingredients into your Vitamix or similar high-speed blender. Make sure to add fresh spring water if needed. Add as much water as you like in order to reach your desired thickness of the smoothie. For all the smoothie recipes, make sure to use organic products, fruits and vegetables if possible.

      Scoop out the avocado fruit into your favorite high speed blender. Add 2 teaspoons of condensed milk. Add the ice cubes and blend all together until you get a a semi creamy and silky texture.

      Next add the bananas, the strawberries and the organic non fat soy or nut milk. Finally add the cardamon and the allspice and blend until you reach your desired texture.

      I prefer mine very smooth, but some people who tested it prefered a chewable texture of thsi smoothie. You can always add some more ice cubes or fresh spring water to your liking to get the perfect texture.

      Delightful Plum Walnut Smoothie


      3 pitted, chopped and organic plums

      ¼ cup of organic and chopped walnuts

      ½ cup of organic black tea (brew it fresh and then chill it)


      Mix all the above organic ingredients in your favorite blender (we recommend the Nutribullet) until everything is deliciously smooth

      Vanilla Hazel Walnut Cream Smoothie

      "Hazel Smoothies, I think this is the Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship."

      Let's talk about a scrumptious smoothie called the Hazel Banana Vanilla Walnut Cream Smoothie.

      It contains some tasty and nutty ingredients like hazelnuts, hazelnut liqueur, banana liqueur, vanilla syrup, and more tasty flavors.

      I do not recommend this if you are on a strict smoothie diet, but if you want to treat yourself with a heavenly tasty delight, you must give this one a try.

      It contains the following ingredients:


      4 medium bananas (organic if possible and peeled, sliced into 1/2 inch slices)

      6 tablespoons of light brown sugar (organic if possible)

      1/4 cups of organic hazelnuts

      1/4 cup of milk or skim milk

      1/4 cups of dark rum or hazelnut liqueur (I prefer the hazelnut liqueur for the nutty taste!)

      2 tablespoons of chopped hazelnuts (for the garnish and totally optional)

      1 ounce of banana liqueur

      1 ounce of vanilla syrup (organic if possible)

      2 ounces of half and half

      ice cubes

      chopped organic walnuts

      2 ounces of whipped cream (organic cream if possible)


      For all these Smoothie recipe simply follow my 5 Minute Easy n'Quick Smoothie Preparation Power Tips To Maximize Your Pound Dropping Results in the section below.

      Add all the ingredients into your Vitamix or similar high-speed blender. Make sure to add fresh spring water or ice cubes if needed. Add as much water as you like in order to reach your desired thickness of the smoothie. For all the smoothie recipes, make sure to use organic products, fruits and vegetables if possible.

      Place the sliced bananas in a sealed plastic bag and put them back in your freezer and let it freezer for one hour. Place the brown sugar and the hazelnuts in a blender and grind everything together until it is smooth.

      Place the frozen bananas, the ice cubes, the milk, the rum or the hazelnut liqueur, the banana liqueur, the vanilla syrup and the half and half in the blender with the brown sugar.

      Add ice and blend until smooth

      Pour the smoothie drink into your favorite smoothie glasses. Garnish with a topping of whipped cream and sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and walnuts and serve this tasty delight immediately.

      5 Minute Quick Spicy Ginger Smoothie


      1 ripe and small organic banana that is chopped

      ½ inch of fresh organic, peeled and chopped ginger

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